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Dear Santa


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Naim CDS2 CD player with XPS2 power supply

- Conrad-Johnson ACT2 preamplifier

- Musical Fidelity KW750 power amplifier

- Wilson Audio MAXX2 speakers

- Shunyata Hydra 8 power conditioner

- Grand Prix Audio Formula 1 stand with carbon fiber shelf upgrade

- Analysis Plus Silver Oval interconnects & Big Silver Oval speaker cables

- Sandeman 20 Year Tawny Port


WTF? What is all that shit? Power conditioner? Is that a hair product? Listen to me, man, even if you get all that stuff it won't make you happy. Sorry to break it to ya, dude. Good luck. yoda.gif


That there is the makings of a primo, top-shelf home audio experience--for one rich motherfucker. That's over $100k worth of gear right there; not something this Doctor would ever own. Power conditioners.


And how do you know what would make DFA happy? You obviously underestimate the importance the Doctor places on both music, and the quality reproduction thereof. And that bottle of port? Very tasty stuff--nice to have once a year or so. Why should the enjoyment of quality goods not bring happiness? DFA isn't judging your wants or trying to tell you what will or won't make you happy.


Enjoy what you enjoy, live and let live. You wanna climb cracks, sleep in the dirt with your legs in your pack, and listen to staticky AM radio? Sweet, more power to you!


Naturally, all you peeps who use music as background noise are never going to appreciate actually spending some scratch for something better than the cheapest piece of plastic Sanyo crap you can get at Best Buy that spits out some kind of noise. For those who actually enjoy music on a deeper level, DFA would suggest that you bring some of your favorite discs down to the local hi-fi shop, or even Mongolia A/V, and have a listen. You may be surprised to find out what you've been missing in your music, and that you get more out of your listening experience--you sure as hell don't need to spend anywhere close to $100k to get it.


Salaam alekum! wave.gif

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And that bottle of port? Very tasty stuff--nice to have once a year or so.


Yeah, the bottle of port sounds pretty good, actually.


As for the rest. Geek_em8.gif


Whoever said stuff is harder to get rid of than acquire was right on the money. "Transcend your consumptive desires, and ye shall achieve happiness". Or something like that.

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-A new pair of V10's; (Do they still make 'em?)

-A 570 Special K;

-Healthy middle fingers;

-Two weeks in Bishop or Joe's;

-Happiness and peace for myself and loved ones! (Oh alright, everyone else too...)


hey bitch...wanna go to the NewRiver instead of Bishop or jose's???


Also, scratch those lame V10's and get the NEW LACE UP DRAGONS!!!! woot woot!

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