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The central Appalachian states lead the nation in toothlessness. More than 32 percent of Tennessee residents surveyed last year had lost six or more teeth because of decay or gum disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control. That number was 38 percent in Kentucky and 43 percent in West Virginia, which holds the distinction of the most toothless state. Kentucky ranked No. 1 in toothlessness in 2003.




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This photographer has made a killing off of ht e toothlessness of these people. Pretty good stuff.


Have you seen the documentary, "The True Meaning of Pictures"? Interviews with the artist and his subjects. The guy's actually from there and has long term connections with the folks he takes pictures of. Sure, he's an artist with a point of view, and he does direct his subjects, but it seems less exploitive than one might imagine. Those folks all laugh and smile a lot more in real life (missing teeth and all) than they do in his photos.

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