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That's so funny! We did Liberty Bell Sunday morning as a party of 4 (well, 2 parties of 2 actually, but sharing gear). I guess you and Skykilo were the ones we were sharing the route with the whole way. I was cracking up when Skykilo broke out the bag of chips on the summit.


And, thanx for entertaining our shameless requests for 1,000 summit photos. I believe this is your handiwork:



Glad to share a great weekend with so many cc.gapers, just wish I had known who everyone was at the time.

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i got some alright!!!! hahaha.gif

first time back on the rock in a month..

icicle butt via cocaine crack sat

made a quick castle on sunday before drinkin and partying the rest of my labor day weekend away at my good friends' wedding at Nason creek.

oh the headache this morning when i awoke at 730am in Leavenworth...and the shock I gave my hazy brain when I realized I needed to be at work a half hour earlier on Denny and Westlake...thankfully my co-workers came thru and were able to cover me.

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I'm the bad ass climbing chicken that was hanging out with these 4 wankers.


RBW1966 and Shred... we were a group of 4 not 3... think you guys were on Becky a few groups behind us.


Think it was our team. Sky and Cavie. Then the group of 3 (or at least we talked to a group of 3 before we took off on P1... 2 guys and a girl)

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Glacier and I climbed Sunday and Monday. Sunday was a seige on lower Castle Rock, followed by me trying to onsight Das Muzak. Got up it, but a few falls.

Monday we went up and did Condorphomine Addiction. Seemed mediocre and overbolted to me. Worth doing once, I guess.

Then back early to beat the labor day traffic.


Hey, Ben! We were at my property at Nason Ridge Sat and Sunday night! bigdrink.gif

Who had the wedding?

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climbing partner backed out on Friday night. Grrrrr!madgo_ron.gif

Im watching my neighbors bed and breakfast, so I worked in the mornings.


Watched some movies. yellowsleep.gif




Cleaned thumbs_down.gif


Started the book, The Notebook thumbs_up.gif


Bike Ride fruit.gif


Bouldering traverse...boxing_smiley.gifkicked my ass to failureboxing_smiley.gif...tested out some endurox. Nasty shit, but it seemed to do the trick.


Suprise call from a good friend at 7:30 Monday morning..."Lets go climbing" grin.gif. It was a picture perfect day. Usually when I climb with this particular person I get my ass kicked and work REALLY hard to push myself. For the first time, in a LOOOONG time I felt I wasnt climbing for results. I did what I could, flailed some, had some great successes, etc. but it didnt matter. I was just thrilled to be out on such a great day.

Cheap chinese dinner and a late movie ("before sunset"thumbs_up.gif) before getting my ass home and to bed.


Oh ya...and I fell down my stairs. What a klutz! I swear I shouldnt leave my house before I head out there or I might injure myself again.:P

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I decided to take my vacation and spent four days in 11worth. Then the weather turned sour so we drove down to play in the wind at tieton river canyon. The cave and then royal columns. Man i forgot how much i hate the approach to royal columns didn't see anyone up there. not a single climber. the Windy Point campground was empty besides us and an old retired couple. Good times.

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hah I didn't waste my time up there. Instead I wasted my time down on the t-line trail rolleyes.gif 9hrs, 27min of pain, zero freshiez.

Did you use --sanctioned 3rd party "time keepers"?


no, I am not in need of mental help either. It would be a good thing for - to try though, kind of his game I would think. Much less contrived than the Hood climb in my opinion.

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