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Hell, cc.com hit the big time again! Geek_em8.gif


DFA's boulder a yak challenege to Distel is quoted in the newest cimbing. wave.gif


Ha Ha after all those years of DFA trying to get into the mags from wearing stylie purple tights while sending Rude Boys for umpteenth time he make it in from spraying. Ooh the irony.


So DFA's spray is the second cc.com quote to make it into the big time? They must be hard up for content. Maybe they can cut a deal with Jon and Tim to print a "Spray of the Month" in each issue with a big HCL.gifbigdrink.gif prize for the author. There's a better chance of that happening than Layton's turd making it into Alpinist the_finger.gif

Traditional media climbing rags wouldn't want to give too much props to the "new media" and shit.


i guess by the new media you mean full-colour webcams offering continuously updated millimeter by millimeter coverage of fixed copperheads on zodiac? hahaha.gif


Where have all the sprayers gone?

Long time passing.

Where have all the sprayers gone?

Long time ago.

Where have all the sprayers gone?

Moderators have banned them everywhere,

Oh when will they ever learn,

Oh when will they ever learn.

What happened to the days when at midnight on 4/20 someone posted a pic of a blunt and mentioned something about maryjane?


What happened to bolting debates?


what happened to Muir Hut epic feuds?


What happened to Muffy, Pope, Erik, Eric, Arick, The Capt'n, Alex, Agent Orange, and whole crew that used to post real stuff about climbing or total BS?


What happened to spraying everyone?


Where has my old CC.com gone?


DUDE wheres my cc.com


i have been asking myslef that quesion for months cry.gif


Hey Tex wave.gif


Maybe cc.com has found the Nodder.

In that case in order to find CC we would have to find the Nodder.

Which leads us to the immortal question, "Where is the Nodder" confused.gif

Maybe cc.com has found the Nodder.

In that case in order to find CC we would have to find the Nodder.

Which leads us to the immortal question, "Where is the Nodder" confused.gif

ya thats like me trying to figure out who DFA is fruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif
At least we haven't degenerated to threads like this! What a bunch of... HCL.gif

Now that is some f*#ked up shit confused.gif ... Glad none of that shit goes on here, this is much more fun!!! hahaha.gif


That is some funny shit, thanks!!!!

Maybe to find the Nodder you don't have to look very far at all.



Tea, anyone?


So who thinks that Dorothy was just on a bad trip, instead of getting knocked out by the tornado? Seeing munchkins, flying monkeys, and a tin man somethine was definitely not right. mushsmile.gif

  • 3 months later...
So DFA's spray is the second cc.com quote to make it into the big time? They must be hard up for content. Maybe they can cut a deal with Jon and Tim to print a "Spray of the Month" in each issue with a big HCL.gifbigdrink.gif prize for the author. There's a better chance of that happening than Layton's turd making it into Alpinist the_finger.gif


If THAT isn't envy by #1 for having to share the honor, I don't know what is... the_finger.gifmoon.gifboxing_smiley.gif



Yak Bouldering... yelrotflmao.gif

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