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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Joke for the Day

    I don't get it... or I haven't heard it...
  2. Other peaks in the Blues that may offer good views are Table Rock and Griffith Peak. info provided by my buds from the Tri-CIties that ski up there. HTH ...sobo
  3. sobo

    Joke for the Day

    Staying in Touch with Each Other's Needs I never have quite figured out why the sexual urges of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. And, I never figured out why men think with their head and women think with their heart. And I never yet have figured out how the sexual desire gene gets thrown into a state of turmoil, when it hears the words 'I do'. One evening last week, my wife and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says, "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me." I said, "WHAT??????" So she says the words that I and every husband on the planet dreads. She explains that I must not be in tune with her emotional needs as a Woman. I'm thinking, "What was your first clue?" I finally realized that nothing was going to happen that night, so I went to sleep. The very next day, we went shopping at Nordies in Seattle. I walked around with her while she tried on three different very expensive outfits. She could not decide which one to take so I told her to take all three of them. She then tells me that she wants matching shoes worth $200.00 a pair to which I say OK. And then we go to the jewelry dept. here she gets a pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you, she was so excited. She must have thought that I was one wave short of a shipwreck, but I don't think she cared. I think she was testing me when she asked for a tennis bracelet because she doesn't even play tennis. I think I threw her for a loop when I told her that it was OK. She was almost sexually excited from all of this and you should have seen her face when she said, "I'm ready to go to the cash register." I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, "No Honey, I don't feel like buying all this stuff right now." You should have seen her face! It went completely blank. I then said, "Really, Honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while." And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me I added, "You must not be in tune with my financial needs as a Man." I figure that I won't be having sex again until sometime after the spring of 2008. NOT! ...sobo
  4. I injured my back OTJ several years ago (don't ask me how a desk-bound engineer hurts his back OTJ; I'm still mad at my old boss for that!) My PT had me doing all kinds of exercises and stretches, not the least of which were yoga-style stretches. I still do them to this day, and have never had another back problem. So mtn mouse is right; don't knock it 'till you've tried it. ...sobo
  5. AG, You're going to have a blast. Welcome the PNW. ...sobo
  6. sobo


    RobBob = ChrisT ???
  7. sobo


    1959 meself...
  8. sobo


    So with E being prez from '53 to early '61, that makes you anywhere from 42 to 50 years old. I was also sprung from my mother's loins in that same timeframe, and I remember where I was and what I was doing when the news came about JFK getting capped. But let's face it, ChrisT, we just look like old farts! ...sobo
  9. sobo

    Coffee induced poo

    There's no messin' when the urge is pressin'! Seriously, I shared this thread with some of the guys here at work (one was especially pleased by the guest appearance of Mr. Hanky) and the talk turned to what is a "healthy" dump vs an "unhealthy" dump. One guy who is into fitness and "good diet" says that if it floats in the bowl, it's more healthy than a sinker. Any truth to this? I note that when I eat lots of fiber/bran/greens, I get floaters. Coincidence? (sprayshields at maximum) ...sobo
  10. TG, I posted a coupla of phone numbers to your PM. ...sobo
  11. For climing in this area of WA, look here It's mostly about sport/rock routes, but maybe you'll find something of value for the type of climbing you're looking for. I assume by the high spots that you've listed, you're looking to "peak bag" for some vistas, no? In the winters, friends of mine from the Tri-Cities head that way to ski the Skyline Trail to Oregon Butte. Views are good if the weather cooperates. It may be your best bet. HTH ...sobo
  12. I don't know how it would apply in Enterprise, TG, but here in Yakima, they have Farm Workers Clinics, where the cost of stuff is considerably less. I don't know if you've got those near you, or if they would even have an MRI machine. You don't have to be a farm worker to go there. I got all my Hep vaccinations there for WAY less than what the hospital ER wanted. Just a thought, and hope you feel better soon... ...sobo
  13. sobo

    World Population

    hmmmmmmmmm... sounds like a good candidate for electro-shock therapy...
  14. sobo

    World Population

    Sounds a lot like Soylent Green mixed in with that old Star Trek episode where people just walk into disintegrators when their area of town gets "hit". Wasn't that in a thread here last week...?
  15. More to add... Cowboy Junkies: Pale Sun, Crescent Moon Cat Stevens: Buddha and the Chocolate Box (yeah I know...)
  16. sobo


    Not this time, Attitude...
  17. sobo

    World Population

    Just one of many reasons my wife and I adopted. There's plenty of kids out there without a home or parents already. One kid at a time...
  18. sobo


    tatoos are aid... (it was going to be said eventually)
  19. sobo

    Fav movie quotes

    Terri Garr: "That would give him an amazingly large stugelschmauser..." Marty Feldman: "He's going to be very popular with the ladies."
  20. sobo

    this just figures

    PC run amok. Guns don't kill people. Idiots kill people. And WTF is up with the comment from the NAACP about "disproportionately harming poor black people" ??? While I don't agree that the gov't should make ANYONE immune to prosecution, I do think that THIS KIND of prosecution is frivoulous. Prosecute the offenders, not those who manufacture the implement. If this goes thru, what's next? Immunity for automakers from fatal car crash prsecutions? Farm machinery? I do believe, if it's ever actually proven, that Bulleye Shooters Supply's shoddy recordkeeping/illegal sales of weapons is a contributing factor in Malvo and Mohammed's acquiring the weapon, then they (Bullseye) should be on the stand along with those two. But Bushmaster has NO REASON AT ALL to be dragged along into this. WTF ever happened to personal responsibility and cogent laying of the blame on those responsible? Stella Leinbeck, are you listening? PS: And no, I don't hunt or own a gun. And I'm not some NRA nut gone wild with Second Amendment Fever, either. I'm just really sick and tired of hearing about these kinds of "sue everybody" lawsuits. Fuckin' whiners
  21. sobo

    Fav movie quotes

    More from Clint... Kid: "Aren't we gonna bury 'em, Josey?" Josey: "(spits on dead man's forehead) Buzzard's gotta eat, same as worms." Captain of the Redlegs: "He won't be difficult to track... leaves dead men wherever he goes." Jonathon: "Do you think we're gonna make it?" Andrel Maier: "No, but we shall continue in good style." And of course, the "Do you feel lucky, punk?" sililoquy.
  22. Neither did I. That was what DFA was on about. Makes sense now.
  23. Just had to beat Attitude to it...
  24. Along that same vein... Big Country's first 3 albums: The Crossing Steeltown The Seer
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