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Cpt.Caveman said:

How can you say that two people (let's use that term) who are in a committed relationship, monogamous, and able to provide a structure to raise healthy children in are not entitled to social, medical, insurance and employment benefits that a "normal" (and there's plenty of "normal" families out there that are all fucked up) family is entitled to???


and all the homobashing going on out there leads me to believe that a lot of you are closet folks...why the hate?


First of all I dont believe gay people should be adopting. I think it's morally fucked and if it was intended they would not be the same sex.


Homo bashing- Well just because I think homosexual people are not all there in the head to raise children or should be entitled to everything doesnt mean I am bashing necessarily.


Some of you people that defend homosexuals alway use the same defense that we are bashing hate mongers.


That's not very original and a pretty weak argument too.


Ray is still uncomfortable about talking about those hot sweaty nights in the bunk house during basic training. yellaf.gif


I'm not sure about the adoption thing, but I think if you love someone you should be able to marry them.

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RuMR said:

Fence_Sitter said:

and able to provide a structure to raise healthy children in


dubious at best...


Not so...there are plenty of studies showing otherwise...


oh yeah... the studies... just like the studies that prove carrots cause cancer and the one taht prove they prevent cancer... rolleyes.gif

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Fence_Sitter said:

wirlwind said:

E-rock said:

...divides our nation while it happens.


this woulkd acxtually be funny, a civil war split over gay rights wazzup.gif


i personly think Bush and the other idiots just threw out this topic cuase they new it would create a havoc and people would forget about other shit that they have done, or at least to dampin the spot light alittle.


i'd put money on it too... good call thumbs_up.gif


I think this is more an admission that Bush is threatened by the Democratic candidates. Most likely Howard Dean who legalized gay marriage in Vermont and is gaining strongly on all of the other democratic candidates in the polls.

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kitten said:

marylou said:

And what do you "think" will happen to the kids raised by gay parents? Axe muderers? Pedophiles? Politicians?


Do tell! Enquiring minds want to know!

Are you always such a smart ass? boxing_smiley.gif


I suspect her 'parents' are gay. In other words, yes.

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if a straight kid is raised by gay parent do they have to come out of the closet to the parents?


"Dad....and Dad... I don't know how to say this but I'm dating a GIRL! There! I said it! And I'm not going to Interior Decorating School! Im going to be a bass player in a heavy metal band!" rockband.gif

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Sphinx said:

RuMR said:

Fence...i'll discuss this with you in person...


As i said before, i know some kids that are being raised in gay families and there is nothing wrong with them...





Whatever, shitinx...


All this crap about it being a lifestyle choice is just that, crap...its biological...


Answer me this, Have you ever had to make a choice about how you feel? your answer is NO, my bet...ie, you either are attracted to chix or guys, not both...so how come they get tagged w/ the moral issue of making a choice??? There is no choice involved...


A child raised by gay parents is not any more likely to be gay than straight...it has no bearing on it...

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Dru said:

if a straight kid is raised by gay parent do they have to come out of the closet to the parents?


"Dad....and Dad... I don't know how to say this but I'm dating a GIRL! There! I said it! And I'm not going to Interior Decorating School! Im going to be a bass player in a heavy metal band!" rockband.gif

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yeah life sucks when you're a kid. every kid's burden of suckness is different. some kids are gonna have to deal w/2 gay parents and some kids are going to have to deal w/poverty and abuse. (my kid has to deal w/me as a mom shocked.gif) boy i sure would have to suffer w/gay parents.....

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ehmmic said:

RuMR said:

Ehmmic...i think josh is saying the same thing as you in a roundabout way...


ie. he doesn't think the government should ban marriages...am i wrong, josh?


Agreed. I don't think he was saying that it would be wrong to ban gay marriages. Just pointing out some history about some of the reasons the gov't got into the marriage business to begin with.


And I agree completely with Josh's second point.


RuMR, yup, you are correct. I totally agree with Ehmmic that the laws of this partnership we call marriage need to be protected by laws, courts, etc. What I said (poorly, admittidly) is that the government should *not* have a hand in defining who can enter into these partnerships, be them two men, two women, or one of each. I think people who radically oppose the idea of gay marriage are going to look as out of date in 20 years as the people who opposed mixed-race marriages do today. Unfortuantely, we still have plenty of idiots in this world that oppose mixed race marriage. rolleyes.gif

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marylou said:

Off_White said:

You ignorant rat-ass bigots can eat shit. the_finger.gif If we can let drooling hydrocephalic louts like you speak and breed, people should be allowed to marry whoever they feel like.




I believe Ray gets our "Bigot of the Day" award.


Allison get's the cunt of the millenium award hahaha.gifthumbs_up.gif

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E-rock said:

I'll tell you what's tired and weak: Conservatives always drawing the line between "right" and "wrong" and that somehow those beliefs are carved in stone and reside in a Platonic version of Heaven...


...or that your convictions against homosexual rights are in any way based on the meager difference said rights may make on the bottom line of your W-2 at the end of the year. I can think of a whole lot of "liberal" government programs that gouge you a hell of a lot more than "gay marriages". Rethink your arguments and come back to us with something that sounds logical AND doesn't wreak of masked hatred.




All you can say is hate hate hate. Your full of it.


It's all plain and simple- IF I dont believe in it then I dont believe I should have to pay for it.


You can argue until you're blue in the face.


To sit there and snidely call me a hater is fucking retarded.


Arguments about kids growing up in a stable environment with gay people is wrong. Kids should not have to grow up that way.



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Cpt.Caveman said:

Arguments about kids growing up in a stable environment with gay people is wrong. Kids should not have to grow up that way.



I know several gay couples rasing kids and in every instance the child is getting much better parenting then plenty of "traditional" families I know.

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marylou said:

And what do you "think" will happen to the kids raised by gay parents? Axe muderers? Pedophiles? Politicians?


Do tell! Enquiring minds want to know!


Get ridiculed at school, secretly and maybe not so secretly discriminated against. Another set of factors a child should not have to deal with.

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