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I Think I figured It Out!


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US war plan:


So they go in to Iraq, they get into a protracted war. This enrages the whole region, with virulent anti-americanism expressed by previously peaceful middle-easterners.

Even the Shias in the south now hate us more than Saddam. Iranian Shiites are coming from Iran to help oust the Americans (all true and already happening).

This fight against a common enemy will bring Saddam and the Shiites much closer together, actually creating a friendship.

After the entire region joins this war and ousts the American invasion, Saddam will be so grateful for the Ethnic minority help that he'll form a representative democracy that'll give a voice to all!


The Americans are geniuses! How could I have missed this for so long?!?! confused.gifcantfocus.gif

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Liberals can't stand the fact that "The Plan" is successful. Whatcha all gonna do when our troops come home victorious? Spit on them?


btw, today our troops destroyed 2 entire divisions of republican fucksticks. The 3rd. is on it's way down. Command hopes for surrender or annihilation by this weekend...let's hope.

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dalius said:

all you pro war fags are just pouting because your attacks meant crap and did nothing.


It's easy to spin the board. That's weak.


I didnt hear you offering a discussion last night at the table when matt and I had our talk.


What a pussy.


Time will prove your remarks to be full of shit just like your brain.

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btw, today our troops destroyed 2 entire divisions of republican fucksticks. The 3rd. is on it's way down. Command hopes for surrender or annihilation by this weekend...let's hope.


Where did you here that... a Pentagon source? I'd wait a few days and see if it's true before you use it to beat Liberals with. It might turn out to be like the 51st Iraqi infantry, 8000 of whom didn't surrender as reported. Or the capture of Nassiriya and Umm Qasr, which were both announced at least three times. Or even the chemical weapons factory that never was.


War Watch


Either way I'm confused. Which "Plan" are you refering to; this week's, last week's, George's or Tony's?

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Where did you here that... a Pentagon source? I'd wait a few days and see if it's true before you use it to beat Liberals with. It might turn out to be like the 51st Iraqi infantry, 8000 of whom didn't surrender as reported. Or the capture of Nassiriya and Umm Qasr, which were both announced at least three times. Or even the chemical weapons factory that never was.


The media reports a lot of those so called facts and statements. It's up to people to determine what is really said and is easy to do by listening to the Pentagon Briefings instead of the riddled with errors and ill translated media glossing over.


I don't recall ever hearing Gen Vincent of Franks claiming to control some of those cities or positively claim or confirm a weapons site etc.


The media takes comments and twists them to their desires or works.


I'd expect even yourself to identify that but it's obvious you overlooked those important details each time you turned on the tele or read a web page or newspaper.

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Cpt.Caveman said:

Necronomicon said:

Was the "Plan" to have a drawn out seige of Baghdad, with massive casualties on both sides?


Although tactics are often basic enough and explainable to a 2 year old. It's clear you have no understanding of them. Or a blinding desire to claim not to.


Whatever. You pro-war tools have no clue. I won't bother wasting my time on you simian sub-humanoids.


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trask said:

Ade, it's news all over Fox News today.

is that the channel that introduces its coverage with screaming guitars and f-16s morphing into screaming eagles and shit? that station is hilarious. those anchors are some of the worst in the business and geraldo rivera needs to be thrown in prison. what an idiot.
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trask said:

Say what you want about Fox, Iain, but it's been without question the most balanced and unbiased of ALL news sources covering this war and events in general. Go ahead and give me a smartass reply...it's a fact. bigdrink.gif


In the left corner of the ring is NPR and in the right...Fox boxing_smiley.gif

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sexual_chocolate said:

US war plan:


So they go in to Iraq, they get into a protracted war. This enrages the whole region, with virulent anti-americanism expressed by previously peaceful middle-easterners.

Even the Shias in the south now hate us more than Saddam. Iranian Shiites are coming from Iran to help oust the Americans (all true and already happening).

This fight against a common enemy will bring Saddam and the Shiites much closer together, actually creating a friendship.

After the entire region joins this war and ousts the American invasion, Saddam will be so grateful for the Ethnic minority help that he'll form a representative democracy that'll give a voice to all!


The Americans are geniuses! How could I have missed this for so long?!?! confused.gifcantfocus.gif


No no you've got it all mixed up. By enraging all the fundamentalists throughout the muslim sects and getting them to fight for Iraq, we'll just be able to get rid of all the rif-raf at once. Nice and efficient like. Killing many birds with one stone, if you will.

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