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Fairweather is signing off....


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I'm out of here too. This time I mean it. yelrotflmao.gif Seriously, those who have something valid and/or humorous to add are discouraged from participating. Those who remain are increasingly dull. I have unsuccessfully attempted to persuade those who banned Dwayner to reconsider. I have endured insults, bannings, threats.....and worst of all, tedious and unskilled attempts to justify leaving countless bolt trails on our cliffs.


Yes, the writing is on the wall. We now have about 19 moderators (multipled by three avatars each)....that makes nearly 60, which exceeds the number of people participating on a regular basis. Jon and Tim, my advice to you is this: if you want CC.com to return to its greatness, you should allow unrestrained conversation. When that happens, e-mail me and I'll consider returning. Until then, best wishes.

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Maybe we should add a new feature:

In order to view the spray forum you have to log in. When you log in and go to spray for the first time, you must check a waiver box that says that you enter the forum at your own risk and that there are no holds barred. It would be sort of akin to those license agreements we never read when loading up new software.


Spray is spray. If you don't like what people are saying in there, don't go in there. It's is you that ritualistically logs in every day and goes to spray to see what's going on. It is you who become offended at the things you can't stay away from. You've only yourself to blame.


Fairweather's exodus from this site (if it be real...who knows, he may reappear as a new avatar thus trying to come across as someone with fresh ideas) may have more to do with his realization that this site wastes his time--time better spent on more meaningful activities--than that this site itself is a problem in it's content alone. Despite what seems like an insane attraction for some high-level users of this site, there is more to life than this site. (Isn't there? crazy.gif)


Other than these, I have sensed a drop in the vitality of this site lately. But this vitality fluctuates all the time. No sense getting upset about it. If the problem persists, maybe the site has a bug and needs an elixir.

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I love people who argue with fiction instead of fact, I think your funny. Pope, almost everything that you said is completely untrue, except for one thing which is fairly obvious.


I'm sorry people insulted you Pope. Have you forgotten you and your friends tirades over the last three years about how this place sucks and then you go away for a bit and come back? How convenient.


Don't hold your breath for that email pal.

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The actual content has been quite good lately, especially in the Ice Conditions forum and THE NEW ROCKCLIMBING Forum.


If there's a better resource for keeping up to date on the ice conditions across the PNW, I'm not aware of it. The discussion about the route on Garfield has actually been pretty good as well, as well as the thread about why people putting up bolted routes may or may not decline to post here, right next to a thread(!) started by a Mr.E, where he announces a new route at Smith. Despite all of the whining about moderation, the tone of all of the threads in there has been pretty constructive and civil - (this is a plus in my book) largely because of the efforts of the moderators in there. Plus the pics in the photo gallery have been pretty sweet as well. And there was Smokeshow's killer TR, etc, etc, etc....


I guess it depends on what you come here for. There's plenty of other places where you can load up on the mindless, the profane, the juvenile, and the vulgar if that's what you find yourself missing here.

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As long is it is made by climbers or relating to climbers I find it fascinating.

do you like depeche mode too cuz what you wrote is kina gay.


Do you feel better now smirk.gif


You must be lyrical master of depech mode since I dont find any reference to that band and what I have posted.


On another note - I prefer looking at the tiddies for your username.


Do those guys from Depeche Commode like girls anyway? hahaha.gif

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As long is it is made by climbers or relating to climbers I find it fascinating.

do you like depeche mode too cuz what you wrote is kina gay.


Do you feel better now smirk.gif


You must be lyrical master of depech mode since I dont find any reference to that band and what I have posted.


On another note - I prefer looking at the tiddies for your username.


Do those guys from Depeche Commode like girls anyway? hahaha.gif

just some lameass paraphrased line from the movie 'orgasmo'. the whole 'im not gay or anything' series of lines in the movie starts with 'im not gay or anything but depeche mode is a sweet band.'

and dropping references to cult movies is cool. so at least ive got that going for me. which is nice.


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Winter's autosig is this whole thread boiled down to one line.


Things are changing, there is no denying it. we seem to be having some growing pains (so what else is new) it sucks and it is ahrd. but we as a comunity will grow and change together or apart. I am not ready to bail yet. I will stick it out. I still find useful info here, I stil make plans here for climbing adventures. I choose to grow with cc.com. Hopefuly I will be getting a new job where I actualy have to WORK and that will cut down my spraying time. Personaly I love trask and I do miss him. I will miss fairweather as well ( but not as much tongue.gif ) things are as they are, and they will be what they grow into. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif To jon and Tim and there GRAND idea that they have made a place for us to play. May we all CLIMB HARD, SKI AWSOME, LIVE LONG and LOVE MANY bigdrink.gif

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Winter's autosig is this whole thread boiled down to one line.


Things are changing, there is no denying it. we seem to be having some growing pains (so what else is new) it sucks and it is ahrd. but we as a comunity will grow and change together or apart. I am not ready to bail yet. I will stick it out. I still find useful info here, I stil make plans here for climbing adventures. I choose to grow with cc.com. Hopefuly I will be getting a new job where I actualy have to WORK and that will cut down my spraying time. Personaly I love trask and I do miss him. I will miss fairweather as well ( but not as much tongue.gif ) things are as they are, and they will be what they grow into. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif To jon and Tim and there GRAND idea that they have made a place for us to play. May we all CLIMB HARD, SKI AWSOME, LIVE LONG and LOVE MANY bigdrink.gif

sign me up for that 'LOVE MANY' part. baby. monkey. hotstuff. evils3d.gif

sorry to read bout that you will 'actualy have to WORK'. that is messed up. fukin audactiy of some businesses. hellno3d.gif

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