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I've actually not had much luck with that when I've been wearing a tux....well, at least since high school.
You actually have to own, not rent. pitty.gif

And the Chocolate Martini goes by many names. But is not available in any bar that serves beer by the can. Too bad, that. Bar hags with removable dentures can be a lot of fun.

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I did some research on flavors and fragrances for a toothpaste and mouthwash project I was working on. Much of what we regard as "taste" is actually smell. Our tongues can sense sweet, sour, salty and bitter and that's all. Our noses on the other hand, can detect thousands of different odors. When you swirl the brandy snifter around, you are increasing the surface area so as to volatilize more of the flavor components into the air. When you drink, some of the air in the snifter is inhaled. Some of the liquid you swallow gives rise to vapors that reach the olefactory receptors though a connection to the sinus cavity.


When you let a bottle of wine "breath" you are letting acetaldehyde escape so you don't smell it. Acetaldehyde is a foul smelling, but very volatile compound with a low boiling point. Allowing the wine to sit a few minutes allows the acetaldehyde to escape but not the less volatile, but more desireable compounds.


By chilling your vodka, you are reducing the volatility of all its components. So you smell it less, but you probably also taste it less because less alcohol and flavorants will be adsorbed by the tongue and mouth tissues.


Incidentally, I like gin and club soda with a mexican lime. My folks have a tree in their yard that has limes on it almost all year round.

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