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Logan in a Day


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Gravity seems particularly strong the morning after this one.

Vitals: Mt Logan , Elevation: 9,078

Approach-rt ; 40+ miles

Elevation gain : 10,000'+

Elapsed time - car to car: 24-hrs , 17 min.(includes 9 hr bivy)

Hurting : Quads , Glutes, Groin(?), FEET, and calves.


It rained the day before so the thick bushes where loaded with water. I tried to knock it loose with a stick but gave up after a few miles. I was soaked the entire trip as a result. I left the car at the late hr of 430pm, determined to get as far in as possible. I carried a micro-bivy in 15 miles that evening and collapsed in a nervous sleep. the ranger lady had me freaked out about bears, and there was skat everywhere.

After dreams of collapsing bridges, I accidently let myself sleep in till 430 am. I still had many miles and elev to go. the way was debrised and hard to follow. The climb would have gone well but it was whited out much of the time, and I got miles off route. I was the first to the summit this year and I wished for any type of veiw. I hear it is amazing. What I did see on the way in was great . Very beautiful apraoch and a bit long as well. I took a shortcut down, and I was very lucky to get down it in tact. You know how those NC shortcuts can be soul-crushers. I found I was way behind doing it in under 24 so I ran half the way out -not recommended. I had never pushed myself to that exteme before. It was interesting to see where my bodies limits were. It hurt worst in my pelvis, but the highspots in my quads where ready to snap as well. I havent dabbled much with this speed climbing stuff, I would like to do more with smaller climbs and what not. It is interesting to see what can be done in a day. Are there none which cant be done.? I suspect mt Fury ne butt is one . The rest keep falling..,...Wayne


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Good job Wayne, thanks for the TR. It's ironic; I have been considering trying the same thing. For no real reason except that I have personal fondness for the name Logan. To bad about the 9 hour bivy, sounds like it would have been a lot easier with less sleep.


I have found that with those sort of distances and ele' gains in 24, I have the most trouble with blisters & the dreaded groin chaff. Any problems on that front? Do you think that your quad soreness was in part due to hydration, salts or nutrition deficit or just the distance?

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I was lucky to pick a cool day to do it, so I didnt go through the water like usual. I took alot of care with hydration and feeding. 1 blister, no groin chaffing. I didnt know what to make of the pelvis pain. Never had that before. I am glad I cant get pregnant. It really hurt.

I got real proficient at peeing while walking. My socks were already wet so....

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Thanks, Anybody done all 3 -9,000ers beginning with Maude-to- Fernow ? In24? Thats my latest thought ,fwiw .Thanks for the thread you posted below Ursa. It doesnt seem like its been done then.!

Edited by wayne1112
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wayne1112 said:

Thanks, Anybody done all 3 -9,000ers beginning with Maude-to- Fernow ? In24? Thats my latest thought ,fwiw .Thanks for the thread you posted below Ursa. It doesnt seem like its been done then.!


Hey, Wayne. As Ursa noted, I was asking in another thread. Check out your PMs.



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Nice Job! I'll have to look at the map and see how incredible that was.


wayne1112 said:

Thanks, Anybody done all 3 -9,000ers beginning with Maude-to- Fernow ? In24? Thats my latest thought ,fwiw .Thanks for the thread you posted below Ursa. It doesnt seem like its been done then.!


I am pretty certain that this can be done in a day. Two years ago I attempted this (not on purpose), but was unfamiliar with Fernow so I didn't get that peak in. In all I did N Face of Maude, descended down the NW gulley, 7FJ, traversed over to Fernow and peaked at it, Maude/Carne Traverse, Carne, car to car in 13 hours. If I knew Fernow any better and didn't spend the time traversing over to Carne I think there would have been enough time to summit Fernow in the same day. Here's the TR post.

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Done these over the course of a couple of days after Bonanza. I guess it would be possible to do all three in a day, but why? It's such a great place up there I'd prefer to savor it. What's the rush in getting back to the city?

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Jim said:

Done these over the course of a couple of days after Bonanza. I guess it would be possible to do all three in a day, but why? It's such a great place up there I'd prefer to savor it. What's the rush in getting back to the city?


It's not about getting back any sooner, it's about seeing and doing more and the sense of accomplishment. For some people packing as many miles, peaks, sights and memories into one day can be just as enjoyable (physically and mentally) as hanging out in Leroy Basin and enjoying the downtime. cool.gif

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Tod said:


It's not about getting back any sooner, it's about seeing and doing more and the sense of accomplishment. For some people packing as many miles, peaks, sights and memories into one day can be just as enjoyable (physically and mentally) as hanging out in Leroy Basin and enjoying the downtime. cool.gif


well said! thumbs_up.gif

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It's not about getting back any sooner, it's about seeing and doing more and the sense of accomplishment. For some people packing as many miles, peaks, sights and memories into one day can be just as enjoyable (physically and mentally) as hanging out in Leroy Basin and enjoying the downtime. cool.gif


Yea, I hear you. But I would have to say spending a couple days at Ice Lakes is pretty cool, as was napping atop Maude. As for Logan we skied the Fremont and yo-yoed it and around Park Creek pass for a long day. The light and quick can be fun too, but there's a lot you end up jogging my - IMHO.

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I have been following this arguement of speed vs. enjoyment that has shown itself in this thread.

I feel it suits a person to get what ever they can from this sport. I have gone slow and fast. I have almost always enjoyed my time in the hills. Speed is sometimes more important on some pursuits than others . On Logan, It started raining as I left. There is always a reason to hurry in the mts. Enjoy what moments you are in . There may be a day this will all seem quite silly. Here again is the perspective I have on the speed variation.. Chart

It is a small little part of what ever you go after in this amazing sport. Everyone have a safe 4th! fruit.gif


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Good job Wayne. You're one, sick puppy! Good luck with your 9,000 trio. Is there any peak within WA which cannot be done in 24? (Not by a specific route, just any peak.)

I emphathize for that run out you did. Doesn't it make you feel like anything is possible, pulling that big of a rabbit out your ass?

Again, good job man! rockband.gif

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