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From BBC web-page:

'Proof' of biological weapons found



Coalition forces fear Iraq may use chemical weapons

UK troops have found evidence "categorically" proving Iraq is ready to use chemical and biological weapons, Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon says.

Mr Hoon said it had first become known from Iraqi PoWs that protective gear had been issued to troops in the south of the country.


But he said fresh evidence turned up over the last few days had proved the regime's willingness to use weapons of mass destruction.


Mr Hoon showed footage of British troops from the Royal Irish Regiment uncovering gas masks and protective suits, said to number more than 100, in a command post in the Rumaila oil field.


now give me a fucking brake!!!!please show me any army in the world that would have chem suits and gas masks as standard equipment. This is pathetic.

Now i am sure hussein didn't cook soups and stews for his troops in chemichal labs. but if you keep shooting your mouth of like this any credibility of the future finds goes out through the window....


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this is turning out bad. first of all- as i predicted it will be months not days before it's over. shrub monkey fucked this one for good from day 1. first of all gets half of the europe pissed of at him, divides nato. second of all doesn't even bring enough fire power to do the job right- 4th infantry divission is leaving texas!!!it will be at least 3 weeks before they are combat ready.

not to mention complete fuck-ups like mentioning special operation troops and their activity. this guy is a complete fuck up.

wounded marines stated they were surprised that they were shot at???!!! cantfocus.gif

none of his brilliant planners took one thing into acount- the situation is different from '91 war. it's one thing to extract invading army and another to take on an army in defensive position.

prediction: 3 month at least and about 5000 (us/gb) dead wounded before baghdad is taken.


WARSAW, Poland - Poland's defense minister scolded President Bush (news - web sites) and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Thursday for publicly describing the actions of Polish commandos in Iraq (news - web sites), saying the U.S. leaders shouldn't use the troops "for propaganda."









Bush on Wednesday told U.S. troops at the Army's Central Command in Florida that Polish troops had secured an Iraqi oil platform in the Persian Gulf, while Rumsfeld praised the Poles' professionalism.



But Jerzy Szmajdzinski said the country's troops in Iraq include members of the elite GROM commando special forces unit, and said Warsaw doesn't want information about their activities discussed.



"It is not good when a politician — even if his name is George Bush or Donald Rumsfeld — talks about the actions of special forces," Szmajdzinski told Polish state Radio 1. "We are happy with the high grades given to Polish troops but we are not happy with their use for propaganda."



More than two-thirds of Poles are against the U.S.-led war in Iraq, although the government has supported the United States and has approved the use of up to 200 Polish troops, including 56 GROM members.






Edited by glassgowkiss
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I'm glad to see somebody else realize that shrub isn't the brilliant military tactition that everybody gave him credit for. Spouting of your war plans is idiotic and never a good idea. The whole bullshit with we are going to "shock and awe" them and show them who's boss, and they'll never know what hit them was idiotc. In the mean time the fully underestimated the number of those idiots that would back up the army. I mean, even a ruthless dictator looks good opposed to some outside force invading your homeland.


honestly, as sick as it is, the best thing that could happen for shrub & co. right now would be for the iraqis to attempt to make an attempt at chemical warfare. FWIW, that would get the world more pissed at saddam again instead of him.

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JoshK said:

I'm glad to see somebody else realize that shrub isn't the brilliant military tactition that everybody gave him credit for. Spouting of your war plans is idiotic and never a good idea. The whole bullshit with we are going to "shock and awe" them and show them who's boss, and they'll never know what hit them was idiotc. In the mean time the fully underestimated the number of those idiots that would back up the army. I mean, even a ruthless dictator looks good opposed to some outside force invading your homeland.


honestly, as sick as it is, the best thing that could happen for shrub & co. right now would be for the iraqis to attempt to make an attempt at chemical warfare. FWIW, that would get the world more pissed at saddam again instead of him.

Thankyou for the briefing Dr. Doolittle

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go back to poland


> Family and Friends here are some of my thoughts...

> I, being a soldier and "serving" in this war with my husband ever


serving in this war, I ask that you do pass this along. Please pray

for the

soldiers, the POWs, and their friends and families.

> Being over here and so close to what is really happening has put


into perspective for me. I am living in substandard living

conditions. I

have taken a shower 6 times in the last month. As I spend the 3rd

month of

my marriage to my wonderful husband one country separating us I ask

of you

to keep praying. If you know a soldier pray for him or her by name


that God bless them with peace and that they are doing well.

Everyone here

is on edge and all our nerves are exposed. So please pray that we

can be so

blessed and we just drive on and share God's love and peace.

> I sit here and watch TV and see all these protests and Hollywood


and movie stars and teens and many others fighting against us. I

know that

they believe what they are doing is in favor of us soldiers but as

we sit

here in harms way FARTHER away from our lives and families than any

of the

could ever imagine we are growing more and more angry with these


> The right that they have to protest is defended by servicemembers


up their rights, freedom, and unfortunately their lives. However

they are

"giving up" their lives. Nobody I know likes war. Not one of us

over here.

However, we choose by raising our right hand to defend our country.


now we are defending the world and for some reason nobody knows

this. I

heard on CNN that the guy who one the award the other night said (I

paraphrase) That president Bush is sending "us" to fight this war.


this guy who is sitting on his academy award and millions of dollars


NOTHING to do with this war. He has no idea what it is like to get


and then within weeks be ripped apart from his spouse who is closer


battle than you wnat to think about and you are closer to battle

than he

wants to imagine. He has no idea what it is like to not have a hot

meal in

over 30 days. He has no idea what it is like to live in a

warehouse with

no heat, lights amongst th

> e rats, birds and fungus growing on the walls. No he goes home to


comfort of his home every night. Us soldiers we knew what we were


into. We don't need some millionaires or teenagers to try to get us

out of

this. WE decided to defend our country. We didn't ask for your

help to get

us out of this. WE don't need your help. WE are fully ready for


that comes our way. We can carry more weight on our backs, freezing


sweating) in the rain or sand. WE can move out and drive on working

7 days

a week getting 4-5 hours of sleep and we can do this for the very

rights all

the protesters take for granted. I sit here in the combat zone, i

sit here

ready to defend and take offensive stance. To defend all the world


Terror. Remember September 11th. That is what we are fighting


The ones who don't know better claim we are here for OIL. Get

smart. Think

about us, who are ready and willing to give up our lives. Service


don't lose their

> lives, we give them up for the rest of you americans who aren't

supporting us but are protesting against us. We see you! WE see

you all

the way over here on CNN, just like you see us on CNN. I ask that

you stop

protesting and start supporting us. Don't protest this war.

Support the

troops. WE are not in here to kill innocent people, we are here to


for what is right. If we can remember back to Sept 10th. There was


conflict, that is our goal. WE dont want our countrymen running out


getting tarps and bottled water so that they can survive if America


attacked, we need to eliminate the terrorists! WE are doing this

for you!

Our President knows what he is doing. He also is a Christian and

seeks the

Lord for advice. Millions of people pray for him daily. I suggest


of protesting, lets pray for our leaders, our troops and their family


> One more point. Peace doesn't mean that there is no war. Peace

is when

we are not afraid to go to the shopping center. Peace is when there

is no

terror. For us to have Peace we MUST ELIMINATE the terrorists! So


raising your fingers in peace, because that is what we are going to

accomplish. People will die in this fight for peace, that is the

way it

works. However, we are defending the peace you long for! So Please


us to work for peace and stop protesting. It really is a hard pill


swallow to see so many of you against this war.

> In Gods Love I write this from one Combat Zone thousands of miles


from my husband in another combat zone. TAke the time to pray.

Pray for

us, our leaders, our country, our world, and for peace!

> God Bless all of you. Please pass this on so others know how a




> name deleted by BURP the_finger.gif

> Captain, US ARMY


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The point proven by 9-11 is that if you sit back and refuse to pull your head out of the sand in regard to potential disasters, our country gets fucked. If someone is too great a danger, you have to take him out before he attacks you. Sitting on your ass waiting for the other guy to begin the fight can get you screwed. What I don't get is why so many otherwise intelligent people don't get this.


\end troll\ bigdrink.gif

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cracked, nobody was ignoring sadaam before we went to war. The situation with Osama and crew was quite a bit different. The intelligence community realized he could (and had been at various points) a threat but the actual threat to homeland america wasn't realized. Comparing that to the situation we faced with sadaam before we started bombing is idiotic. The entire country of iraq was on the national radar screen. We were watching him like a hawk just begging him to fuck up so we could nail him. This isn't exactly the type of environment that allows him to strike hard and unexpectedly at us.

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hey burp- your burp must really stink because your're so full of shit and the turd overflow if effecting your brain. didn't even bother reading your stupid story, after a couple of lines i decided it was too boring and probably written by a tv evangelist= rush dildo or whatever you madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifcall that propaganda fat fuck.

the points are:

1. if you decide to start a war you do recon/inteligence work- something nobody did bother with

2. you bring enough fire power to do the job right and first try

3. you don't talk about special ops. why the fuck isn't he let irakis know where the ranges operate? if you have troops operating behind the enemy lines you don't go and blow your horn about it, now do you?

so if you were in the army like you claim you'd know these things. no instead you were busy butt fucking your puffter buddies. role playing in the uniforms with your homo sex partners doesn't count for much in the real situation you cunt madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmoon.gifmoon.gifmoon.gif

Edited by glassgowkiss
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my burps do not stink cry.gif


thanks for the nice priveate message, you really should seek some help


the person who wrote the email is a freind of mine, a female fighting for us.. hows your manhood today?


you seemed mad a couple months back and i just thought it was because you were jealous of the 2 climbers on Colonial getting more attention than your new route on Pyramid... why do you climb again? to smother the anger? why so angry? do you hate yourself for being gay? is that why you moved from the homeland? no acceptance of gays there? you sould like it heer, you could even get into the military if you dont tell them youre geay.


you sure now alot about military tactics mebe you sould go in there, just dont tell them your gay. mebe bush would hire you to give him advice on gay stuff... heh heh gaywad! wave.gif

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One of the things that most disturbs me about this war is that the whole discussion is so permeated by U.S. government lies, and neither the Democrats or the press are willing to address this most disturbing issue. Yes, Saddam is a bad guy and it may well be necessary for us to go in and take him out -- but do we have to shred any U.S. credibility by having our leaders spew forth a steady stream of obvious bullshit?


Consider (1) the supposed connections between Iraq and the terrorists they were supposedly arming and harboring have all or nearly all turned out to be mis-stated or completely blown out of proportion; (2) the alleged nuclear program that was supposed to be three months from producing a nuclear bomb did not exist; (3) the aluminum tubes that were said to be for production of nuclear weapons grade material when minimal inquiry would have allowed us to conclude they could not be used for that purpose; (4) the ludicrous denial that this has ANYTHING to do with oil wealth; (5) the constant announcements that we have located a chemical weapons facility or evidence of biological weapons which turns out to be unfounded; (6) the widespread hatred of the Iraqi regime that was going to cause our troops to be invited into the country as liberators and facilitate an easy invasion in a quick war; (7) there was no budget item for the war because they could not even begin to estimate the cost of the war before the Congressional debate but the very next day they were able to announce that they had already spent -- what was it -- 30 billion? -- just to get the troops over there to set up..... etc. etc.


Don't get me wrong. I hope we win this war -- and quickly. But in the meantime the Bush administration is destroying our credibility around the world and driving a huge wedge right into the heart of our society here at home. They apparently think the public cannot remember what they say from one week to the next, because they are making a habit of saying whatever they think sounds good at the moment, without any concern for whether they can substantiate it or not, and they then say something completely different when, a day or a week or a month later, it serves their purposes. And they seem to be right: I don't think most people remember that Bush said Saddam was three months from producing a nuclear weapon and then the U.N. reports, which Bush people did not at all refute, concluded that there was no active program. And on and on. Wouldn't it be better for them to understate their case and then have it shown that not only were they right but that they are more than right -- then to continuously overstate their case and then be shown to have exaggerated or lied?


Wouldn't it be interesting to see somebody say: "excuse me, Mr. Rumsfeld, but didn't you say "ABC" on February 15 and then "XYZ" was shown to be the case on February 16? When did you learn about "XYZ?" If you didn't know about "XYZ," how can we be confident that you are making well-informed decisions in this matter? Etc.....

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Personally, I haven't seen any convincing evidence yet about how we are defending our country. IMHO we are attacking another country, and trying to tell them that they can't live the way that they are. People are saying "they're killing the POWs" and "they're not following the laws of war". I see it as a large 250 lb bully attacking a 100 lb weakling. The weakling is gonna kick the bully in the nuts (not following the "laws") if he wants to have any hope of not getting killed. Also, I seem to remember a certain president who demanded that Saddam, without any decent evidence, had to get out of his country in 48 hours or be attacked. How is that not breaking any of these so-called "laws"? Where is the justification for attacking someone because we think they're doing something wrong? We pride ourselves on the "Innocent until proven guilty" principle, yet we seem to be doing the exact opposite over in Iraq. What comes around will go around, I'm half-expecting another potent world leader (or coalition of them) to make the same demand of Bush. (I guess that Saddam already did this, but Bush, being the typical arrogant bastard that he is ignored it.) I'm not so sure that Saddam should be in power, but this is not the way to fix it. The ends don't justify the means in this case.

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I think a Mafia stranglehold on a poor Italian neighborhood might be a closer analogy for Saddam and "his people." To be sure, he is terrorizing and exploiting them but there is also a web of family or tribal relationships and a shared cultural heritage that helps facilitate the Iraqi's maintenance of control.

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Bronco said:

Ursa_Eagle said:

I see it as a large 250 lb bully attacking a 100 lb weakling.

Interesting, that's the way I view Saddam's treatment of his people.


I was speaking strictly in terms of what we're doing to Iraq. As I said, I don't necessarily think he should be in power, but I think this is the wrong way to go about removing him. I'm not saying that I know what we should be doing, I just feel that what we are doing isn't right either. (Last I checked, it took three wrongs to make a right, not two. tongue.gif)

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BURP said:

my burps do not stink cry.gif


thanks for the nice priveate message, you really should seek some help


the person who wrote the email is a freind of mine, a female fighting for us.. hows your manhood today?


you seemed mad a couple months back and i just thought it was because you were jealous of the 2 climbers on Colonial getting more attention than your new route on Pyramid... why do you climb again? to smother the anger? why so angry? do you hate yourself for being gay? is that why you moved from the homeland? no acceptance of gays there? you sould like it heer, you could even get into the military if you dont tell them youre geay.


you sure now alot about military tactics mebe you sould go in there, just dont tell them your gay. mebe bush would hire you to give him advice on gay stuff... heh heh gaywad! wave.gif

oh burp- do you need a tissue? guess what- i actually put myself through the torture of reading this stupid thing you have posted. do you think i am so stupid? and even if it is someone who you know, so what. what it tells me she shouldn't be in the army in the first place. i could see someone who was drafted making points like that. but as far as i know nobody is forcing people to sign up for the service. so if you sing up and decide to do something don't bitch and complain about it.

and what climbing has to do with the whole situation anyway hellno3d.gif ?

matt- i tend to agree with your post. let's just hope next elections shrub monkey goes down the drain and the damage can still be somewhat undone.

on the other hand people who put a lot of energy into anti- war protests- i wish you'd also demend that hussein was removed. this victim of the agression shit doesn't really jive with me either

Edited by glassgowkiss
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glassgowkiss said:

BURP said:

my burps do not stink cry.gif


thanks for the nice priveate message, you really should seek some help


the person who wrote the email is a freind of mine, a female fighting for us.. hows your manhood today?


you seemed mad a couple months back and i just thought it was because you were jealous of the 2 climbers on Colonial getting more attention than your new route on Pyramid... why do you climb again? to smother the anger? why so angry? do you hate yourself for being gay? is that why you moved from the homeland? no acceptance of gays there? you sould like it heer, you could even get into the military if you dont tell them youre geay.


you sure now alot about military tactics mebe you sould go in there, just dont tell them your gay. mebe bush would hire you to give him advice on gay stuff... heh heh gaywad! wave.gif

oh burp- do you need a tissue? guess what- i actually put myself through the torture of reading this stupid thing you have posted. do you think i am so stupid? and even if it is someone who you know, so what. what it tells me she shouldn't be in the army in the first place. i could see someone who was drafted making points like that. but as far as i know nobody is forcing people to sign up for the service. so if you sing up and decide to do something don't bitch and complain about it.

and what climbing has to do with the whole situation anyway hellno3d.gif ?

matt- i tend to agree with your post. let's just hope next elections shrub monkey goes down the drain and the damage can still be somewhat undone.

I'm ready for Gore...my computer is fucked up and he's the Guru

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mattp said:

there is also a web of family or tribal relationships and a shared cultural heritage that helps facilitate the Iraqi's maintenance of control.


I think this may be one of the biggest factors to consider when structuring the new gov in Iraq. I'd support Iraq breaking up into states as defined by tribal teritorial lines, but, that's a whole nother can of worms (line goes here, boxing_smiley.gifno, line goes here).


Ursa - what else did you have in mind? I'm open to suggestions, but under the circumstances, I support the current "strategery" to remove Saddam by force. His son's are prepared to step into his place when he passes away. They are "reported" to be as bad or worse so no regeim change would likely have taken place for a loooooong time.


It's a tough situation any way you look at it, makes Afganistan look pretty black and white.

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