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Music download warning


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The lawsuits made the front page of todays Oregonian although it noted that no cases have been filed in the US District Court for Oregon.


I have little sympathy for an industry that is so corrupt it rivals the Bush administration in lies and deceit. I do feel for the artists.

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I think boy bands Are the real problem to the hatred of the music industry... I think that it is time to change the direction of the music that is being masmarketed... Its time to stop the POP!!! Fuck middle schoolers and what they listen to... Fuck the hole find some guys that look good and want to be stars and make them into a band... Big producers need to start signing the more creative bands, the ones with new ideas in the music relm... "just my though ladies and gentlemen, just what I was feelin at the time."

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trask said:

Off, it's cool to look for a smoking gun, but don't you agree that if your construction contracts were down 1/3 due to unscrupulous fuckers working under the table, that you'd be pissed off too.


I appreciate the attempt to make a personal analogy, but that's already been the case ever since contractors had to be licensed. If my contracts were down a third, I'd have to consider an array of reasons, only some of which are external, and work on the internal pieces that could stand some improvement. In fact, that's a reasonably accurate description of my winter. So what am I doing spraying here, I've got a quote to work on. See ya'll later, thanks for the reminder Trask. thumbs_up.gif

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There are still ways to download mp3s free from RIAA scrutiny, if you know what you are doing. Using one of those file-sharing programs is just asking for trouble these days, but there are other ways. I don't download that much, usually just to check out albums before I buy them -- there's just too many one-hit albums out there -- but I absolutely refuse to buy any new CDs from these fuckers. The only CDs I buy are used from either local used CD stores or on eBay for the hard-to-find stuff. Fuck the RIAA.


And it's just a matter of time before truly anonymous P2P sharing systems are developed.

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heh that's a cunning move Apple has made. The iTunes music store is a trojan horse to get PC users to buy iPods. The iPods are trojan horses to get people to buy Macs. The music store will eventually be available to PCs. iTunes the app kicks ass though, too bad it is not for PCs, doubt it ever will be. Apple's not making jack on the music store yet despite the massive downloads, but it's only a matter of time. when it opens up for PC users, they are going to cash in.

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iain said:

heh that's a cunning move Apple has made. The iTunes music store is a trojan horse to get PC users to buy iPods. The iPods are trojan horses to get people to buy Macs. The music store will eventually be available to PCs. iTunes the app kicks ass though, too bad it is not for PCs, doubt it ever will be. Apple's not making jack on the music store yet despite the massive downloads, but it's only a matter of time. when it opens up for PC users, they are going to cash in.

whatever you myopic fool. the cd is a dinosaur bout to be made extinct. apple is just making the logical next step.

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