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Spray turned into an anti-Bush coffee klatch...


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there may be more peeps here but thery are not good ol' boys. Sisu posts way less, trask doesn't post, and greg ain't a good ol' boy any more....times they are a changin'


Sisu never has never been a prolific poster, and of late he's become very disenchanted with Bush. I think that's as powerful an indictment of the man as anything else posted on the board. I haven't noted any particular changes in Greg, unless the outing of his passion for clogs has changed your perception of him. Out of the right wing contingent, I miss Mtn Goat and Fairweather (though FW did just pop in the other day), and it's too bad Caveman doesn't much talk politics anymore. At the same time, I've been largely absent from politcal debate lately too, just too damn much work going on (thankfully) to spend time crafting arguments.

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I read an interesting poll yesterday. It seems that 50% of regular internet users classify themselves democrat, 25% republican, 16% independent, a few percent libertarian, a few undecided/unaffiliated.


I guess there's not much else going on. Hunting season is over, the rivers and lakes are still frozen up here so fishing is out, Britney hasn't been tonguing Christina, and Jen-Ben is history. Might as well bag on the Shrub.

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As far as the elk steaks go, you're welcome to what I can offer...there will probably be organic beef hamburgers and/or steaks. Anyone step up to planning this shindig? Icegirl? Chuck?




I'll help the planning, we gotta figure out if we want it at Sandpoint or Woodland Park. Also a date would be good, I know we did decide either a Wed or Thursday. There was some debate about how soon.

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Icegirl -

May 4 would be about right. We did it in early May last year, and the daylength was about perfect. We held it on a Tuesday night, on the theory that nobody would want to devote a weekend evening to such an event and that space in the Park would be easier to come by then. We had a barbeque and then slides started around 8:30 or so if I remember correctly.


I've cruised by Woodland Park and they have power outlets and a sink in some of the picnic shelters there, so that might also be an option, but last year we decided that the picnic shelters at Magnuson might be a better place for us because they are more remote.

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Hmm... I think some people were hoping for something a bit sooner, and something not on a PC night. We can always plan the May 4 thing as well, as a real PC event. Woodland park has some really nice spots, and on the weekday evenings, my experience has been that they are rather empty.

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Also a date would be good, I know we did decide either a Wed or Thursday. There was some debate about how soon.


I'd like to lobby hard for a wednesday...potential dates: April 7 or 14? That gives a few weeks to get the word out and for parental types to get babysitters or whatever.

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That would mean that it'd be pretty full for Greg's April 7 date, too. Maybe we should have a warm-up event somewhere. And then a weekend in Mazama, another at Smiffy, .... we could all quit our jobs and abandon our families and it'd be all .com-all the time.

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That would mean that it'd be pretty full for Greg's April 7 date, too. Maybe we should have a warm-up event somewhere. And then a weekend in Mazama, another at Smiffy, .... we could all quit our jobs and abandon our families and it'd be all .com-all the time.
yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifsilly you don't have to abandon the family, we are having the kids rope up on the 17th of April cool.gif
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