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kayaking and climbing question


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I bought the Granite family touring kayaks last year and paddling has become a really fun way to enjoy the summers down here.

Fishing and snorkeling, camping and swimming, the boats have paid for themselves several times over.


Climbing is really fun and I'm thinking about a trip where the shoes and harness comes along.


Anybody here ever come across or heard of good rock reached by boat or taken a trip themselves?


Corey Rich photo- Craig Lubben


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If you ever look into the 'expedition' type rafting/kayaking then check out the middle fork of the salmon in idaho. The last 25 miles has more untapped rock than you can shake a stick at. Only way to access it is via raft. No trails in the lower canyon. A climbing /fly fishing buddy and I have taken 2 trips down there and there is some great rock down there. The best plan would be to go in september when the camping restrictions are lifted for the lower section too. The catch is you gotta have damn good low water reading skills and row class IV.



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Do you need to enter a lottery to kayak down the salmon?


The lottery is an option during the high use period from late may to september 3rd and you do need a permit to launch. After and before those dates it is first come first serve. They open that up in Oct the previous year to launch. Or you can do what I have done and just wait til summer and pick up cancelled permits. The later in the season ,the easier it is to pick up a permit.


If you are going to climb in the lower canyon then after Sept 3rd is the only good option because before the 3rd you are only allowed 1 night after you cross a certain point.


Link to the red tape...


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Anyone have any suggestions for trips around the coast range? My buddy is thinking about cruising up there for part of the summer in his sailboat and would like to hit some climbing. There looks like there might be some good stuff around desolation sound...any other interesting areas people know about?

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I spent a couple of weeks kayaking in Prince William Sound some years ago. At the time I was really taken with the idea of using kayaks as roving deluxe base camps for the extensive alpine climbing throughout the area. Glaciers and alpine vegetation start right at sea level up there. You can carry 4 weeks food, comfy camp gear, and some climbing gear in kayaks. The only catch is that there are lots of bears to share the mountains with! Half of PWS is black bear territory, the other half is Grizzly country.


Lots of the Coast range can be reached via fiords, but from what I hear it can take days of wild bushwhacking to get from sea level up into the alpine. The alpine terrain around Prince William sound is open and park-like in character. This is because you are pretty near tree line right at sea level.

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