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A Message on Behalf of Trask:


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I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a

plan for peace. So, here's one plan


1. The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in

their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo,

Noriega, Milosovich and the rest of those 'good ole boys.' We will

never "interfere" again.


2. We will withdraw our troops from all over the

world, starting with Germany, South Korea and the Philippines. They

don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No

one sneaking through holes in the fence.


3. All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their

affairs together and leave. We'll give them a free

trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be

gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of

who or where they are. France would welcome them.


4. All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90

days unless given a special permit. No one from a terrorist nation

would be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it

yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be

available to anyone. We don't need any more cab

drivers or 7-11 cashiers.


5. No "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If

they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.


6. The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient

energy wise. This will include developing non-polluting sources of

energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan

wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a



7. Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing

countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't

like it, we go some place else. They can go somewhere

else to sell their production. (About a week of the

wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)


8. If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe

in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray

to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or

whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them

is stolen or given to the army. The people who need

it most get very little, if anything.


9. Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island

some place. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here.

Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup

for illegal aliens.


10. All Americans must go to charm and beauty school.

That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any



The Language we speak is ENGLISH.....learn it...or LEAVE...


Now, ain't that a winner of a plan?


"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me

your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.' She's got

a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'You want a piece of me?'


A little wave.gif from the old guy.

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OK. We know what was shat. Now I am curious to know why. Usually, someone has a very good reason to shit a brick. Seeing an alien in a flying suacer, watching a bunch of nuclear missles depart from their silos, wake up to the screams of "SWERVE! SWERVE!!!!" What was it in this case?

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I guess you run with that platform. But you'd only get 1 vote other than your own. Kick out the forigoners? Who would do the important work? What would you eat? Hello? You think peaches come in cans? You think lettuce is grown in the stores where you are buying it? Hello!! And $10 a gallon for gas? We were just talking about your TRUCK which sucks big Arab g..ASS!!! You want $10 a gallon gas but don't want to conserve and don't think it's anybodies business but yours if you burn fuel like an out of control wildfire? Do you know how stupid you sound? Hey, go ahead and offer the Arabs $10 a gallon, at least they will think you're funny. Come on. HELLO DOOD? Anybody home in there?? Pull all the troops home, how do you think Hitler and Mussolini were able to get that crap ratcheted up? Hello, hello hellooooo. No students? They are the only ones from those respective countries who don't think all Americans are dickheads as they've met us and tend to like us. Hello. Helllloooooooooo?


Anybody home in there?


My only question is this:

Does your lip get bloody when your knee jerks up like that?

helllooooo?????? confused.gif

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Seems odd that Trask would stoop to using couriers, but it isn't confused ranting, so it's unlikely to be a GregW original. Looks like what high schoolers scribble late in the night after their first read of the Fountainhead.

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I guess you run with that platform. But you'd only get 1 vote other than your own. Kick out the forigoners? Who would do the important work? What would you eat? Hello? You think peaches come in cans? You think lettuce is grown in the stores where you are buying it? Hello!! And $10 a gallon for gas? We were just talking about your TRUCK which sucks big Arab g..ASS!!! You want $10 a gallon gas but don't want to conserve and don't think it's anybodies business but yours if you burn fuel like an out of control wildfire? Do you know how stupid you sound? Hey, go ahead and offer the Arabs $10 a gallon, at least they will think you're funny. Come on. HELLO DOOD? Anybody home in there?? Pull all the troops home, how do you think Hitler and Mussolini were able to get that crap ratcheted up? Hello, hello hellooooo. No students? They are the only ones from those respective countries who don't think all Americans are dickheads as they've met us and tend to like us. Hello. Helllloooooooooo?


Anybody home in there?


My only question is this:

Does your lip get bloody when your knee jerks up like that?

helllooooo?????? confused.gif



Ten dollars a barrel for OIL, jerkoff. Check the rates right now, I'm not gonna do it for you. And God knows every farmer is an illegal alien. Greg, send Trask my regards. bigdrink.gif

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OK. We know what was shat. Now I am curious to know why. Usually, someone has a very good reason to shit a brick. Seeing an alien in a flying suacer, watching a bunch of nuclear missles depart from their silos, wake up to the screams of "SWERVE! SWERVE!!!!" What was it in this case?


So if you did something stupid yesterday, would that make you a shathead?

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Sorry, I meant to repeat the ludicris $10 a Barrel quoted by Greg.

BTW, I'm making big bucks as the gas price rises, so keep on chugging in those gas sucking pickup trucks. I drive an light little gas sipper and decided not to contribute to the problem, but I'll make money off of the selfish distz heads who do:


full text from Reuters today follows:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration is "extremely concerned" about soaring retail gasoline prices, which recently topped $1.70 per gallon nationwide and are likely to set a record high this month, according to energy officials.


"This administration is extremely concerned," U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham told reporters after testifying before a Senate appropriations subcommittee on the department's proposed budget for fiscal 2005.


Abraham did not say what, if anything, the administration was doing about rising gasoline prices.


At a separate Senate hearing on energy supply and demand, the head of the U.S. Energy Information Administration said there was a "good possibility" that retail gasoline prices will set a new high by the end of March.


The current national average price for unleaded gasoline is $1.72 per gallon, just 3 cents shy of the record set during late August, according to the EIA, which is the statistical arm of the Energy Department.


Tight global supplies of crude oil, a recovering U.S. economy and the looming summer driving season mean that gasoline prices are certain to climb higher during the next few weeks, according to EIA analysts.


The EIA has also warned that because U.S. gasoline inventories are below normal levels, any problems at a refinery or pipeline may cause supply disruptions and a resulting rise in price.


EIA Administrator Guy Caruso said that the recent rise in wholesale gasoline costs has yet to be fully passed through to motorists.


"While it is still too early with any certainty how high prices will go this year, many signs are pointing to a tight gasoline market this driving season," Caruso told the Senate panel.


Caruso rejected criticism from some lawmakers who say the administration should stop putting crude oil into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and keep as much petroleum on the market as possible.


"Our view is it doesn't reduce oil supply. We believe the world oil supply has not been affected," Caruso said. The amount of oil going into the crude oil stockpile was being offset by additional production from OPEC, he said.


During his appearance on Capitol Hill, Abraham did not discuss gasoline prices or OPEC crude oil production. He instead sought to justify the Energy Department's proposed $24.3 billion budget for fiscal 2005, which begins on Oct. 1.


Abraham reiterated Congress should pass a broad energy policy bill, now stalled in the U.S. Senate. The $16 billion bill would double the use of corn-distilled ethanol and offer incentives for oil and gas drilling.


"I think the question should be whether the Congress is prepared to go into the election season having once again -- if it does -- fail to pass an energy bill," he said. "This administration has done everything we can." (Additional reporting by Tom Doggett)




Told ya so.

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HAHAHA. That platform sounds like a cross between an ostrich, a turtle and a cornered possum. yellaf.gif


you stupid cross dressing, crack smoking ukulele player...


I'll have you know the ukulele is a distinguished and awe-inspiring instrument. And shoot, crack is cheaper than gasoline. Tastes better too. cheeburga_ron.gif

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