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Bush Feels 'Disgust' at Abuse of Iraqis


"He was asked about photos showing Iraqi prisoners naked except for hoods covering their heads, stacked in a human pyramid, one with a slur written in English on his skin. That and other scenes of humiliation have led to criminal charges against six American soldiers. Arab television stations were leading their newscasts on Friday with the photos."


What the fuck were these soldiers thinking? Fucking idiots.

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Updated article with more information. This may single-handedly undo anything good we've done over there, if there is any.


Bush Says Disgusted by Abuse of Iraqis, Vows to Act


"The photos showed U.S. troops smiling, posing, laughing or giving the thumbs-up sign as naked, male Iraqi prisoners were stacked in a pyramid or positioned to simulate sex acts with one another."

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i havent seen the photos. are they funny or what?


seriously though: this 'chain of command' goes all the way to the commander in chief. some bodies better start resigning and shit. and no way to court martial: that abuse bullshit dont deserve any legal representation.

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I know all the way from the top here people are pretty pissed off. I haven't see the photos or heard many specifics (I don't watch much news), but from what I have heard General Sanchez hit the roof and heads are going to roll. Unfortunately, the damage has been done, and NO you cannot hold the entire chain of command responsible unless they were aware of these actions (even indirectly) and did not act. I know that the Brigadier General in charge of Abu Gharaib is probably going to fry too, and for a one star to fry that's a pretty big deal. My hats off to the soldier or soldiers who came forward and reported this shit. I see shit like this and even I have to hang my head down and begin to wonder if it's not time for us to get the fuck oughtta this shithole. War has a way of simutaneously bringing out the best and worst in people. At least we live in a society where often we face up to our mistakes. If this had been done in Saudi Arabia or some detention camp in Pakistan not one word would have reached the wire. Nonetheless, this is an act that has brought great discredit to our work being done here.


Whoever posted that bit from the Tallahasse newsline. I would remind you that the militants know very well that when they initiate military action against the coalition that there will be gunplay. The Coalition acts in defense of itself when these acts are propagated against them. The militant factions do not care at all if THEIR OWN PEOPLE whether civilian or otherwise get in the way.

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Not to minimize in any way the damage that these idiot prison guards have done, but this is a FAR CRY from the way the insurgents treat prisoners. AS I recall they shot that Italian prisoner to death recently. I would say that is a big step beyond mere humiliation. And let's not forget the savagery they demonstrated when they hung four charred corpses from that bridge in Falluja.


And while we're talking about issues that are wholly damaging to our efforts in Iraq...lets talk about TEDDY KENNEDY and his speech on the senate floor yesterday. His words are also playing on Al Jezzera and he is providing moral support to our enemies. Teddy Kennedy should stop playing politics for once in his miserable life and shut his fucking hole.

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It may or may not be worse but, that doesn't really matter. Nobody is keeping score. Pictures like that undo any good that has been done. Perception beats reality 99 out of a hundred times. Those pictures are shown across the world over, over and over yet again until they become how others see us. It will take years to overcome if ever. Whatever moral authority we had is gone.

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The American press likes to portray the muslim world as a homogenious population, but in fact there are many different ethnic groups, sects, etc. The rabid ones represented by the cartoon above are still in the minority although a large one, but if we keep up with stunts like humiliating prisoners they WILL be the majority.

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And if Arabs keep hanging mutilated bodies off bridges, murdering Americans, issuing religious Fatwas declaring all Americans are the object of Jihad, breaking truces, trying to create anarchy to promote their ends, etc, etc, good Americans like yourself will simply turn the other cheek?

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While I will grant that this photo represents some of the worst that humanity has to offer, (assuming it is genuine) and it is disgusting on its face, I would like a few more details about the prisoner/photo in question:




Was he responsible for the deaths of any Americans/allies?


Was any valuable information aquired from this individual that prevented more attacks on our troops? Information that saved the lives of our soldiers, contractors, or innocent Iraqis? (ie: children on a school bus?)



If the answer to either question is yes, then my only regret is that this picture made it into the public arena. I know this attitude will upset a lot of folks here, but think about how far you would go to save a friend/comrade. Family member? How far would you go to prevent another 9/11?

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FW, the people who did 911 wanted us to act in this way. They knew we would retaliate and piss more Arabs off. There plan worked great, now we are over there so it's way easier to fuck with us now.

This is bad shit.

So WTF are privat contractors doing in POW camps anyway?

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While I will grant that this photo represents some of the worst that humanity has to offer . . . blah blah blah

but at least this years halloween costume is gonna be way fukin easy to make. wave.giffruit.gifmoon.gifpitty.gif


You're a real class act Lummox. the_finger.gif

Edited by MisterE
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Was any valuable information aquired from this individual that prevented more attacks on our troops? Information that saved the lives of our soldiers, contractors, or innocent Iraqis? (ie: children on a school bus?)


If the answer to either question is yes, then my only regret is that this picture made it into the public arena. I know this attitude will upset a lot of folks here, but think about how far you would go to save a friend/comrade. Family member? How far would you go to prevent another 9/11?


How many IED did that picture create? How many RPG's did that picture buy? A whole lot more than the act prevented I'll bet.


This kinda shit happens in wars. It's not surprising and it's not particularly repugnant considering the people perpetrating this shit are up to their eyeballs in death, pestilence, fear and suffering 24/7 over there right now.


War sucks. It didn't work out as easily and cleanly as they implied it would. Who'd a thunk it crazy.gif.


Impeach Bush madgo_ron.gif

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Dave, yes the plan was to go into an Arab country and give every Arab with a beef a chance to come meet Allah in person. Maybe you would prefer that you meet and greet them in Ballard? Probably not this generation, but somewhere down the road this is really going to come to a big head unless we just deal with it now once and for all. China will win in the end anyway. Move there.

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Maybe you would prefer that you meet and greet them in Ballard? Probably not this generation, but somewhere down the road this is really going to come to a big head unless we just deal with it now once and for all.


Are you serious? Do you actually believe that a great Arabic military force is going to invade North America? How would they get here? Rafts made of...sand?


- a s s m moon.gif n k e y

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