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Wyoming-would you live there?


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I too have spent lots of time there and love it. However, I have often wondered if I could adjust to year round living in WY.


Jackson can be cool, but sooo touristy and crowded. Other towns like Dubious are really cool, but sooo small.


My wife insists that I'd go crazy and that the winters are too cold for her. frown.gif


I had a buddy that lived in the Jackson area for five years when he was in his early to mid 20s and he loved it then and still looks back foldly on his time in the area. cool.gif


Another buddy moved to Bozeman for a year and a half and also loved it, but eventually came back to Seattle. cool.gif


I think a large part of the problem would be making a living. If you can do it, I'd try it for a couple of years. thumbs_up.gif


Good luck with your decision. wave.gif


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Alex said:

minx said:

have any of you ever lived in WY?


I lived in Ft Collins, CO (pretty close to Laramie). I would probably not opt for that again, having lived here.


But there are worse places to be.


why not? i've been to FC and i agree that i wouldn't want to live there. i've enjoyed WY more on my visits than i did FC.

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I lived in Jackson for 2 1/2 years. I'd move back if I could find a job there that would afford me to buy a house. I do not know much about Laramie other than it is really far from Jackson and a lot different. Jackson is an anomoly for the State and most people in the state look down upon Jackson because it does not represent their idea of what Wyoming is supposed to be. I find it only really touristy in the summers and if you can stay away from the town square and the major tourist centers then you have an amazing place to play. The winters are cold, vut it is a dry cold, unlike the west side of the Cascades. A lot of snow, cool people, and amazing backyard!


The job thing is a bit of a hangup. If you can make over $70,000 and live in Jackson, you'll be fine!You are paying for the lifestyle and the backyard amenities. People do it for a lot less living paycheck to paycheck! If you have any other questions about Jackson, I'd be happy to answer. Cannot comment on Larmie. Also, to beat some expenses, look just over the pass in Idaho. You can buy a place for a lot less in Victor or even Driggs and commute in less time than you Seattlites over to Jackson.

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I have spent enough time in Lander to know that it would be a decent place to live. There is a growing year-round climbing community there, spurred by the proximity of excellent rock in Sinks Canyon, a huge annual rock fest, and of course, the presence of NOLS (the largest employer in the county). The location is convenient for alpine climbing in the Winds, not too far from ice in Cody, and it has some great bigdrink.gif and cheeburga_ron.gif and decent gear shops. Plus you can buy your expedition food from the Gourmet Gulch in NOLS, they have awesome sesame snacks. Not to mention the killer rodeo in July. Yee hah!

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Takes a really long while to get to any where, there is no "big water" nearby not even something like Horsetooth Res, its really flat even with the Rockies fairly close by. Its still a long long haul to Pinedale and Jackson. I just think it would get pretty old quickly, but thats just me.

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From an average temperatures perpective: see here. Also, expect much more windiness than here in Seattle. To some, it is this wind more than the temperatures that drives people away. It's an acquired taste....or touch, as it were.

Other than that, I can't offer you any advice. I've been through Laramie and parts of SE Wyoming. There's a lot of nothing out there. The best climbing fun is generally a day's drive away (e.g. Wind River Range & Devils Tower).

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aint nothing wrong with drive thru bars. huntin out the truck window is okay with me. hell i dont even care if ya fuck your sisters and cousins out on the ranch. but beatin to death some queer kid is just fucked up. fuck wyoming. i feel no pity for the miserable inbred fucks who live there. fuck them. madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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minx said:

have any of you ever lived in WY? i've enjoyed several trips to there but i'm not sure if i'd want to go year round. i've an opportunity to relocate to laramie w/a significant amount of time spent near jackson.


Like you, I've made several trips out there and thru there, but a buddy of mine who lived in JH for 10 years said it best when he told me it's "Poverty, with a view." And he worked for a petrochemical company doing siesmic surveys (paid pretty good).

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Did you know that Wyoming is the LEAST populated state?


I tried very hard to land a job that opened in Casper working for the Bureau of Reclamation right by Fremont Canyon....awesome crack climbing in Fremont, with Black Hills/Needles close enough, the Tower close enough, and ice close enough. The long winters weren't a factor because my other option was Fairbanks (where I am now) and winters here...well, you just acquire a new idea of "long, cold winter".


So, yeah, I'd live there...but prolly not Laramie, and FWIW, I think Jackson blows the dog. HCL.gif


Go to the Titties for a few trips, climb the good shit, and never go to Jackson again. Driggs, on the other hand, is a little more managable. One of my friends lived there for a few years and loved it.

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minx said:

have any of you ever lived in WY? i've enjoyed several trips to there but i'm not sure if i'd want to go year round. i've an opportunity to relocate to laramie w/a significant amount of time spent near jackson.


humpff...???..I wouldn't think the cowboys would support your industry when there are so many unattended sheep so close to town.


seriously, the climbing would rock but you'd have to take your own social life with you to Laramie unless you planned on taking care of all that in Jackson. I'm sure you'd have a few cc.com visitors stopping by if you kept in touch.


I lived in Idaho Falls for awhile and spent time in Jackson with a good bud who lived on a ranch in Moose. I'd spend a couple of years there if I had the chance.



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YES... Pinedale, well just out of Pindale... Ryland is right about Jackson being really different from the rest of the state, but the rest doesn't resent jackson.... Laramie is kinda a strange land scape, on the edge of the basin and the foot hills of the rockies... their is granite galor their, if that makes a difference... Me personaly I like the northern to middle section of the state better than the lower... Rocksprings is so suck... Chyanne is pretty cool... at least Laramie is a univercity town, make it alittle different then most parts of the state. Just think though their largest town is the size of eugen where i live and for the biggest population of the state thats pertty small... The wind rivers and the saw thouth mountain ranges are so bitchin!!!

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I spent a summer working on the Wind River reservation and crashing either in Lander or Laramie. Socially, Lander struck me as a small scene of worldly types amidst a community of mostly harmless cowboy types. Laramie seemed like the magnet for open minded folks. It's a shame that the town has been conflated with the fucker that killed Matthew Sheppard--Laramie used to feel safe for free-thinking people of any flavor. I doubt it feels quite the same. madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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Summer of 1987 I worked as a seasonal Interpreter/naturalist for the NPS at Devils Tower National Monument. The area around the Tower extending east to the Black Hills is absolutely beautiful. The climbing is superb as well and I would head back there in a heartbeat.


I have a fond memory of having Pope fly out and spending several crisp fall days climbing and hanging out.


Fekking awesome place!

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I have spent lot of time traveling all over wyoming. The problem in laramie is the WIND. It is cold in the winter, but the wind is always ripping.

It is a beautiful place to live though, and has a very western feel to it. Very remote, and different lifestyle than anywhere else in the u.s. (beside montana).

Great climbing, adn very undeveloped.


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I spent half of last year in Wyoming and have had other shorter spells there in the past few years. I love Wyoming...in my experience, the western/NW side of the state has a higher density of climbing/skiing etc...


As far as lifestyle, if you have a decent job, people seem to live very well. Cody is great. It's about 2 to 3 hours from the tetons and Jackson. Cost of living is higher there. However, close by there are several towns (about 20 min. out) that are not as touristy as Cody and Jackson are. The people in the NW corner are so friendly, but most tend to invest in snowmobiling equipment and not a climbing rack. However, there's fantastic ice climbing just outside Cody in the Southfork Valley with a ton of unnamed/unclimbed ice and alpine routes. I've lived in a few different places and felt that the quality of life was quite good. One other thing, each small town varied quite a lot...Powell where I lived was very stable economically, no polygamy, cows slept safely, but 15 miles east was the next main town where there was a fair amount of redundancy in the gene pool and everyone looked a little too much like their neighbors.


If you find a town that you liked, fit your outdoor requirements, and could keep you employed, I'd say give it a shot. Don't know if you're involved/married, but if not, I found the odds were good there, but the goods were often a bit odd.


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