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There's an interesting precedent for the response to nomination. Apparently LBJ also nominated a candidate that was perceived to have few qualifications outside of being an LBJ crony, and his own party prevented the nomination from going forward.


There was more to it than that. But what is it with Texans and their damn cronies?

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There's an interesting precedent for the response to nomination. Apparently LBJ also nominated a candidate that was perceived to have few qualifications outside of being an LBJ crony, and his own party prevented the nomination from going forward.


There was more to it than that. But what is it with Texans and their damn cronies?


All presidents nominate their friends to positions as payback for support. But usually in the past the nominees were qualified, or the position was unimportant (ambassador to Belize, or something like that).

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Last time I checked it was Bush that went on and on about nominating Alberto cause he was hispanic, nominating this supreme court justice cause she was a woman, etc. etc. In other words, trying to do whatever he can to prove he isn't a "white cracker", as you said. Last time I checked it wasn't the democratic party screaming that we need another woman to replace Sandra.


It is too bad we don't have poll data comparing political party affiliation with racist or xenophobic views. You couldn't count on anybody to answer honestly, so it wouldn't do much good. Last time I checked, however, English as a national language, religous intolerance and reducing immigration quotas for non-europeans were all issues trumpeted by various right-wing factions, not liberals.

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There's an interesting precedent for the response to nomination. Apparently LBJ also nominated a candidate that was perceived to have few qualifications outside of being an LBJ crony, and his own party prevented the nomination from going forward.


There was more to it than that. But what is it with Texans and their damn cronies?


All presidents nominate their friends to positions as payback for support. But usually in the past the nominees were qualified, or the position was unimportant (ambassador to Belize, or something like that).


Good point. It probably has something to do with the fact that this president is a complete mental lightweight and tends to associate with others possessing similar mental qualities. smile.gif


The cronyism in this administration has reached new heights. His supreme court nomination is a perfect example. Independent of her views, it's laughable that Bush says she is the most qualified for the job. He may as well just say he is hooking her up cause she was his sidekick because I don't think he is fooling anybody.

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Uh huh. Liberals keep track of everyone's race. Who was nominated for that position/promoted to that job/won that tournament? Oooh another WHITEY CRACKER? Damn, that figures. blah blah blah. People who keep track of everyone's race at every turn are in fact racist themselves. People who simply live and don't worry about what someone's race is whether it be for a political position or a CEO at a company, your boss, whatever, are not.


All a person has to do to be considered racist is to note and remember others' races? Absurd.


And people who simply live and don't worry about other peoples' race are white men. They are the only people who can afford to.

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Uh huh. Liberals keep track of everyone's race. Who was nominated for that position/promoted to that job/won that tournament? Oooh another WHITEY CRACKER? Damn, that figures. blah blah blah. People who keep track of everyone's race at every turn are in fact racist themselves. People who simply live and don't worry about what someone's race is whether it be for a political position or a CEO at a company, your boss, whatever, are not.


All a person has to do to be considered racist is to note and remember others' races? Absurd.


And people who simply live and don't worry about other peoples' race are white men. They are the only people who can afford to.


Liberals are obsessed with race. Period.

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