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...But I figure whoever is first to the door opens it, right? I tend to not think of it as a guy/girl thing until I do get that weird look. confused.gif


Agreed! And I wouldn't give you any wierd looks for getting the door for me, either. I would give you a cheery, "Thank you!" though.


Awesome!! I'd open the door for you any day! wave.gif


...and then we'd bow endlessly to each other exchanging,"after you"

"No, after you."

"No, I insist after you."

"Oh, please, after you."

My dear, after you."

"Get through the door."

"Don't tell me what to do, YOU get through the fuckin' door."

"Don't you use that tone of voice with ME, get your ASS THROUGH THE DOOR!!!"


And you continue hurling epithets and spraying saliva at each other until a draw is declared.

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...But I figure whoever is first to the door opens it, right? I tend to not think of it as a guy/girl thing until I do get that weird look. confused.gif


Agreed! And I wouldn't give you any wierd looks for getting the door for me, either. I would give you a cheery, "Thank you!" though.


Awesome!! I'd open the door for you any day! wave.gif


...and then we'd bow endlessly to each other exchanging,"after you"

"No, after you."

"No, I insist after you."

"Oh, please, after you."

My dear, after you."

"Get through the door."

"Don't tell me what to do, YOU get through the fuckin' door."

"Don't you use that tone of voice with ME, get your ASS THROUGH THE DOOR!!!"


And you continue hurling epithets and spraying saliva at each other until a draw is declared.


CORRECTION: Until I win. fruit.gif


Climbing is climbing, a date is a date. They are mutually exclusive propositions. If either party wants more than climbing, they must state so explicitly. TLG has it right: get it out in the open before someone gets the wrong idea. Miscommunication can lead to soooooo many fuck-ups.

Climbing is climbing, a date is a date. They are mutually exclusive propositions.

Hmm. This is not so at many of the "climbing gyms" sprinkled about the country.

do you still go climb?? or does the ass dog ya 'cause he wanted more??

one time the guy didn't want to climb anymore. that was fine by me if he was gonna be like that! and the other time, i decided not to climb with the guy because it just sort of creeped me out.

Climbing is climbing, a date is a date. They are mutually exclusive propositions.

Hmm. This is not so at many of the "climbing gyms" sprinkled about the country.


Possibly, but then are they really "climbing" gyms, or meat markets to hook up with someone. Kinda reminds me of the "health clubs" that sprouted up all over the country in the mid-80s... Were they really health clubs, or just another place to pick up a hunk-o-meat that replaced the aging disco craze?

Climbing is climbing, a date is a date. They are mutually exclusive propositions. If either party wants more than climbing, they must state so explicitly. TLG has it right: get it out in the open before someone gets the wrong idea. Miscommunication can lead to soooooo many fuck-ups.

i agree; they should be. it's one thing if the hookup just sort of happens while the climbing is going on and people get to know each other, but it's entirely different if one of the parties is going into the climbing expecting something (besides climbing) to happen. there are definitely some creeps out there. lots of great guys (and gals), too, but definitely some creeps.

...it's one thing if the hookup just sort of happens while the climbing is going on and people get to know each other, but it's entirely different if one of the parties is going into the climbing expecting something (besides climbing) to happen...


Exactly! Someone is deluding themself if they make/accept a climbing invitation thinking they're going to get any action other than tricep strain and forearm burn.

Possibly, but then are they really "climbing" gyms, or meat markets to hook up with someone. Kinda reminds me of the "health clubs" that sprouted up all over the country in the mid-80s... Were they really health clubs, or just another place to pick up a hunk-o-meat that replaced the aging disco craze?

It depends when you go, and things may not be obvious. Just an observation.


The only rule is both parties should know what the rules are before things get far.

What's a gender-specific word for a "female creep"?


I beliee the correct term is "Psycho Hose Beast". Of course "Psycho" and "Stalker" are nice gender neutral terms.

Cougar?? Nice!!

if you've never heard the term, you need to see "Mating Habits of the Whistler Mountain Cougar" ... not sure where you can get it, but i saw it at a film festival type of showing up in whistler a couple of winters ago and it is f'ing hilarious.


So... OK, climbing outings have been clarified (for the most part). What about non-climbing outings? Meaning, when is it a date and when is it not? Or is everyone just trying to keep it ambivalent and be non-committal about the whole thing, so if it turns out unfavorably (maybe the other person ends up not liking you) you can say, "Oh it wasn't a DATE" and you don't have to feel rejected? I'm not accusing anyone of anything but just trying to comprehend this whole dating thing... which, I will admit, I know nothing about. crazy.gif


What if you're climbing with the opposite sex, say... Rainier, and staying at a camp at say... 10,000 ft. Now if you summit multiple times, from that 10k camp, without going below it... did you have a date AND summit? If it WAS a date, did you just have multiple dates? Would that be considered your 2nd and 3rd date, each coinciding with your 2nd and 3rd summit, if indeed you did consider it a summit?

What if you're climbing with the opposite sex, say... Rainier, and staying at a camp at say... 10,000 ft. Now if you summit multiple times, from that 10k camp, without going below it... did you have a date AND summit? If it WAS a date, did you just have multiple dates? Would that be considered your 2nd and 3rd date, each coinciding with your 2nd and 3rd summit, if indeed you did consider it a summit?


I have multiple dates every time I summit.


Well, it certainly seems like a whole lot of people know a whole lot more than me. While everyone else was getting it on in HS I was too preoccupied with school (yes I am somewhat of a nerd) so I would guess everyone else has at least 4 years more experience in that realm than I do. Plus, I get a lot of feedback like this from my girlfriends:


"You said WHAT to him!?"


"He said that? I can't believe you didn't KNOW it was a date!"


"How come you never told me you dated ____?" (More times than no, according to me we never dated.)


"You're so funny!" (in a, wow, what the heck were YOU thinking sort of way)




A person should be free to "go with the flow", or not, depending on how they're led, no matter what the circumstance. Trying to define relationships based on preconceived notions of any kind is artificial, fraudulent, and fuels misunderstanding.

What if you're climbing with the opposite sex, say... Rainier, and staying at a camp at say... 10,000 ft. Now if you summit multiple times, from that 10k camp, without going below it... did you have a date AND summit? If it WAS a date, did you just have multiple dates? Would that be considered your 2nd and 3rd date, each coinciding with your 2nd and 3rd summit, if indeed you did consider it a summit?


I have multiple dates every time I summit.


Is that with aid, or without?

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