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So after fighting with Trask etal late into the night anoche, I realized this has got to stop. I mean, what the fuck am I doing wasting my time on the internet when I could be performing valuable services for humanity or something. Yeah yeah, I've been sick and at home, with not much else(?) to do (hah!), but this has got to end.


It HAS been fun hanging with you all, trading barbs, route info, and totally factual political news; Wine tasting, Beer tasting, and the ubiquitous HC.

I wish all of you the best, and I hope I didn't offend or hurt anyone with my vitriolic diatribes; I can certainly be a self-righteous bastard at times, Perhaps even a priggish Know-It-All? yellaf.gif


Take care all of you, and may love be with you always.


Starting at 10:15 am this morning, I will post no more forever.

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Careful going cold turkey like that; you may be inadvertantly setting yourself up for failure. As your Doctor, DFA recommends a well-structured tapering-off, so as to ensure that you are in firm control of your withdrawal from the fold at all points along the way. You might also try some Sprayorette Gum, which mimics the cc.com spray overload experience by tasting good and chewing nice for a while, then slowly turns into a jagged, hard, misshapen lump tasting suspiciously of shit.


Toodles, fellow bleeding heart intelleftist. Thanks for deserting us, you lousy Frenchman! (Ha HAAA!) yelrotflmao.gif

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Suicide-pact bluff called! Well done SC!!! Just like those Islamic extremists you seem to know and love!!! yellaf.gif


Well Trask? You gonna stick to your pact?


For those of you who didn't read it last night

in the " Re: asskicking Palestinian thread at 04/02/03 09:51 PM, Trask wrote


I hate you so fucking much SC that I'd leave cc.com forever (seriously) if they'd ban you permanently. No shit, I would. You're worse than Charlie Manson. Come on Jon, take us both out.



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well that sux sexual chocholate.


i personally enjoy most of your posts.


i think your voice will be missed as you had only positive contributions to make, irregardless of your views.


you make poeple think and that in itself is great!!



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sexual_chocolate said:

So after fighting with Trask etal late into the night anoche, I realized this has got to stop. I mean, what the fuck am I doing wasting my time on the internet when I could be performing valuable services for humanity or something. Yeah yeah, I've been sick and at home, with not much else(?) to do (hah!), but this has got to end.


It HAS been fun hanging with you all, trading barbs, route info, and totally factual political news; Wine tasting, Beer tasting, and the ubiquitous HC.

I wish all of you the best, and I hope I didn't offend or hurt anyone with my vitriolic diatribes; I can certainly be a self-righteous bastard at times, Perhaps even a priggish Know-It-All? yellaf.gif


Take care all of you, and may love be with you always.


Starting at 10:15 am this morning, I will post no more forever.


Edited by trask
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