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So what is the difference between libertarianism and anarchism? Aren't they both against all government?


Are GregW and MtnGoat anarchists? Did they throw bricks at Starbucks? And Trask...how did you know it was bricks that broke those windows...interesting, very interesting Geek_em8.gif

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Opinion polls show that 70% of the British public feel that no good case has been made for war on Iraq. Figures from the US suggest that opposition to an invasion with US ground troops is at 43%, up from 38% in a poll taken January 10-12 and up from 20% in a poll taken in November. Support for an invasion is at 52%, down from 56% in January and 74% in November. 56% say UN weapons inspectors should be given more time to complete their search for banned chemical, biological and nuclear weapons (AP/UPI 1/27/03).


These are remarkable figures from a country subjected to the most sophisticated and intensive system of propaganda ever devised.


Nevertheless the media tirelessly attempt to keep us sealed in a bubble of pro-war propaganda. Iraqi generals aside, anti-war voices are almost totally excluded - no one in the media is interested in stepping outside the bubble to explore why the German and French public and politicians, and huge numbers of countries and people around the world, view the US/UK position as a farcical cover for an oil grab. Virtually the entire world is shaking its head in stunned disbelief at Bush and Blair's brazen audacity, but not our media. confused.gif



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It all depends on how you ask the question.


So true. The pollsters can ask the questions in shifty ways so everyone's opinion is tweaked.


But it is no harm/no foul as long as the actual question asked is presented along with the results. The shiftyness comes when people start "interpreting" the results.


The way Mattp presents the question, my interpretation cool.gif is that only 40% of the people in the US (estimated) felt that it would be cool to invade Iraq even if noone else wanted us to (last Monday, before the State of the Union address).


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snoboy, it'd be nice if you sited the source on that for us.


That said a little spent outside US borders would do all of us yanks some good in terms of our perspective.







Oops, my bad, not Canadian poll, but there it is: you gotta vote to see the results.

Oh it's an online poll, those are really really reliable right? kinda like the polls we have here.

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snoboy, it'd be nice if you sited the source on that for us.


That said a little spent outside US borders would do all of us yanks some good in terms of our perspective.







Oops, my bad, not Canadian poll, but there it is: you gotta vote to see the results.

Oh it's an online poll, those are really really reliable right? kinda like the polls we have here.


I'm with tony the tiger. Polls are gay.

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