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Kerry-McCain Ticket


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McKain would be committing suicide if he ran on the DNC ticket. Who cares? Discuss a potential political reality instead of this mental masturbation. Why consume yourself in "What if's"?


Here's one: With a Republican Congress, do you really think that Kerry would be successful in a full-scale pullout of troops from Iraq?

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Here's another one: How do you think it would play on the Hill and in the Public if Kerry committed to staying in Iraq, yet in his first budget cut intelligence and military spending (which, on par with his voting record, he probably would do)?

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DAMMIT! Okay, recall when McKain was gunning for the Republican nomination, he was quoted as saying he "would never abandon the party that got him here..." The context for this was whether or not he would go over to Perot's party just to run after it was obvious Bush was getting the steaksauce. People remember this stuff and the media would be the first to trot the soundbite out if he did move to Kerry's camp - simply to create division and sensation. McKain knows that his ENTIRE support structure, friend, and ally would be gone. Further, it would be just one more piece of evidence supporting the fact that the North Vietnamese, with the help of Russian advisors, totally brainwashed him to become a living "Manchurian Candidate". hellno3d.gif

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A Kerry-McCain ticket would take Bush out of office. Period.


Bush is not a fiscal conservative. That fact alone would sink him, if the Dems could get their program out of the shitter and actually do some effective campaigning. (I have very low hopes at this point.)


- a s s m * n k e y

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With all the problems in Iraq and the world today, do you know what we *really* need to make this country a better, stronger, place? A constitutional amendment against gay marriage! Clearly this is the solution for all the world's problems!! rolleyes.gifmoon.gif

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With all the problems in Iraq and the world today, do you know what we *really* need to make this country a better, stronger, place? A constitutional amendment against gay marriage! Clearly this is the solution for all the world's problems!! rolleyes.gifmoon.gif


Well, that plus tax cuts.

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I saw an interview with McCain where he was asked about running with Kerry. He said he was flattered and considered it, but has decided he would not be on either ticket. From all the interviews I've seen and read, he's not a big fan of Bush at all, but is loyal to the party. I don't know why he should stay loyal, though, considering his party is actively trying to rid themselves of moderates like himself, Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter.

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I too would vote for McCain over GWB, but you libs who think he's a 'moderate' haven't done your homework. He is clearly well to the right-of-center.


Kerry cannot/will not beat Bush. Many liberals in the Dem party are just waking up to this fact. Kerry became the default nominee after Dean had his public meltdown and only now are party members beginning to realize the shit this guy has in his closet...not to mention the blatant and exploitable hypocricy the man exudes. FIVE mansions, worth a combined 35 mil! Yahts, SUV's, and a Ketchup company that has outsourced over 70% of it's workforce overseas?? WTF!


I'll say it....


Mcain would beat Bush if the Republican nomination were up for grabs again. And he'd win the general election too. John Edwards, Democrat, would likely beat Bush too. As wise man once say...."you (liberals) chose unwisely".


More to follow....

Edited by Fairweather
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Why doesn't the D party support the one man who stands up for their core beliefs??? Why do they put the forth the LIE that is John Kerry? Liberals are pathetic. They'd rather try to fool the moderate majority than tell us who they really are.


I've said it before; I don't like Kucinich's beliefs, but I sincerely have to respect the guy....


Race Continues for Kucinich

Tuesday, May 04, 2004


Driving all over Oregon in a minivan, Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich (search) is speaking day after day to anyone who will listen as he continues his quixotic pursuit of the Democratic nomination.


By the time Oregon Democrats vote in their May 18 primary, Kucinich will have campaigned in the Beaver State for more than a month.


"The people of Oregon have an opportunity to help gently nudge the Democratic Party (search) on the issue of the war," said Kucinich, who is calling for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Leading Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry says if he were elected president, he would send more troops to Iraq.


Also unlike Kerry, Kucinich would raise taxes for universal health care (search) and repeal the Patriot Act (search) and most trade agreements


"That's what we're asking Oregonians to do, to help wake up the Democratic Party. And the timing of it is really exquisite, because the timing is just when the platform is being developed all over the country," Kucinich said.


Kucinich said his main concern is not to win the nomination or even speak at the July convention, but to move the party and its platform to the left.

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There's not a single person in my acquaintance who is on the fence for the upcoming election. The people who will vote for Bush, will vote for Bush. The people who will vote against Bush will for Kerry.


Aside from highly graphic photos of Kerry duct-taping lemmings, no amount of mud-slinging will induce the 'liberals' into voting for Bush. Likewise, short of Jesus coming down from On High and publicly embracing Kerry, I don't see any 'conservatives' voting for Kerry.


Both parties should save their PAC money, invest in (fiscally) conservative bonds, and focus on the 2008 elections.


That way I can enjoy my re-run sitcoms without being bothered by all this annoying political stuff.

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There's not a single person in my acquaintance who is on the fence for the upcoming election. The people who will vote for Bush, will vote for Bush. The people who will vote against Bush will for Kerry.



I think you just made my point since you did not cite any of your aquaintances who would vote 'Kerry' because they like the man or his ideas. "Anyone But Bush", eh? What does that say about core beliefs?


I would also point out that I have many more "undecided" aquaintances than I do partisan. Maybe you should try to get out a bit more, Squid. Try to meet some folks outside of the greater Seattle/Portland areas?

Edited by Fairweather
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