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About MJaso

  • Birthday 12/26/1969


  • Occupation
    Manager, Calibration Laboratory
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MJaso's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. SWEEEEET! Thanks for the post. Contemplating going out that way this weekend.
  2. MJaso

    Need a laugh

    Bump, anyone know where I can pick this gem(High Ice) up?
  3. The Mammut Infinity is one fine rope, go all out and get the doudess braid pattern too. A bit much for doing the dog routes on Rainier or just glacier travel, but it handles great! In- fact I used it last year for the Cleaver on Rainier with 4 people.
  4. MJaso

    Need a laugh

    Dang! This used to be available to watch for free (for good reason), but I'm only finding the trailer.
  5. MJaso

    Need a laugh

    Jackpot! Yes, this was posted in an earlier thread, I just couldn't find it. A million thanks. This is indeed a great movie, and if you haven't seen it.... check it out. Brilliant!
  6. MJaso

    Need a laugh

    So my searching abilities seem to be impaired right now and I could use a good laugh.... I'm specifically looking for the best climbing movie ever. A couple of the scenes I remember go as follows: 1) Doucebag pulls on rescue cable line lowered by heli, helicopter crashes wildly into the face. 2) Jackass "climber" throws pack containing all gear to partner across a 2 foot expanse (literally), partner in-turn fails to catch pack, pack falls 1000'. crazy funny This is wildly entertaining and any help IDing the film would be much appreciated. Or anything else...
  7. Table Mountain BLOWS! but hey, its all about the suffering right? Make sure you take the Heartbreak Ridge variation for maximum suckfest that culminates with a few hundred yard boulderfield. Then loop back down, in an effort to avoid the boulderfield, that is nothing but a fairly steep talus trail slope. This is best performed in June with a 45 lb pack. Forgetting the insect repellant is not something I'll likely forget again....
  8. Definitely some preseason stoke! If I understood correctly the heli shuttles 2 plus gear. A three man team means there's an empty slot. Untapped potential.........
  9. Rainier summit crater victory piss going down in the background.
  10. FYI incase anyone might have some information. http://www.kgw.com/news/local/Climber-missing-on-Mt-Hood-138819984.html
  11. 38! This is sad news indeed. Freeze you bitch..freeze
  12. MJaso


    The Ouray Comfort Inn was offering a free shuttle service from the Montrose airport. This is a great deal if still available, plus a decent continental breakfast, and super close proximity to the ice park. The owners are great and the rates even better if you have an icepark membership.
  13. I might have an extra spot in my car, if anyone in PDX is interested. Departing PDX FRI early am and returning that MON. PM if interested.
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