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The Finest Buzz


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As I rest in a satisfying cloud of partial inebriation due to ample volume of irish cream-laced coffee, I wonder about other opinions of choice intoxicants. Or is the setting/company as, or more, important than the substance? Gotta admit, resting shirtless in the pleasant temperature of the waning daylight hours of a beautiful summer day in the mountains, the strains of "Jericho" from the Miles of Aisles album massaging the atmosphere, and the knowledge that my first grandchild is barely hours from taking her first breath lends a momentary disregard for Time and its demands.


Fuck that sappy shit! What's your favorite buzz?

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A minor overdose of MDA, two pitchers of any beer, and The Wipers playing on stage in an abandoned store front. Gotta be February though, so when you walk around outside your sweat soaked body leaves a contrail behind.



The SS Oatmeal Stout is a brilliant brew though....

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