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He was thrashing on me in in the chat room last night. He seems very angry about being banned. In fact he thinks I should be banned and not him. confused.gif


Maybe it's time to bring the old bombastic gasbag back into the fold.....???


I will say that it seems that he feels that he has more to say on the bolting issue. Consider y'all selves warned.

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marylou said:

He was thrashing on me in in the chat room last night. He seems very angry about being banned. In fact he thinks I should be banned and not him. confused.gif


Maybe it's time to bring the old bombastic gasbag back into the fold.....???


I will say that it seems that he feels that he has more to say on the bolting issue. Consider y'all selves warned.


Gee, Dwayner with more to say on bolting? NO WAY!



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DFA saw Dwayner on Churning this weekend. He couldn't do the crux, so he clipped into the second to last bolt, looked around kind of suspiciously, then gave the rope three quick tugs. Without a word or a moment's hesitation, Pope, who was belaying, fished a Bosch Annihilator out of his pack while Dwayner lowered his end of the rope. He quickly hauled the rock-devouring sportweapon up to his stance, and set to work on a couple four-finger letterbox slots. He then lowered off, pulled the cord, tied back in, and proceeded to send, pausing en route only to wink at the crowd and kiss his bicep mid lockoff.


Quite a sight, as you might imagine. But that was nothing compared to what he did next!


Clipping in to the anchor, he once again lowers the rope to Pope (rhyme!), who sends up a 7-pound mini sledge hammer. So Dwayner lowers off, and on his way down, smashes the eyes of the glue-in bolts completely flat. When he gets to the deck, he pulls the rope, strips off his Prana outfit (save for the matching headband, curiously enough), and throws the whole pile, rope, draws, bolt gun, and all down on a nearby boulder, lights it on fire, and proclaims that sport climbing is dead, and that he's tired of playing Jesus to a world of bolt clipping Judases.


Was it some kind of performance art? A sociology experiment gone frightfully wrong? Or just another step down the trail of madness for an old swami-belted Goldliner with a flagging stiffy for Chouinard and an unquenchable desire to turn back the tide of change and save the modern climbing world from itself?


Who fucking knows ...

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vegetablebelay said:

What's classic is that you can rip Dwayner while he can't respond because he was banned for ripping all you sportos! hahaha.gifcantfocus.gifyellowsleep.gifthumbs_down.gif


Dude, go curl up in the corner with your Dwayner blanket and matching PJs and suck your thumb til you feel better. Shit. DFA's just having a good time penning short fiction for everyone's enjoyment. It's not like it was some kind of attack on the big fella or something.


Relax. Everything will be just fine.

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Actually, Veggie, he didn't need to be banned in the first place. He got plenty of warning and then he just kept playing chicken with the moderators. I didn't ban him and I'm not the one to turn him back on again, but I can tell you that I believe he'd be welcome to come back as Dwayner if he really wanted to. It might take a minor grovel on his part but, were he to come back, he'd be welcome to come back and rant and rave against bolting (he'd likely get shut down again if he resumed the same old tactics). In actual fact, however, I talked with Dwayner quite extensively about all of this and I am pretty much convinced that he doesn't really want to come back - at least not yet. For his own reasons, he is more interested in being the "poor me" victim of unrestrained moderators than in spreading his message. Meanwhile, maybe you can take up the mantle and tell us everything that is wrong with the modern sport climbing world.


Though you raise what on the surface might appear to be a valid concern, I don't think Dwayner would have a legitimate complaint that someone might mock him. Anybody who has spent so many posts on this board engaged in ridicule and taunting just doesn't have much right to complain if they become the subject of someone else's sense of humor. Further, he doesn't post under his real name, and he frequently maintains that his on-line character "Dwayner" is a fictitional character anyway. Sorry.

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

DFA saw Dwayner on Churning this weekend. He couldn't do the crux, so he clipped into the second to last bolt, looked around kind of suspiciously, then gave the rope three quick tugs. Without a word or a moment's hesitation, Pope, who was belaying, fished a Bosch Annihilator out of his pack while Dwayner lowered his end of the rope. He quickly hauled the rock-devouring sportweapon up to his stance, and set to work on a couple four-finger letterbox slots. He then lowered off, pulled the cord, tied back in, and proceeded to send, pausing en route only to wink at the crowd and kiss his bicep mid lockoff.


Quite a sight, as you might imagine. But that was nothing compared to what he did next!


Clipping in to the anchor, he once again lowers the rope to Pope (rhyme!), who sends up a 7-pound mini sledge hammer. So Dwayner lowers off, and on his way down, smashes the eyes of the glue-in bolts completely flat. When he gets to the deck, he pulls the rope, strips off his Prana outfit (save for the matching headband, curiously enough), and throws the whole pile, rope, draws, bolt gun, and all down on a nearby boulder, lights it on fire, and proclaims that sport climbing is dead, and that he's tired of playing Jesus to a world of bolt clipping Judases.


Was it some kind of performance art? A sociology experiment gone frightfully wrong? Or just another step down the trail of madness for an old swami-belted Goldliner with a flagging stiffy for Chouinard and an unquenchable desire to turn back the tide of change and save the modern climbing world from itself?


Who fucking knows ...


Whatcha doin' there, big boy? Shadow boxing? Pickin' on Dwayner while your big brothers hold him down? If that's supposed to be funny, you might consider hiring Veggie Belay as a comedy coach. He certainly nailed the punch line (boom boom!) this time. tongue.gif

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E-rock said:

Wow, who'da thunk that making posts on a website behind anonymous avatars even mildly resembles insulting someone to their face, even if they are registered users? Curious indeed.


Being banned is so cool, I absolutely must be next.


Let's see...I know! I'll start railing shamlessly against bouldering!!!


Now I just gotta fuel up the tanks of fomenting hate... wave.gif


Look out Distel! hahaha.gif

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