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climbing in k-2 area


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In case you guys haven't figured it out yet confused.gif, this is about the 10th time this guy has spammed us and I am seriously doubting he is even real. as dru pointed out, he has been spamming other climbing related boards.


spam, yes, but ya might want to give the guy a break considering the state of pakistan's tourist economy. see http://alpinefsd.8k.com/expedition.html email addresses are the same and a number of other alpine club of pakistan members also have hotmail addresses. i tend to think the guy is legit.


the link doesn't work for some reason (i'm stupid). do a google search for his name and you will get to the site.

Edited by rat
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Legit maybe, but he's still spamming. Once would be enough. Instead we get tons of them and he doesn't even reply to the response he gets, but rather just spams again. Trust me, I feel for the people of pakistan, but until they get some semblance of a government and I'm not at risk of being beheaded I'll climb elsewhere.

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I know how you guys feel about Outside Magazine, but yesterday on the plane I read the lastest issue, with the article about the high-altitude conflict in Kashmir.


Pakistan and India need to work out a business deal, clean the area up, and share in the climbing and tourism proceeds. I know it'll never happen, but that's what they should do.

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C'mon, the countries in this part of the world are ALWAYS clamboring to get business through any means possible. They all have websites, foreign contacts, and second-hand russian climbing gear. It doesn't surprise me a wink that some guy found out that America has climbing chat boards and is trying to net customers in some hard times in a hard country. America tourism in the himalaya has plunged in recent times, due to 9-11 and regional conflicts... who can blame the guy? If you don't like it, don't read it, or at least make fun of his mother.

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Atleast Pakistan protects the climbers attempting the peaks along the silk road (like Muztagh Ata), and the peaks in the Concordia area. I wouldn't get too far off the beaten path over there, or try to organize an expedition of my own. Atleast there are quite a few companies that provide services only to base camp, like Jasmine Tours. It's a good way to bag a 7,000 meter peak for less than 3 grand if you get a good airfare deal. smile.gif


I wouldn't even think about climbing in the disputed area of Kashmir.

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Read that article about soldering in the disputed region. Those guys live for months, bivied up on ridgelines, etc., with barely enough room to take a dump. In fact, they describe shooting their frozen shit in order to make room for more...they are literally "shootin' the shit" in Kashmir!

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