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Dwayner represses you!


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I note some curious trends Some of you people must think I'm your personal censor and now you're having a rebellion. Here's an example of "muffy's" "civil" discourse from yesterday:


"Dawayner you are aan ass and I have lost all respect for you. Didn't you just say something yesterday about people being allowed to express an oppinion. I expressed mine. I guess it wasn't populare enough."


How does Dwayner keep anyone from expressing their opinion? Maybe she thinks that if I disagree with her, she's being "shut down". I might say that I think an opinion is wrong, naive or foolish, and try to back it up but anyone can take it or leave it. I don't control this bulletin board. The closest I might come to that is if I find something utterly repugnant (like child abuse jokes, or laughing about people with cancer), I might suggest to the moderators that the topic be shut down, but that's their decision, not mine.


And then Mattp. say:


"Or is it simply your position that none of us have a right to comment on the Bible?"


To which I replied:

"Did I ever say that someone couldn't comment? Comment away! Lack of knowledge doesn't seem to stop too many people from popping off around here!"


And by the way, not all opinions have equal weight...that disturbing relativistic notion is becoming all too common. Your M.D.'s opinion on your medical diagnosis most likely holds more weight than the guy who just started a MOFA course. Tom Hornbein's comments on high altitude effects hold more weight than some character with one trip up to Camp Muir under his belt. In other words, some of you don't know what the hell you're talking about while others certainly do. All, however, are free to express themselves.


And then there were "sex-cocoa's"; comments suggesting that those whose perspectives differ from his require counseling.


I don't get it. It's like an odd trend going around here that if someone disagrees with you then they are somehow preventing you from expressing yourself.

Like, what-ever!!!


- Mighty King Dwayner



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Dwayner -


You indicate dismay that I would suggest that you said we have no right to comment on the Bible. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I sincerely asked what it was that you had intended in your prior post. In that post, you had offered your usual proffessorial remarks and the message seemed to be that nobody could validly comment on the meaning or relevancy of the good book unless they were willing to complete a scholarly study of theology.


Dwayner wrote, in part:

"unless you understand the historical, cultural and theological context, including a lot of other related information presented in the Torah .... the meaning of these prohibitions is not immediately obvious. ... I've written two books with chapters that deal with the ideas behind these Jewish laws, so I'm not just randomly popping off in the typical cc.com fashion...."


I enjoy reading your remarks, Dwayner, but if you are going to be pedantic and put down others' comments as uninformed and random, while exhorting your own as studied and balanced, you really have no right to complain when someone takes offense.

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It wouldn't have anything to do with


sanc·ti·mo·ny ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sngkt-mn)


Feigned piety or righteousness; hypocritical devoutness or high-mindedness.






n 1: the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior [syn: superciliousness, disdainfulness] 2: a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient [syn: disdain, patronage]


would it?


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"I enjoy reading your remarks, Dwayner, but if you are going to be pedantic and put down others' comments as uninformed and random, while exhorting your own as studied and balanced, you really have no right to complain when someone takes offense."


Guess what? Some of those comments are uninformed and random and some of mine aren't. Some people don't like that fact. Reread what I said about comment weight. I never claimed to know everything. I don't participate in the vast majority of the topics here on which I have not much to say. But when I do say something serious, it's usually based on something I'm informed about, often very informed about, with hopes that someone can learn from my perspective. (including learning that they can reject it.) If people don't like it, they can pass it by.





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You should be learned to be a Rabbi, my friend.


And Rabbis tend to practice humility as an antidote to ego centeredness.


Plus, many of your opinions seem mis-informed, so your high-handed opinion of yourself becomes a bit laughable, given the context.

But hey, nothing personal! Just pointing something out that might or might not be relevant. You be the judge.

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You should be learned to be a Rabbi, my friend.


And Rabbis tend to practice humility as an antidote to ego centeredness.


Plus, many of your opinions seem mis-informed, so your high-handed opinion of yourself becomes a bit laughable, given the context.

But hey, nothing personal! Just pointing something out that might or might not be relevant. You be the judge.


The judge has spoken.

a) I don't think you know from rabbi.

b) nice opinion, Sparky. what are you an expert on?

c) laugh-away!

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my comment about my oppinion being unpopulare was directed at large, and to the thred being removed, not at you inparticulare. Don, I am sorry you feel so upset by all of this that you feel the need to harp on it. Perhaps you need to re-evaluate the time that you spend on cc.com and how you formulate your oppinions about your self. I feel you have totaly missed the mark here. I think you are a horeses ass. But it realy has little baring on my everyday life, and I don't stay awake at night thinking of things that I can post the next day smile.gif

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