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Misconceptions About the Natural World


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I was reading a book about Yellowstone Park and environs called Hawks Rest. There was a part where the author shared a campfire with a backpacker who also happened to be a whitewater rafting guide. The guy, instead of telling him about what he liked about white water rafting, rather surprised him by talking about his clients. He said several times a week, clients would ask him if the river took the rafts back to the put-in point, as though the river flowed in some sort of loop. The guide had to explain to otherwise intelligent people that rivers flow in only one direction- down hill- under the force of gravity.


Let's assume for a minute that the guide wasn't laying a bunch of hooey on the author. Have you met other people with big huge misconceptions about how the world works?

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I was reading a book about Yellowstone Park and environs called Hawks Rest. There was a part where the author shared a campfire with a backpacker who also happened to be a whitewater rafting guide. The guy, instead of telling him about what he liked about white water rafting, rather surprised him by talking about his clients. He said several times a week, clients would ask him if the river took the rafts back to the put-in point, as though the river flowed in some sort of loop. The guide had to explain to otherwise intelligent people that rivers flow in only one direction- down hill- under the force of gravity.


Let's assume for a minute that the guide wasn't laying a bunch of hooey on the author. Have you met other people with big huge misconceptions about how the world works?


Of course the river returns the client to the put-in point - the customer demands it, what kind of business are you running? yellaf.gif

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Sort of related to rivers and stupid people:

My 3rd Grade teacher told our class that all rivers flow south. I knew she was full of it but she didn't want to listen to the skinny punk in the back of class who always goofed off and didn't pay attention.

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I was working on some fish surveys on a large reservoir and stopped to talk with some recreational fishermen, ask what they caught and chew the fat. Somehow the conversation turned to the water level rising that day because of recent storms - then one guy says that the tide is rising too and his companions nodded.


I snorted because I thought they were yanking my chain, but then had to explain in solemn terms about the huge dam dam within eyesight.

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the chicago school and free market economies maximizing social good.


charles murray and his crew thinking poor women have babies to collect more welfare.


the catholic church thinking the theory of evolution is scientifically flawed.

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Another Misconception. Last year during the floods around skagit county I received more than one call from concerned folks that were afraid that I would be flooded as well. (after all the San Juan Islands are close to the skagit river ). I mostly just smiled and said that I think we are fine for the moment.

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...I mostly just smiled and said that I think we are fine for the moment.


yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif Oh Christ, that's rich!


A story from a few years back sorta along the vein of the thread...


Me and a buddy had been ice climbing around Moses Coulee one day, when we met up with a couple of "really rural" guys with rifles, sidearms, camo gear, and all that. We still had all our tools, screws, and shit with us. Conversation goes something like this:


Us: So, what are you two guys doing out here?

Them: Oh, we're hunting coyotes!

Us: Hmmm, why would you do that?

Them: There's a bounty on 'em. We gets $5 for each one we kills!

Us: Really? Wow.

Them: What are you guys doing up here?

Us: We're ice climbing.

Them: Ice climbin'? What's that?

Us: Well, we climb up these frozen waterfalls and stuff.

Them: Really? In the freezin' cold? The snow? And with them spikey thangs? Who makes you do that?

Us: (looking quizzically at each other) Uhhhhhhhh... good question.


I almost quit that day!

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My wife and I were hiking the olympic coast with two other couples a few years back. One night we all sat atop the grassy-topped seastack near Sand Point and watched the stars. As my wife and I attempted to identify constellations it became apparent that my friend's date/companion - holder of a B.A. in "women's studies" - had no fucking idea what stars were! In as non-condesending a manner as possible I proceeded to explain to her that most of what she was looking at on this night were distant suns, much like our own.


I couldn't tell if she was skeptial, bewildered, or just plain unimpressed. She must have possessed some other, non-mental "abilities" that my friend found worthwhile.

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Misconceptions About the Natural World


I heard of the inhabitants of an entire planet - and the planet was pretty big, like 25,000 miles in circumference at its equator - that thought the huge sphere they lived on was FLAT! They also thought their planet was the center of the universe!


I've heard MOST of those inhabitants now know their planet is round and has a slightly eliptical orbit around a central star in a solar system, BUT...


most of the inhabitants now think they each are the center of the universe. bigdrink.gif

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