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If women do occasionally date "down" in terms of social status, Townsend said, "that would be out of desperation."



I won't argue the social status point, but would point out that social status and financial status are not the same thing.


Hence, essentially homeless dudes who climb super hard and ski patrollers who live in yurts on public land can get girlfriends. In other circles, being a pastor, a writer, or the lead singer in a garage band might confer social status, without conferring any wealth whatsoever.

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No one is claiming that these things are true for everyone, but to claim that they have no basis in reality at all is just as silly.


I recommend that anyone who doubts these things are true at a population level take a male-model's headhshot, and create two different profiles on two different online dating sites that cater to the average single person. Make one an MD, the other a grill-tender at BK and tabulate the results.


Random side note - I was a party and chatting with a group that was 90% women, all of whom were loudly bemoaning the shallowness of men and congratulating themselves for their depth and sincerity. They cared about the whole person, etc, etc, etc. Then I said surely if this is the case, then something as superficial as a man's height plays no role in who you're attracted to and who you've dated - and you'd be just as likely to date a guy that's 5 inches shorter than you as a guy that's 5 inches taller than you. None had ever dated a shorter guy (one or two were 5'10"), and all of them admitted that they wouldn't be attracted to someone significantly shorter than they were. They also agreed that, even with this concession, men were still the much shallower sex.

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If women do occasionally date "down" in terms of social status, Townsend said, "that would be out of desperation."



I won't argue the social status point, but would point out that social status and financial status are not the same thing.


Hence, essentially homeless dudes who climb super hard and ski patrollers who live in yurts on public land can get girlfriends. In other circles, being a pastor, a writer, or the lead singer in a garage band might confer social status, without conferring any wealth whatsoever.


I'd agree that wealth is just a proxy for overall social status.


Different riff on the same theme - do ugly female rock-stars have groupies?

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Different riff on the same theme - do ugly female rock-stars have groupies?

Yes. And ugly rich women have kept boys.


yep and there's nothing wrong with that either!


it just seems like there's an awful lot of people whose self esteem and their view of the opposite sex is wrapped up in these overly broad generalizations. perhaps there is some basis in reality for them but the don't encompass all of reality.

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Gee, this may come as a shock to you, but women tend to accumulate their own wealth from their own jobs as they age. Why this is not attractive to men is a mystery. I make more than most men I know, yet this is not considered an appealing characteristic. I could be wrong, but maybe, just maybe, it may be time for you old guys to drop the "poor me, I have to support this mall-bitch" line of thinking. Also time to forget about thinking your salary is going to make up for your undeveloped personality/sexuality/whatever. We Women can support ourselves financially. We don't need you to bring home the bacon.

Wake up and look around you--the world is changing.


Why couldn't I have met you earlier! I have no ego!

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You know what happened to my x-girlfriend?


I married her!

And I bet you she looks in your wallet every morning for cash, right?


Oh wait, that would be in CBS's fantasy world...


i was going to ask if she married him for wallet, sex, or personality.


in CBS's fantasy world she looks in his wallet for money every morning, actually finds some, and does this in the nude.

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I once had a two-year stetch of dating only men shorter than me--that's just how it worked out. Big deal. Does that mean I'm not shallow? I doubt it.


Out of curiosity, any men here have ever dated a woman taller than they are?

uhhhh...no comment....

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If women do occasionally date "down" in terms of social status, Townsend said, "that would be out of desperation."


By contrast, he says, men are likely to date any physically attractive woman. When it comes to marriage, "guys are not completely insensitive to social class," but, he said, they're "not looking for socioeconomic gain."


The underlying assumption in the last statement is that women are looking for socioeconomic gain. What I propose is that this assumption is no longer as predominant as it used to be. The reason for that is obvious: women had not yet won the freedom to work in lucrative fields, and therefore had to depend on a man to be financially secure. This is no longer true. So change the fucking assumption.

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