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DNC is the Party of Satan...


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Proof of the theory that the DNC is in league with Beelzebubb: How else could Edward Kennedy still be living after the abuse he's put his liver through? Case closed.


If you're not convinced consider that DNC has more letters in coinicidence with NSDAP, the party of Hitler, than RNC does. An offshoot investigation may reveal that DNC higher-ups are actually keeping Adolf alive in an underground bunker near Naragansett.

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Yep, Chappaquidick was tragic, and Teddy was a guilty dog, both of adultery and manslaughter. The man should have done time for that.


Of course, both sides have these things happen. I believe Laura Bush was quite sober in 1963 when she ran a stop sign at high speed and teeboned the driver's side of her ex boyfriend's car, killing him almost instantly. She didn't even get a ticket, much less a grand jury indictment. It was a clear night, no obstructions, he was two blocks from his house, and there was no way she could have been unaware of the stop sign or failed to see the rather distincitive Corvair he was driving. One rumor around town at the time said she had told him she was pregnant, and he broke up with her. Heresay only, I freely admit. 41 years later she still "can't talk about it" though that may have as much to do with the 5th amendment than a failure to deal with one's own past. Nowadays, you can't even find a picture of Michael Dutton Douglas, who never made it to 18.

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Of course, both sides have these things happen. I believe Laura Bush was quite sober in 1963 when she ran a stop sign at high speed and teeboned the driver's side of her ex boyfriend's car, killing him almost instantly. She didn't even get a ticket, much less a grand jury indictment. It was a clear night, no obstructions, he was two blocks from his house, and there was no way she could have been unaware of the stop sign or failed to see the rather distincitive Corvair he was driving. One rumor around town at the time said she had told him she was pregnant, and he broke up with her. Heresay only, I freely admit. 41 years later she still "can't talk about it" though that may have as much to do with the 5th amendment than a failure to deal with one's own past. Nowadays, you can't even find a picture of Michael Dutton Douglas, who never made it to 18.


Woaww! shocked.gifshocked.gifshocked.gif Were in the hell did you come up with this bit of trivia?

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Yeah, in spite of the fact that Teddy & most of the Kennedys have now sobered up, that particular incident is one for which I don't think anyone should be forgiven.


Demographically, when you have spoiled rich kids (Kennedy, bush, et al) who become politicians, you will generally find a few alcohol & drug related skeletons in their closets. Then you have dysfuctional white trash like Clinton!


BTW, the one missing piece of evidence from the Chappaquidick crash was related to the force of the crash. Apparently, they hit the water so hard it knocked the panties off of her and into the glove box blush.gif

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