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More Squamish break-ins 7/27


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We were parked at the trailhead for the Squaw yesterday with about 6 other cars - my suzuki and a black truck (both with WA plates) got damage - BC plated cars were untouched.


My car got its passenger side window smashed - I lost a sleeping bag and pads, my partner lost a wallet and some clothes. The truck got a rock thru the windshield. I figure it wasn't climbers - crash pad and rack were untouched. When we reported it to the mounties they said the same thing had happened Saturday. Unfortunately I had not heard.


I don't want to fan any flames here, (I have only met VERY kind and hospitible Canadians up there) but if you want to climb at the Squaw - I would suggest walking from the Apron parking lot rather than parking at the trailhead.



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i only break into american cars if they have nra stickers because ive heard its really hard to smuggle guns across the border, and i know how defenseless gun owners are without their guns. almost like baby turtles before their shell hardens...

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Dru said:

i only break into american cars if they have nra stickers because ive heard its really hard to smuggle guns across the border, and i know how defenseless gun owners are without their guns. almost like baby turtles before their shell hardens...


I invite you to try.

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we need more american tv coverage to get something done up there. apprently all the TOOLS and other types of in the know people around there could give a fuck. maybe they are too bloated on poutine and shitty beer to even know what is occurring in the world around them.


the more bad press for the sea to sky hiway the better.



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I think it would be cool if whoever runs the campsite up there would install lockers that you could put your valuables in while you aren't using them. It would be like going to a health club. It's not like you go to Squamish to get away from it all.

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erik said:we need more american tv coverage to get something done up there. apprently all the TOOLS and other types of in the know people around there could give a fuck. maybe they are too bloated on poutine and shitty beer to even know what is occurring in the world around them.


the more bad press for the sea to sky hiway the better.

Get European coverage and tie it into the upcoming Olympics. 'Looting visitors' angle.


That will get the government's attention. wave.gif

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erik said:



we need more american tv coverage to get something done up there. apprently all the TOOLS and other types of in the know people around there could give a fuck. maybe they are too bloated on poutine and shitty beer to even know what is occurring in the world around them.


the more bad press for the sea to sky hiway the better.



Being one of the "TOOLS" you refer to, I can assure you this on-going problem has nothing to do with us not giving a fuck. It's got more to do with the fact that this is a very difficult problem to deal with, here in Squamish, in the Rockies, in the Okanagan Valley and, yes, even in the United States.


Leave a car parked on the side of a road up in the bush somewhere, with no-one around, no traffic, no way of supervising the area. Add in the fact that even the useless scum responsible for the damage can figure out that, once climbers or hikers or skiers lock up their cars and disappear into the bush, they're problably going to be gone for quite a while, maybe days, but at least for a few hours. Add to that the fact that these trail-head parking lots are located a short distance from Hwy 99, meaning the culprits can be in Vancouver or Lilloett or Bellingham before the break-in is even noticed, much less reported. Add to that the fact that there are dozens of these parking lots, and literally hundreds of lesser "pull-out" style trail-heads, scattered over a sparsely populated area the size of Oregon. What would you suggest?


Instead of calling us fat drunken tools who don't give a fuck, maybe you have a blindingly obvious, easy, foolproof solution that we've simply been too stupid to think of. Or maybe it's easier just to throw insults at people, rather than trying to make a positive contribution?

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the answer does not just rely with the TOOL, it is a two part issue.


responsibility from both sides is a start. the cops need to admit that there is a problem first and secondly they need to let the public know what they are doing to curb it. all your secret tought guy cop crap, gets in the way of solving problems. no one really cares if you are tough, show us by doing your job.


identifying hot spots and setting stings or entrapment situations to get some offenders, beat the shit out of them, steal their stuff and then leave them further up the road without shoes. if you catch them again, beat the shit out of them and then take them to jail. sounds abusive? well guess what the sad unfortunate fact that people become depressed and reach extreme levels of sadness when their pride and personal property are damaged and stolen is very great. retribution should dole out the same such strife and pain.


make it know to the public who these people are what they are doing, let them be judged by their peers, as well as the law. you think you are going to steal, if you know the tough guy cop has it out for you? maybe! you think you are going to steal if your grandma knows you do. hardly.


the other part of the plan is for the 'victims' to realize that their gear laden cars are potential goldmines for whorthless human beings whom want to make some quick money. you have to be less of target. quit advertising, sticks and the such take them off. hide your shit, or better yet do not bring extra shit. find a place to store it.(though the campground lock boxes sounds like a great idea!!!!!!!)


and people just need to realize that there are assholes out there looking to take advantage of anyone at anytime.





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what about the subaru thief in Smith (although it coulda just been random cause half the cars in the lot are subarus there) and the car prowls in North Bend


they ever catch anybody in those yet or do anything about it?

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we could park a vulnerable wa plates car full of blue and canucks jerseys in plain view...and hide in the bush with our friendly nieborhood tool....and bash their @$$#^%#^ heads in...uh..sorry...i mean apprehend the perpetrators........ rockband.gifrodney king rodney king rodney king rockband.gifrockband.gifrockband.gif

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murraysovereign said:



Being one of the "TOOLS" you refer to, I can assure you this on-going problem has nothing to do with us not giving a fuck. It's got more to do with the fact that this is a very difficult problem to deal with, here in Squamish, in the Rockies, in the Okanagan Valley and, yes, even in the United States......


Murray, thanks for the insights. btw, were you one of the responding officers the night Shannon and friends were beaten? It sure would be great to hear an insider's opinion of what motivated that whole thing, and why the perps weren't taken into custody at the scene.

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Murray is not a cop, but a community minded business man

who has contributed more than his fair share to the benefit

of climbers in Squamish. Access issues in the Bluffs and

the Malemute, Adopt-A-Crag day, safe-bolt fund, you name

it and Murray has been generously involved. His opinion and

input carries some weight in my view.


bigdrink.gif to Murray



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My_xxxth_Avatar said:


Murray, thanks for the insights. btw, were you one of the responding officers the night Shannon and friends were beaten? It sure would be great to hear an insider's opinion of what motivated that whole thing, and why the perps weren't taken into custody at the scene.


Sorry, I didn't mean to identify myself as law-enforcement, but rather as a member of the community who is "in the know" and who has been trying to think up a practicable solution to this problem for a number of years now.


But on behalf of the law-enforcement community here in Squamish and area, I can tell you they are very much aware of the problem of trail-head breakins and vandalism, and they are as frustrated as anyone with the problem. They aren't trying to hide behind any "tough guy cop" thing. I'm not sure where that suggestion comes from, frankly. Despite their inability to "get their man" each and every time - in open defiance of Hollywood's instructions - I think our RCMP generally do a pretty good job, and in a far more open, accessible way than police forces in some other jurisdictions. Far from trying to hide the problem, they regularly make public appeals for information &/or assistance, and are quite open about the difficulties they face in dealing with it. Short of hiring hundreds of extra officers and leaving one at each trail-head, around the clock, 365 days a year, I don't know how they could possibly guarantee vehicle security around here, or anywhere else for that matter. Even setting up a "sting" type of operation would be of limited value - which of the hundreds of potential breakin sites do you stake out? On any given day, you've got about a 1 in 1000 chance of being in the right spot at the right time.


In the absence of a ready solution, it is incumbent on all users of vulnerable parking areas to do everything they can to minimize their exposure. Thieves target these areas because they know there's easy pickin's to be had.

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fern said:

Murray is not a cop, but a community minded business man

who has contributed more than his fair share to the benefit

of climbers in Squamish. Access issues in the Bluffs and

the Malemute, Adopt-A-Crag day, safe-bolt fund, you name

it and Murray has been generously involved. His opinion and

input carries some weight in my view.


bigdrink.gif to Murray



and if you are in squamish in the rain you can go to murray's store (Valhalla Pure) and spray on cc.com for ALMOSTfree! thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif

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