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Alpine trad for this weekend


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Anyone have recomendations for alpine trad for this weekend? Will be coming from the west side, and wont be able to leave seattle until ~10am sat. I'm thinking something with an approach saturday afternoon, and a climb and hoke out sunday morning, early afternoon. Other than Sahale, what fits this profile? Moderate glacier stuff, and rock up to mid 5th class is what would work. confused.gif


I know i've seen posts like this before, but i was having no luck with the "search" on here.

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Prusik in a day Sunday. That way you can hang out with the cool cats at RopeUp on Saturday night!


I'm sure that'd be a great day trip, but i doubt we could pull off 20 miles of hiking AND the climb, and still back over to puget sound by early evening sunday.

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The North Buttress Couloir on Colchuck might be a good one. I bet the upper face is rather snowy and alpine feeling, but I don't think any storms are predicted between now and then so the snow ought to be consolidated somewhat and not plastered on any rocks that you'd have to actually climb on.

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I got the impression that you wanted something mellow, and you'd like to be home in time for a late supper on Sunday...


Here are some more mellow ideas then the ones given so far:


Seven Finger Jack and Mt. Maude are class 2 or 3 scree walks in the Entiate range. The larches are stellar around there right now. The view from either of those 9000' peaks would be worth the hike.


Cathedral Rock (Class 4 & Chossy, but it has a nice profile as you hike up to it), camp at Peggy's Pond, Climb Mt. Daniel (Glacier) the second day.


Washington Pass: Beckey Rt(5.6) or SEWS S Arete(5.4 and easy for 5.4) would be easily done in the manner you described.


I hear that Black Peak has an easy S. Shoulder and an interesting ridge climb (NE Ridge) and that you can hike in a short ways and camp at a nice lake... but I haven't done it yet.

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I got the impression that you wanted something mellow, and you'd like to be home in time for a late supper on Sunday...


Here are some more mellow ideas then the ones given so far:


Seven Finger Jack and Mt. Maude are class 2 or 3 scree walks in the Entiate range. The larches are stellar around there right now. The view from either of those 9000' peaks would be worth the hike.


Cathedral Rock (Class 4 & Chossy, but it has a nice profile as you hike up to it), camp at Peggy's Pond, Climb Mt. Daniel (Glacier) the second day.


Washington Pass: Beckey Rt(5.6) or SEWS S Arete(5.4 and easy for 5.4) would be easily done in the manner you described.


I hear that Black Peak has an easy S. Shoulder and an interesting ridge climb (NE Ridge) and that you can hike in a short ways and camp at a nice lake... but I haven't done it yet.



Thanks for the tips. I'd be interested to see Maude and 7FJ from that side, since i see them all te time from the north, but i already did Fernow this summer and want a route that involves trad leading. I'm thinking Concord tower and Liberty Bell via the beckey route.

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