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Check out the new US Army uniform


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Somehow they remind me of this...




It is kind of funny how our uniforms have continually grown to mimic the Waffen SS style favored by the elite German Divisions in the 2nd World War. I doubt that is by coincidence either as most military people I know greatly admired the military arm of the Germans and their tactics. Despite a sick leader and a corrupt agenda the Germans of that era were no doubt the most decisive military power in modern history.

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I doubt that is by coincidence either as most military people I know greatly admired the military arm of the Germans and their tactics. Despite a sick leader and a corrupt agenda the Germans of that era were no doubt the most decisive military power in modern history.

The Camouflage Smock of the Waffen SS,


as well as the MP43 (first assault rifle) mp43.jpg

Shaped the face of modern war.


And that's to say nothing of the V2 (ballistic missile), V1 (first cruise missile, ME262 (first jet fighter), and on....what do you expect from a nation of scientists and engineers?

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Now wait, the S.S. was just the relatively small "political" unit of the military? They were the guys that did all the bad stuff, while rank & file Wehrmacht (nouns in G. capitalized) did the heavy lifting. Mustn't forget they all failed disasterously, with miserable destruction of German cities, due to blunders of leadership, Russian blood and U.S. capacity to make bombs & steel.

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The Waffen SS was several divisions of hardcore frontline combat troops. Sort of like the Marine Corps or Ranger Regiment on steroids. They fought with great distinction on almost every front the Germans opened. There were portions of the SS that were involved in secret police activity, and used as concentration camp guards, but these guys are distinctly different than the WAFFEN SS. How can anyone forget they failed? If they hadn't you would be speaking deutsche right now and goose stepping to the office. Or maybe worse. I think everyone can agree that it's a good thing it didn't go that way for us.

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