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Booty ethics test


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Booty ethics is a gray area where conscience meets consensus. Here’s your test:


You climb a multi-pitch route late on Sunday afternoon and don’t see any other parties on the route. At the crux, you find a sweet cam deep in the crack that is overcammed but wiggles. You hang on the rope and tweak, wiggle, and coax the unit for five minutes until it finally pops out. Booty! fruit.gif


You don’t see any other climbers, descend in the twilight, and return to work the next day where you barely make enough to pay the rent.


What do you do in each of the following scenarios?


1 – A friend suggests you should list the cam on the lost and found column off cc.com. You’ve never heard of that website, and go about your usual day sweeping the monastery and whistling a Gregorian chant.


2 - You hear on cc that someone you barely know, but who seemed quite friendly, lost a cam like the one you found and would 'be very grateful for its return'.


3 - You learn that a very rude and obnoxious cc poster lost a cam some weeks back. The location and description suggest it could be the one you found.


What would Robinhood do?


What would Jesus do?


What would YOU do?

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robin hood would steal a nice rack of new cams from some porsche-driving climber and give them all to some dirtbag climber who can't afford to buy his own gear because he doesn't want to get a real job.


jesus would preach about sharing with your neighbors and tell you that a cam means nothing and you should be happy that you didn't lose your life. or maybe that's a buddhist monk. i get all those religions confused sometimes.


any normal person would take the cam and revel in the find. how does that song go? finders-keepers; losers-weepers? yellaf.gif

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Robinhood would assess the financial status of the potential cam looser, and if the looser was poor, give back to the poor bastard. If a rich microsoft employee, then Robiinhood would realocated the cam to a climber of lesser financial stature such as myself.


Jesus would quickly multiply the cam in to many thousand using his devine powers and distribute to all climbers around the world who would here his message of peace and good handcracks for all!


I would keep the booty in good finders keepers loosers be damned tradition!

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Gear abandoned on a route is trash and belongs to whomever carries it out. If you have to leave gear on a route, you made the choice to leave it behind and should not expect to give it back. If someone does give gear you abandoned back to you, a single beer or a "hey thanks" are pretty stingy.


OTOH if I recover some gear that I know belongs to a friend I will usually return it to them.

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Robin Hood would use the cam as a sex toy 'cause he's one gay mo fo.


Jesus would take it or leave it as he pleases 'cause he's free.


I would clip the thing on my rack. Whenever I've abandoned (or my second, more likely) a piece of my gear on a route I emotionally give it up to the cost of the day.

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if someone is asking for it or looking for it, i'll return it. if it's a carabiner for some reason i don't even consider the option of finding it's owner. i figure it's all a part of the cosmic gear pool to which i have contributed my share of pieces. if it's a cam or some such i'd generally return it unless i really don't like the person.

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Jesus wouldn't even have taken the time to retreive the cam since he would've been free soloing the route anyway, and would have had nothing to clip it on to - even if he felt he had a need for it.


Me? Like Minx said, it's all part of the everchanging booty pool, and it's mine. If I hear about someone looking for it, I'll return it - no matter who. I also would know that since I scored a free cam, it's probably about time one of "mine" gets stuck!



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the only way your getting your cam back is if your in front of me and your dumb ass seconder couldnt get it out, otherwise its the cost of a used cam, say about half price.


Fern and I did rock on last year and I think we scooped almost all of someones rocks and he approached us on the trail muttering about a forgotten nut tool, I think we kept all of them.

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Gear abandoned on a route is trash and belongs to whomever carries it out. If you have to leave gear on a route, you made the choice to leave it behind and should not expect to give it back. If someone does give gear you abandoned back to you, a single beer or a "hey thanks" are pretty stingy.


OTOH if I recover some gear that I know belongs to a friend I will <b>usually</b> return it to them.


We aol need more friends like you. Is it the quality of the cam or the friend that determines when you give it back?



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