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How 'bout those Mariners?


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i don't think anyone holds the stadium thing specifically against the players. and they might play well together.

but do these guys "represent" me because I live in the same town in which they play? Are they an extension of me? is their success my success? their failure my failure?

Sure, it can be entertaining to watch a group of guys who are really good at playing baseball, playing the game. But that is about it for me.

what astonishes me is that people put so much emotional stock into the goings on with a group of men they don't even know. who, also, by the way, earn more in 4 hours than I will earn in the next 20 years, for taking 4 at bats and scratching a few more balls than they field.

Maybe I'm alone, but as far as all sports go, I really don't give a shit.


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The most satisfying part of seeing the Mariners do well is that they are doing it without their former "big money" players.

Other than that I tend to like watching more individual sports such as bike racing or F1 racing. I draw the line at Curling however. :-)

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i aggree with what the great bartt paul said at a talk he did at a middle school when a kid raised his hand and asked why he didnt just play baseball or basketball like he did ....he responded with well here...."Because Baseball is a pussy sport....if you mess up in baseball you can go home and cry to your mom you pussy..but if you mess up in climbing you DIE!" i just thought i would share....i am not sure this is true but i have been told it did happen....HAHA


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If Aidan is right, then Bart is sounding more and more like Marc Twight all the time.

The point of my post was to communicate to the other Mariner's fans who frequent this website what we fans all feel right now: genuine excitement. Some of us believe there is more to life than climbing and debates about spray, bolting ethics, and snowmobiles in the wilderness. But if it makes you feel good to slam baseball or other professional or team sports, be my guest.

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I don’t like baseball. It may be because I was never good at it and sat on the bench the whole game, and the one at bat I got per game the coach wouldn’t let me swing hoping I’d get a walk. I hated the standing around, or in my case sitting, because I’ve played soccer my whole life (now that is a real sport) and the lack of action just killed me.

I’ve also grown tired of professional sports. Too much money, player with a total lack of responsibility and not being grateful how lucky they are to play. I like watching college sports, especially football and soccer, but even those sports are being tainted by pro sports.

That said I’m totally stoked by how well the Mariners are doing. I’ve watched a lot of the games and at the very least check the scores. Why you may ask, especially after what I said above? Because they lack what makes me hate pro sports, big money players. I actually like watching the M’s play because the team doesn’t involve a star like A-fraud with his supporting cast; it’s actually a team of talented players that want to win. The whole stadium thing sucks, I don’t enjoy paying $20 for a ticket to buy a $6 beer especially since we own the stadium.

MrGT I’m with you, there is more to life than climbing.


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my post about bart was in no way meant to be harsh or mean. i dont even know the guy. i dont even think it happened. i just thought it would be funny as hell! which i still think it is. so i agologies if i have been mean or rude or insulting.

the sonics are the way to go anyway. wink.gif



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Ok, MRGT, as chance would have it, I was invited to go to last night's Red Sox game by my boss, who is a baseball nut. Since it was as close as I expect I'll ever get to a "thanks for putting in 100+ hours of overtime last month," I decided to take him up on it.

My impressions? Overall, I really enjoyed the experience. The sunset over the city, the position of the bowl of the stadium as seen from the third deck, the way focus shifts to the field as darkness falls, paralleling the increasing intensity of the game. Like I said, it was a nice way to spend an evening.

But I still can't bring myself to care who won or lost. (If you do care, the Sox beat the M's 2-0 under the heartless pitching of Pedro Martinez) Wait, let me check again... nope, just don't care.

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thanks for working soo much last month. i guess the world really works in check and balance, since i worked less than 100 hours last month. let me know when you want to trade. though i will be expecting you salary and you can have mine. my $.02, seriously that is what it is.

p.s. i hope that your boss, bought all the plastic beer.

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  • 11 months later...

Hey Seattle is the closest pro team I have down in this valley, sure we have an amiture team or whatever they are but they suck... I'm all for the Marriners... take me out to the ball game... take me out to the park... feed me some foot long and lots of beer... for I may never want to come home.... ok thats not how it goes but it sounds good...

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"a consortium of rich guys"


-You mean a consortium of rich foriegn guys. The Mariners are 49% owned by Nintendo. The current team management is from Nintendo of America businessmen. It all seems a little wrong, but that's what's made them great too. How long until Japan fields their own team against us and wins the world series? That would be worse than when we lost the America's Cup (longest running winning streak in sports history blown by Dennis Conner.)


Just to throw them off. [chubit]

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