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SUGGESTIONS PLEASE_Looking for a job


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Passionate rock climber, mountain climber, skier, and soon to be ice climber looking for suggestions, leads, insite, connections etc. on how to get into mountaineering and gear industry. I'm a girl who is tired of working in the computer world and ready to be surrounded by people who love to do what I enjoy. Any insite is appreciated.

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If you don't have a college degree oriented to the outdoor industry, then I would say your best bet is to start with retail. Talk to the reps whenever they come into the shop. With computer skills you could possibly use them for website development, purchasing, accounting, inside sales. I would think cold calling sending out a resume to companies that interest you, just like you would for any other job.

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working in the outdoor industry can be a serious compromise, but it is definitely nice being around people who are in it because they love it. if you are really passionate about wanting to be in the industry to the point that you're willing to do any kind of work (like retail or being a lifty) then you should be able to find something.

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My office is hiring a senior software developer developer. Before you say "whoa, I don't want to work in the computer industry" consider the following: Among your co-workers would be a guy who climbed K2, a guy who has climbed literally all over the world, kick ass back country skiers, a guy who won the Seattle Marathon, and many, many climbers and well, myself. If interested send me an email and I can hook you up with the job specs. It pays between 70-90K with great benefits.

Edited by danielpatricksmith
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My office is hiring a senior software developer developer. Before you say "whoa, I don't want to work in the computer industry" consider the following: Among your co-workers would be a guy who climbed K2, a guy who has climbed literally all over the world, kick ass back country skiers, a guy who won the Seattle Marathon, and many, many climbers and well, myself. If interested send me an email and I can hook you up with the job specs. It pays between 70-90K with great benefits.


While you do make a strong and enticing offer, I think the climbing life is more my style right now. I think I am alright with talking a serious pay cut and just climbing for a while. I can't quite handle an office right now. But I seriously appreciate the offer to help. Now if any of those people in your office have climbing/guiding/or retail connections, I would be interested. smile.gif

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If you want an example of a climbing resume, just type "climbing resume" in google. You'll get all sorts of results. If you're looking for someone on this website who climbs, then they probably aren't going to answer, because they're out climbing. If you're looking for a poser, well maybe you can troll one by asking for climbing resumes. hahaha.gif

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I'm a poser and I still don't have a climbing resume. I think the problem is that I lack motivation. If I was motivated, I wouldn't be a poser, I'd be seriously core. But I'm not, so how in the crap would I want to make a climbing resume, and why? Yeah and mister_E is right, serious climbing does not guarantee hotness. For example, Josune Bereziartu. Seriously good climber, seriously unattractive. Beth Rodden? Hot. Lisa Rands? Not hot. Angela Payne? Hot. Lynn Hill? Not hot.


Which one are you, becuase I might have a great job lead for a hot climber who sends me her naked pictures.

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Hit the trade shows and film fests, talk to people. Where are you? There are some retail placements around Vancouver. Don't let these horny jackasses dampen your spirits.


I knew a man in university, majoring in zoology, who said right from year 1 that he was going to be a park ranger in Jasper. Of course, thats what every young student dreams of, and we laughed and said "sure, sure." I mean, nobody just becomes a park ranger.

He went to Jasper his first summer break, and volunteered his services, and the same the next summer, and the next, working his ass off for nothing, a smile and cheery disposition the whole time. Went straight to work as a full time park ranger upon graduating, not more than 25 years old.


So, go for it, jump in with both feet. Your imagination is your only limit, etc. etc..

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Hit the trade shows and film fests, talk to people. Where are you? There are some retail placements around Vancouver. Don't let these horny jackasses dampen your spirits.



Thanks :-)


I knew a man in university, majoring in zoology, who said right from year 1 that he was going to be a park ranger in Jasper. Of course, thats what every young student dreams of, and we laughed and said "sure, sure." I mean, nobody just becomes a park ranger.

He went to Jasper his first summer break, and volunteered his services, and the same the next summer, and the next, working his ass off for nothing, a smile and cheery disposition the whole time. Went straight to work as a full time park ranger upon graduating, not more than 25 years old.


So, go for it, jump in with both feet. Your imagination is your only limit, etc. etc..

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