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rat bastard thieves


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Sabertooth's thread in lost and found brough this to mind.

i've often wondered often gear cached at the base of a route gets stolen. Or for that matter how often stuff left in the pack at the crag disappears.


anybody have experience with this kind of thing?

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someone stole my guidebook from the base of a crag once. I had rigged it with a clip-in loop, so I just wandered around the smoke bluffs asking if anyone had seen somebody with a guidebook clipped to their harness and sure enough I found the dumbasaboxofhair thief and punched him in the nose ... like if you are gonna steal something then at least HIDE it and LEAVE THE VICINITY!

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The irony of that Sabertooth situation is that he and I didn't really even need snowshoes yesterday. In fact, I didn't even put mine on all the way back to the parking lot. The boot/snowshoe/ski path is so compacted right now that's it's almost as hard as a summer trail. All that will no doubt change with the next dump.

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I left my entire overnight kit in my car fter an aborted attempt (and rescue) on Little Tahoma. I was a bit spent from 10 hours of first aid and carrying a climbing partner out on a litter and I didn't feel like dragging my gear inside. Some bastard got in my car and took it all, including my digital camera. sons-a-bitches... All one week before my first attempt on Rainier.


Luckily the renter's insurance ponied-up at the last second.

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myself and 2 others were camping in my van, in down town vancover canada and some dude broke the small window on the paseger door and opened it, (my dumb ass left a pack on the front seat) i herd the nose but wasn't sure what was up till the dome light came on, i said " what the fuck" and dude responed with some crazy shit then took off speed walkin. kinda dazed and confused i sat there as the realization of what happen i got pissed, of cource, and decided to leave. about 3 or 4 blocks(several turn and what not) i see the same dude walking down the street so i flip around into a parking lot and fly out of the van with no shoes and shorts and a tanktop on i ran aout 2 or 3 blocks towrd were i had last saw him but he was no were to be found. fing bastard was lucky, i'm not a violet person normally but i would have fucked him up pretty bad if i would have cought him.

all said and done it cost about $100 to fix the window and i had to cut my climbing trip short madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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I was sitting on the tailgate of my truck once, drinking beer with some friends, when two guys sat in the cab and appeared to be getting ready to fire up the cheeba. Whilst the guy in the drivers seat loaded up, the guy in the passenger seat began rifling through my glovebox and center console. I asked him "can I help you find something?"


This was at the cc.com Smiffy fest.

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