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What did you do before cc.com?


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How did you waste time at work prior to cc.com? Did you just surf the web, chat with coworkers, sleep, email, post to another board, or did you, perhaps, actually do work? I think I probably just surfed, talked, and emailed. I may have actually done more work too! Have you become so addicted to bulletin boards that you now post to others besides cc.com? Please share, I'm running out of distractions.


For you sprayers that don't post from work, why in the hell would you waste your free time spraying??? This is a mystery to me.


PS - has there been any thought into creating a 'skin' for cc.com with a Microsoft theme, perhaps based on Outlook? That could really help me out as I am a cubicle jockey and people often see my computer screen.


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Dustin, you pussy-whipped, donkey-molesting, jock strap-licking, cock-sucking, zit-nibbling, cock-brained ass clown. Clearly, you spend way too much time in darkened rooms in front of your seven-year-old computer turning a whiter shade of pale. Go outside once in a while and breathe, before your brain starts to rot from all that festering stagnation and cognitive dysfunction.



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Dustin_B said:

For you sprayers that don't post from work, why in the hell would you waste your free time spraying???



I was just thinking about that too. I came in for a late lunch, checked my computer for important email and cc.com spray, and saw three pages of new spray.


Doesn't anybody have anything to do at work anymore???????????????????????????????? hellno3d.gif

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A man and a woman are seated next to each other in First Class on a plane.

The woman sneezes, and then takes a tissue and gently wipes up under her skirt between her legs.

The man isn't sure he actually saw what he saw and decides he is hallucinating.

A few minutes pass.

The woman sneezes again, takes a tissue, and gently wipes between her legs.

The man is about to go nuts, he can't believe what he is seeing.

A few more minutes pass. When the woman sneezes yet again.

She takes a tissue and gently wipes it between her legs yet again.

The man has finally had all he can handle.

He turns to the woman and says "Three times you have sneezed, and three times you've taken a tissue and wiped it between your legs..

What kind of signals are you sending me, or are you just trying to drive me crazy?"

The woman replies, "I am sorry to have disturbed you, sir.

I have a rare medical condition, such that when I sneeze I have an orgasm."

The man, now feeling bad, says, "Oh, I'm sorry. What are you taking for it?"

The woman looks at him and says "Black Pepper".

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trask said:

Dustin, you pussy-whipped, donkey-molesting, jock strap-licking, cock-sucking, zit-nibbling, cock-brained ass clown. Clearly, you spend way too much time in darkened rooms in front of your seven-year-old computer turning a whiter shade of pale. Go outside once in a while and breathe, before your brain starts to rot from all that festering stagnation and cognitive dysfunction.

Hmmm, practice what you preach. yellaf.gif


I'm ready for ya. Bring it on. Sticks and stones...

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Klenke, your post shows your exceptional talent for mistakenly thinking that others attach the equivalent importance of a frog's fart to your disjointed, fool-fueled ramblings. In case you didn't quite grasp that: no-one, not even a diarrheic herd of cattle with dysentery and fed a ton of laxatives, gives a shit what you have to say. the_finger.gif

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Dustin_B said:

How did you waste time at work prior to cc.com? Did you just surf the web, chat with coworkers, sleep, email, post to another board, or did you, perhaps, actually do work? I think I probably just surfed, talked, and emailed. I may have actually done more work too! Have you become so addicted to bulletin boards that you now post to others besides cc.com? Please share, I'm running out of distractions.


For you sprayers that don't post from work, why in the hell would you waste your free time spraying??? This is a mystery to me.


PS - has there been any thought into creating a 'skin' for cc.com with a Microsoft theme, perhaps based on Outlook? That could really help me out as I am a cubicle jockey and people often see my computer screen.


Stared at webcam pics of places I'd like to be.

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trask said:

Klenke, your post shows your exceptional talent for mistakenly thinking that others attach the equivalent importance of a frog's fart to your disjointed, fool-fueled ramblings. In case you didn't quite grasp that: no-one, not even a diarrheic herd of cattle with dysentery and fed a ton of laxatives, gives a shit what you have to say. the_finger.gif

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trask said:

Dustin, you pussy-whipped, donkey-molesting, jock strap-licking, cock-sucking, zit-nibbling, cock-brained ass clown. Clearly, you spend way too much time in darkened rooms in front of your seven-year-old computer turning a whiter shade of pale. Go outside once in a while and breathe, before your brain starts to rot from all that festering stagnation and cognitive dysfunction.




Good afternoon Trask, thanks for playing along. Please stop holding back your feelings and tell us how you really feel. It's not good to hold stuff in. But I can see that the 2+ years of therapy you've invested at cc.com is starting to work, hang in there, we'll get through this. Thanks for sharing. thumbs_up.gif


I do spend way too much time in artificially lit rooms and I am very pale, but our computers are only 2 years old. I would love to go outside but I am at work, which I thought was clear from my post. That will have to wait until the weekend (like most of us). My brain started rotting long ago though so it is too late for that. Oh, and I'm single so I'm not pussy-whipped. As for the other stuff, well that's just plain mean-ness. I truly expected more from you. I've got a hand full of something you can suck on though.


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trask said:

Klenke, your post shows your exceptional talent for mistakenly thinking that others attach the equivalent importance of a frog's fart to your disjointed, fool-fueled ramblings. In case you didn't quite grasp that: no-one, not even a diarrheic herd of cattle with dysentery and fed a ton of laxatives, gives a shit what you have to say. the_finger.gif


You're never at a loss for creative, descriptive words. Do you have a dictionary by your computer or some random-word-generator software? I wonder if someday your dialect will be recognized at a separate language, kind of like ebonics? Then you would be able to claim English as a second language, and hence be bi-lingual!! Good luck.


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mtn_mouse said:

Dustin_B said:

For you sprayers that don't post from work, why in the hell would you waste your free time spraying???



I was just thinking about that too. I came in for a late lunch, checked my computer for important email and cc.com spray, and saw three pages of new spray.


Doesn't anybody have anything to do at work anymore???????????????????????????????? hellno3d.gif


Don't you guys know that all the work gets done at meetings, so when people are at their desks they neew to wast a bit of time before the next meeting? yellaf.gif

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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

before cc.com I was a stay at home mom, I weighed over 200lbs and I watched saops and read. Now I'm still an obese ho. I climb up off my fat ass to grab more cookies and ice cream, have a job slinging hash at the local Eugene Choke n' Puke, and post wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much at this fucked up excuse for a website wink.gif life is good

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trask said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

before cc.com I was a stay at home mom, I weighed over 200lbs and I watched saops and read. Now I'm still an obese ho. I climb up off my fat ass to grab more cookies and ice cream, have a job slinging hash at the local Eugene Choke n' Puke, and post wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much at this fucked up excuse for a website wink.gif life is good

yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif my dad used to call Bigs HI U HEE HEE the choke and puke thumbs_up.gif
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Dustin_B said:

How did you waste time at work prior to cc.com? Did you just surf the web, chat with coworkers, sleep, email, post to another board, or did you, perhaps, actually do work? I think I probably just surfed, talked, and emailed. I may have actually done more work too! Have you become so addicted to bulletin boards that you now post to others besides cc.com? Please share, I'm running out of distractions.


I used to read a lot more than I do now. yellaf.gif


You know when Trask is spraying eloquently like on this thread, he's happy.




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arlen said:

cc.com cured me of my previous addiction:





You were addicted to really bad tv huh?


I think a few cc.com sprayers used to be addicted to work and now they've found some other way to spend their work hours. Why? They don't "really" have to interact with people and relate to them as fellow human beings.

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scott_harpell said:

now you are a flaming homosexual? confused.gif


Of course not! I mean, I lost interest in the boosies-o-rama that is the charmed ones, and now I spend all my time in faceless interaction with middle-aged men who use just their nicknames. What would be gay about that? confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gifgrin.gif

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