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French People Can Suck My...


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French people suck

I just gotta say

Made the jet fighters

Go out of their way

Hating Yankees too much

Those beret-headed nuts.

They can stick the Eifell Tower

Straight up their butts.



Last time I flew Air France

Played a tune on my Uzi

And made the sissies dance.

Killed a hundred or more

And I had a ball.

Those freakin' frog suckers

Be the death of us all.



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French Soldier: I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

Arthur: Is there someone else up there we could talk to?

French Soldier: No, now go away before I taunt you a second time.



French Knight: You don't frighten us, English pig dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person! I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur King," you and all your silly English K-nig-hts.

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exactly what is it that you dont like about the french? not speaking for you, but most americans who would make such a statement would answer "politics".


lets change the perspective: does it piss you off when you see people burning the american flag, and threatening to kill all americans? same shit man - ignorantly judging a nation full of decent people (hey, there are assholes everywhere) based on the actions of their politicians...

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egads, someone's posting Meatmen lyrics...





Do you ever wonder if the people in these pictures stumble upon them on the net? Do you think they get pissed?


In this case, I think the reaction would be more along the lines of "Yay, I'm on the internet! I like prizes! Yay!"

Edited by iceguy
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nhiice. hahaha.gif i kinda like it.


overall tho i think that all the french-bashing of the past year is ridiculous. almost infantile.


NO, boxing_smiley.gif you DIPSHITS, boxing_smiley.gif they're NOT opposing the war cause they're bitter about no longer being a world power, NOR are they doing it cause they're "arab-huggers", NOR are they doing it cause they think bush is a moron (though the latter, in itself, would be a justifiable reason)


no, they oppose(d) it cause they know a ridiculous, wasteful war when they see one. AND cuz they know war's horrors first-hand, being a nation who's seen its soil bloodied by two world wars. rolleyes.gif

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Most of the French leadership has made comments that suggest that their foremost strategic objective is to limit what they percieve as American hegemony. Whether you think that's a goal that will promote outcomes that are in France's or humanity's interests is a matter of opinion. My own contention would be that if the effort in Iraq fails, this will lead to developments that will threaten both Europe and the Middle East as much if not more than the US.


The Kurds will almost certainly begin an armed campaign for independence, which will hardly go over well with Turkey. The Shia, with Iran's assistance, will be equally likely to assert themselves millitarily. Neither development will be welcomed by the Sunnis in Iraq, nor will the presence of a mass of armed Shia engaged in active collaboration with Iran go over well in Saudi Arabia, which sports its own restive and disenfranchised Shia population. Toss in a sizable contingent of suicidal mujahadeen who will only be too happy to turn their attention to the regimes in charge of their respective homelands once the US is no longer providing convenient targets for them to strike in Iraq and you've got yourself quite a conflagration, with potential ramifications that stretch well beyond Iraq's borders.


How any one of these developments would benefit either nos Amis in France or the Arabs is an open question, but their collective stance has been such that one can only concludc that their primary objective is to undermine American efforts in Iraq, while mitigating the potentially negative effects of their conduct later. They may well have ample opportunity to just that.


Bon chance, mon amis.

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Speaking of shitting on the French, today's Wall St Journal has a picture of Antoine de St Exupery that looks like Ralph Cramden with a flyboy hat on. Someone must have spent days looking for that most unflattering photo. Anybody got an online subscrip and can post it?

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Most of the French leadership has made comments that suggest that their foremost strategic objective is to limit what they percieve as American hegemony.


A worthy goal most supported by Ayn Rand, if true; perhaps you'd like to give one quote from one of the "most...french leaders...", just to validate your assertion.


Whether you think that's a goal that will promote outcomes that are in France's or humanity's interests is a matter of opinion.


So American hegemony would do more to serve France's or humanity's self-interest?


My own contention would be that if the effort in Iraq fails, this will lead to developments that will threaten both Europe and the Middle East as much if not more than the US.


"the effort in Iraq" has ALREADY failed; it failed before it even began, as evidenced so clearly by everything it has accomplished (clearly spelled out ad nauseum everywhere one looks).


Now the question to me seems to be what can be done, once we acknowledge, fully acknowledge, its "failure status"

(I think one of the first steps would be impeachment and conviction of the failure's point-man, as acknowledgement).



The Kurds will almost certainly begin an armed campaign for independence, which will hardly go over well with Turkey. The Shia, with Iran's assistance, will be equally likely to assert themselves millitarily. Neither development will be welcomed by the Sunnis in Iraq, nor will the presence of a mass of armed Shia engaged in active collaboration with Iran go over well in Saudi Arabia, which sports its own restive and disenfranchised Shia population. Toss in a sizable contingent of suicidal mujahadeen who will only be too happy to turn their attention to the regimes in charge of their respective homelands once the US is no longer providing convenient targets for them to strike in Iraq and you've got yourself quite a conflagration, with potential ramifications that stretch well beyond Iraq's borders.


ah gee, some of the very reasons many opposed the war in the first place! (perhaps France also?)


How any one of these developments would benefit either nos Amis in France or the Arabs is an open question, but their collective stance has been such that one can only concludc that their primary objective is to undermine American efforts in Iraq, while mitigating the potentially negative effects of their conduct later. They may well have ample opportunity to just that.


Bon chance, mon amis.


a little shaky in gleaning your intent here; again i'm supposing that you believe any who opposed the war should buck up and jump right in at this time, because to not do so would be self-defeating (and after all, it is self-interest that motivates us all haha)?


as you rest smugly at your desk, typing out your apocryphal ideologies couched as analytical assessments, you might just do well to ask yourself the following question: "Is it really time for me to get inked?"

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