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Peter Puget and I have had some very nasty exchanges of late and interestingly (and surprisingly)we reached very similar conclusions independently which we shared with each other early this morning. Speaking for myself, I am finding that this site does not regularly bring out the best in me (except for occasional attempts at humor) and has actually encouraged me to engage in atypical negative behavior. I don't enjoy trading insults and it's easy to be seduced into that sort of thing, especially with "avatars" and the ambiguity of other's intention as perceived (or more often, misperceived) by the written word.

There are times when one has to seriously weigh the pro's and con's of one's various life activities...cc.com has some real potential and indeed has many positive aspects to it, but I've had enough for a while. Sadly, Peter, too, seems to have had enough for apparently similar reasons. He was a fine sparring partner but I can certainly relate: I'm not interested in sparring any more either; it takes way too much positive energy away from my life. I'll likely remain a "lurker" here at best.

So Peter...touché! And I'll give you a big handshake sometime.

- Don "Dwayner"

(And thanks to the many fine people I have encountered here.)


[ 06-20-2002, 02:21 AM: Message edited by: Dwayner ]

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I like dirt; I also like watching idiotic fights. I'm dissapointed with both Dwayner and Peter Puget for editing their posts.


Come on guys don't get all pc on us; fight, fight, fight. You guys might find it draining, but you make the rest of us laugh.

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I agree with Alpine K, I love the turmoil and bickering around here. cc.com is always good for a few laughs in my often boring workday. Dwayner, I'd suggest a few table dances at Deja-Vu and a stopover at Bodysattva Massage in Everett. You'll feel like a new man.



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I find it sad that two adult men can not find it in themselves to agree to disagree. differances make the world go arround.It is the sharing of ideas and the exchange of thought that I would hope would make us all better more rounded people. acceptance is a good thing. You will both be missed.

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I, too, agree with AlpineK. I look for the PP-Dwayner posts for the same reason I can't change the channel when "Cops" comes on. Come on guys, thrash each other like the frustrated white-trash thugs we want you to be!!!


Oh, well. It won't last long. CC.com is like the Mafia, you can't get out they just drag you back in. [Eek!]


Greg [big Drink][big Drink]

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I understand K's and G's enjoyment of the spectacle, but I believe that all the insult and attack does real harm that should not be ignored because it fuels the fire that threatens to engulf other areas in the bolt wars and bullshit that goes on a Vantage. I'll be sorry to see either Dwayner or Puget go because they both have something to say and if they have reached some kind of epiphany about hateful spray, they could simply present their views in a less antagonistic manner.

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The funny thing about the Dwayner Peter thing is thatthey both thought they were trolling the other guy and then started to take it seriously.


Trolling is trolling, don't believe the spray. If anyone calls you a nasty just agree with them and [Wink] .


PS I retrobolted Sabre yesterday, now it is safe for the sport climbers. Maybe this neglected route will now see the traffic it deserves.

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Originally posted by Dru:

The funny thing about the Dwayner Peter thing is thatthey both thought they were trolling the other guy and then started to take it seriously.


Trolling is trolling, don't believe the spray. If anyone calls you a nasty just agree with them and


PS I retrobolted Sabre yesterday, now it is safe for the sport climbers. Maybe this neglected route will now see the traffic it deserves.

I agree with Dru: spray is spray. I have talked with several people about cc.com and the people who post here. They read a lot of these posts and don't realize that most of us are cockin' off because we are working on a sunny day instead of climbing; it doesn't mean anything, people. If the line starts to get fuzzy, maybe it's time for some Prozak, Paxil, or vodka in the big plastic jug.


Spray on!!


By the way, Caveman and I started scrubbing and bolting the West Ridge of Prusik Peak so please stay off this route until we are done. We have tied red tape to the lower hangers as a message that this is a "project". Stay off this route until it is finished - it is dangerous in its current state!!! We're renaming the route to "Horsecock Ridge"; hopefully it will make it into the guidebooks. [Wink]


Greg [big Drink][big Drink]


[ 06-20-2002, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: Greg W ]

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Originally posted by Retrosaurus:

Come on guys, can't we all just hate each others guts and get on with it?

Yeah I hate Eri"c" with a passion and you Retrowheenie are gay as they come.

and what up with that caveman bitch he is so Dumb. and Rat, well I am fumming so bad right now.........he/she/it can go find a hole to hide in before I send my buddy's dogs to eat his eyes out and piss on his ropebag!! [Mad][Mad][Mad]


but of course, my anger is only as temporary as I stare at this stuuupid screen. [Wink][Razz][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink]

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