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Fuck Hollywood


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American forces made history in Iraq and accomplished what no other military has, can or will. In spite of the naysayers and lack of support from Hollywood, the mission was achieved in record time. It's not that the troops needed anything from them, other than knowing Hollywood and their country supported and backed them. That is what gives the soldier the will to fight.


Traditionally Hollywood has shown support by entertaining the troops, but not this time. This crop of actors and entertainers should be ashamed of themselves and their behavior as using public forums to show protest is inappropriate and pathetic. Hollywood doesn't want to support our soldiers but they want rights to their stories to make movies so we can pay incredibly high prices to see them.


[written by a US Marine]


I say fuck the screen actor's guild and the Hollywood commies. For me personally, I may never pay to see another movie. That certainly won't be MY loss. Rant over.



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trask said:

That is what gives the soldier the will to fight.


Thats just flat out sad if its true. I would hope that their motivation comes from a more profound source.


. . .This crop of actors and entertainers should be ashamed of themselves and their behavior as using public forums to show protest is inappropriate and pathetic. . .


Um. . .what exactly is the correct forum for voicing dissent? Privately? Overall a ridiculous rant and repetitive as well. Has there ever been a conflict the U.S. was involved in which some celebrity did not voice disagreement?


Dissent is part of the democratic process. Public discourse is part of the democratic process. Disagreement with foreign policy is not unpatriotic.



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American forces made history in Iraq and accomplished what no other military has, can or will.


Subjugated a hopelessly undersized, underpowered, undertrained, and disorganized enemy by way of the most overfunded and technologically advanced military on the planet? Gee. Wow. yellowsleep.gif


In spite of the naysayers and lack of support from Hollywood, the mission was achieved in record time. It's not that the troops needed anything from them, other than knowing Hollywood and their country supported and backed them. That is what gives the soldier the will to fight.


See rbw's concise refutation above. Honestly; since when does Hollywood (as if it's all one entity or something?) have any obligation to do anything other than turn out crappy lowest-common-denominator trash for brainwashed cultural illiterates?


Traditionally Hollywood has shown support by entertaining the troops, but not this time. This crop of actors and entertainers should be ashamed of themselves and their behavior as using public forums to show protest is inappropriate and pathetic. Hollywood doesn't want to support our soldiers but they want rights to their stories to make movies so we can pay incredibly high prices to see them.


See again rbw's thesis. Somewhere in the Constitution lies something about freedom of speech, if DFA is not mistaken. Or does that only apply to flag-waving "patriots" in gun rack-laden SUVs?


And, to steal a page from the MtnGoat playbook (what fun!), no one's forcing anyone to sell the film industry their story. If they have a moral objection to it, then they oughtn't sell their story, otherwise, they ought not complain. Ditto for movie attendance.


Speaking of stealing pages from playbooks, how about the military's blatant Oliver Stoning of the truth in the Private Lynch "heroic rescue" story? If some jarhead has got this much sand in his twat about "not enough support from Hollywood", he must really be pissed that his precious armed forces are a bunch of fucking liars.


Fuck the military, fuck the president, fuck American lies, and, oh yes, fuck you, Trask. the_finger.gif





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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

If some jarhead has got this much sand in his twat about "not enough support from Hollywood", he must really be pissed that his precious armed forces are a bunch of fucking liars.


I don't think so, Flash. The general idea is that its OK to lie if your lies are intended to promote a policy of world domination by the US and its military. That Jessica Lynch thing was just good P.R.

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catbirdseat said:

Fairweather said:

Maybe Mcarthy was right about Hollywood???

Who else but our own dear Fairweather would utter such a sentiment. A paen to his uncle Joe.



If it were a sentiment, I would not have ended the sentence with a question mark. Just a thought-provoking post.....and I can see, as usual, you liberal-knee-jerked it.


On another note, I do find it interesting that when conservatives exercise their free speech with boycots (ie: Dixi Chicks, Danny Glover/MCI) they are acused by the left of "attacking the free speech rights" of said groups or individuals. Hmmmm. Smells like liberal hypocrisy to me.

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erik said:

trask said:

you people have bad attitudes - why is that?



should i post 1 of your odd 7000 or so negative posts?


I find it odd that as I'm mellowing and becoming more desirable with age, many of you are becoming hotheaded and hostile. I suggest you take vacations and perhaps try yoga to curb these hostilities and negative vibes. You especially Erik, seem to be out of control lately. For you, a few days at my sheep ranch might be just what the doctor ordered. Think about it friends, you all need to calm down.

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trask said:

erik said:

trask said:

you people have bad attitudes - why is that?



should i post 1 of your odd 7000 or so negative posts?


I find it odd that as I'm mellowing and becoming more desirable with age, many of you are becoming hotheaded and hostile. I suggest you take vacations and perhaps try yoga to curb these hostilities and negative vibes. You especially Erik, seem to be out of control lately. For you, a few days at my sheep ranch might be just what the doctor ordered. Think about it friends, you all need to calm down.


Uh, Trask? Is that REALLY you? confused.gif Am I the only one who thinks Trask was taken over by aliens? hahaha.gif I know I haven't belonged to this bulletin that long, but you just did a 180. Nuttin' wrong with that though. Just don't think that there's a spaceship behind a comet waiting to pick you up because you're wearing special sneakers.

Edited by Gaston_Lagaffe
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Fairweather said:

On another note, I do find it interesting that when conservatives exercise their free speech with boycots (ie: Dixi Chicks, Danny Glover/MCI) they are acused by the left of "attacking the free speech rights" of said groups or individuals. Hmmmm. Smells like liberal hypocrisy to me.


What are you talking about, Fairweather? I just ran a couple of Google searches and I didn't find anybody saying you don't have a right to boycott whomever you want. Glover was quoted with some vaguely angry response, and the actor's guild said an attempt to blacklist certain stars for their anti-war points of view should not be tolerated, but that was about it.


To say that American citizens should have a right to criticize their government is not some "liberal" hypocrisy -- it is a Constitutional right and a predicate for democracy.

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trask said:

Hey dumbasses, all I was saying was that the Hollyweird actors will get no more of my money. Just doing my part to be a good American. You choads should try it sometime. Idiots




i was nice to several strangers this weekend. discussed politics and helped some random person move some furniture, plus i debated the merits of having open policy pertaining to our nation.


so i was a good american as well!



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where did you get the idea that I don't support criticizing the government? Hell, I was doing it for 7 of Clinton's 8 years! I think you're trying to create a shift in this debate.


Hollywood stars have a right to rant all they want.

Some of them may even want to speak out in favor of our government's policies...if their unions will let them.


Trask has a right to speak with his wallet, although I think he and I will miss a lot of good movies if we take this stand to the nth degree.


Free speech works all ways. Even for talk radio, wouldn't you say?

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