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Lots. Nationwide, lots. Now that we're spawning super-kids, they're getting knocked up at a surprisingly young age too. Shit, young girls are hitting puberty now at 10 in some cases. Hold onto your balls lads.


your wish has been granted.


from the nytimes:


Bush Plans $1.5 Billion Drive for Promotion of Marriage




Published: January 14, 2004


WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 — Administration officials say they are planning an extensive election-year initiative to promote marriage, especially among low-income couples, and they are weighing whether President Bush should promote the plan next week in his State of the Union address.


For months, administration officials have worked with conservative groups on the proposal, which would provide at least $1.5 billion for training to help couples develop interpersonal skills that sustain "healthy marriages."


hellno3d.gif i thought it was the dems who are supposed to throw money away for PC reasons???


The officials said they believed that the measure was especially timely because they were facing pressure from conservatives eager to see the federal government defend traditional marriage, after a decision by the highest court in Massachusetts. The court ruled in November that gay couples had a right to marry under the state's Constitution.


"This is a way for the president to address the concerns of conservatives and to solidify his conservative base," a presidential adviser said.


Several conservative Christian advocacy groups are pressing Mr. Bush to go further and use the State of the Union address to champion a constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage. Leaders of these groups said they were confused by what they saw as the administration's hedging and hesitation concerning an amendment.


Administration officials said they did not know if Mr. Bush would mention the amendment, but they expressed confidence that his marriage promotion plan would please conservatives.


Ronald T. Haskins, a Republican who has previously worked on Capitol Hill and at the White House under Mr. Bush, said, "A lot of conservatives are very pleased with the healthy marriage initiative."


The proposal is the type of relatively inexpensive but politically potent initiative that appeals to White House officials at a time when they are squeezed by growing federal budget deficits.


It also plays to Mr. Bush's desire to be viewed as a "compassionate conservative," an image he sought to cultivate in his 2000 campaign. This year, administration officials said, Mr. Bush will probably visit programs trying to raise marriage rates in poor neighborhoods.


"The president loves to do that sort of thing in the inner city with black churches, and he's very good at it," a White House aide said.


In the last few years, some liberals have also expressed interest in marriage-education programs. They say a growing body of statistical evidence suggests that children fare best, financially and emotionally, in married two-parent families.


The president's proposal may not be enough, though, for some conservative groups that are pushing for a more emphatic statement from him opposing gay marriage.


"We have a hard time understanding why the reserve," said Glenn T. Stanton, a policy analyst at Focus on the Family, a conservative Christian organization. "You see him inching in the right direction. But the question for us is, why this inching? Why not just get there?"


The Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, chairman of a national group called the Traditional Values Coalition, has started an e-mail campaign urging Mr. Bush to push for an amendment opposing the legal recognition of same-sex marriage.


Other groups, like the Southern Baptist Convention and Focus on the Family, are pushing more quietly for the same thing, through contacts with White House officials, especially Karl Rove, the president's chief political aide, who has taken a personal interest in maintaining contacts with evangelical groups.


In an interview with ABC News last month, Mr. Bush was asked if he would support a constitutional amendment against gay marriage and gay civil unions.


"If necessary," he said, "I will support a constitutional amendment which would honor marriage between a man and a woman, codify that, and will — the position of this administration is that whatever legal arrangements people want to make, they're allowed to make, so long as it's embraced by the state, or does start at the state level."


(has a page 2 i didn't paste)


yeah and for every whore that does that to a man, there's another woman who married some shmo who ditches her and the kids for some betty down the road and doesn't pay his child support. see there is symmetry in the universe.

yeah and for every whore that does that to a man, there's another woman who married some shmo who ditches her and the kids for some betty down the road and doesn't pay his child support. see there is symmetry in the universe.

i sense some unreleased tension. some restrained hostility. let it go baby.

yeah and for every whore that does that to a man, there's another woman who married some shmo who ditches her and the kids for some betty down the road and doesn't pay his child support. see there is symmetry in the universe.
why can't the bad people just find eachother??? why do good people have to get mixed up in the middle of it all?



In an interview with ABC News last month, Mr. Bush was asked if he would support a constitutional amendment against gay marriage and gay civil unions.


"If necessary," he said, "I will support a constitutional amendment which would honor marriage between a man and a woman, codify that, and will — the position of this administration is that whatever legal arrangements people want to make, they're allowed to make, so long as it's embraced by the state, or does start at the state level."


I read in the patriotism thread where HgregWRoark or fairweather said that patriotism is supporting the US constitution. If Bush wants a constitutional amendment, doesn't that make him a non-patriot? fruit.gif


Funny you mention Bush. I came across a psychological profile of him based on characteristics of non-verbal body language, facial expression and body structure ( link ).


  • George is often a perfectionist and this, rather than a "lack of intelligence," inhibits him from seeing the bigger picture. George frequently sets unrealistic standards for those close to him and, from time to time, people might see him as domineering.
  • George's restraint is apparent in his bold and stiff walking style. He is anxious concerning approval from those he regards as authorities.
  • George was easily shamed as a youth and this explains what newscasters call his hesitant and sometimes confusing use of language as well as his sometimes embarrassing facial expressions.
  • George doesn't like holding back how he really feels, but he has been well trained as a politician. Because of this conflict, he appears to some less intelligent than he really is. Unlike Clinton, it would be more obvious if George boldly lied about his personal life on National television. He has a more difficult time controlling his involuntary facial expressions than most public figures.
  • In our society, verbal skills are regarded as a sign of intelligence when, in fact, many people can be very expressive and glib without having insight, structure or factually-based arguments. In fact, George was at a handicap relative to presidential candidate Al Gore, but George is more credible than Al, regardless of Gore's superior ability with language and rhetoric.
  • He can be very aloof at times, but this doesn't mean he hasn't heard what you said; it simply means he is thinking about it. He cares for people more than he would like to admit and, when he appears teary, he really is. It is hard for him to be an actor when it comes to his true feelings.
  • He is dependent on the emotional support of his wife and regards her highly. To get along well with George it is important to let him know that you have no desire to embarrass him. He responds well to direct and honest communication; however, as a politician, he has become used to deception.
  • George's early drinking and use of alcohol was an attempt to reduce his fear of embarrassment and anxiety over his personal self-worth.
  • George's seeking of perfection has often made him highly critical of himself and, at times, he has felt almost "paralyzed" by this character trait.


Hmmm...kind of puts a human face on the man instead of the caricature we're exposed to, also addresses the issue of his intelligence. You could even share some traits with him. hellno3d.gif

it really is absurd that straight people are allowed to marry as "a joke" while gay couples actually wanting a commitment are turned away.


exactly thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif

yeah and for every whore that does that to a man, there's another woman who married some shmo who ditches her and the kids for some betty down the road and doesn't pay his child support. see there is symmetry in the universe.
why can't the bad people just find eachother??? why do good people have to get mixed up in the middle of it all?


Its a greatly known fact that some women are atracted to losers... And some men seek out a fucking cunt to boss them around...


75% of the people I know are mixed up in these situations by their own dismay... over and over and over again, it like a broken record. its what make them happy, happily misrable...


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