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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Would you rank Momentary Lapse of Reason with the others you have listed? The Wall, WYWH, and DSOTM are all classics, then I think they stumbled on MLoR, it is not bad, but nowhere near as good as the others. I have a special affinity for the tunes "Signs of Life/Learning to Fly" and "Yet Another Movie" that causes me some internal pain not to include it with the others. Let's just say it stems from partners lost to time and fate. For them... ..sobo
  2. Led Zep 4 (zoso) Physical Graffiti Dark Side of the Moon Wish You Were Here The Wall Momentary Lapse of Reason Heat, Dust, & Dreams (Johnny Clegg & Savuka) Almost anything by Peter Gabriel (Shaking the Tree, Us, So)
  3. sobo


    Yah yah yah, I've been guilty of that too. Takes a while for them to come back around, doesn't it?
  4. sobo

    Fav movie quotes

    Ouytlaw Josey Wales!!! I think I just may put that old video in the machine tonite and kick back. Roll out to the Tieton around 10 tomorrow. Ahhhh... the easy life.
  5. Well, yours truly got selected to be the runner. You'll all be gone by the time I get back, so have a nice weekend, and I'll see some of you at Tieton! ...sobo
  6. Agreed, on both counts. We're sending the runner out now.
  7. Thanks, got it. It's been a long time since I've seen the inside of a church... Hence the Doctor's reference to sell-out denominations.
  8. And you would be wrong! WRONG! Bwahahahahahahaaa! OK, I'll cry "uncle" and buy a clue.
  9. Sure, maybe most practitioners of various sellout denominations. Do your homework; Easter's next Sunday, sucka. I would argue that easter is THIS sunday, 4/20...
  10. sobo


    "accidentally" drop something on them. They may learn eventually...
  11. sobo

    Fav movie quotes

    Colonel: That's the one! You got that memorized, or what? I crack up every damn time I hear it.
  12. I think most practicing and non-practicing believers in the christian faith would argue that point, as easter is this sunday. Now, if your talking about Spring Party in mazama, that's another matter...
  13. sobo

    Fav movie quotes

    "The little girl's been here for three weeks all by herself - fuckin' put her in charge!!" along with... "I don't know if you've been keeping up with current events, but we just got our asses kicked!" and... "I say we bug out of here and nuke it from orbit! Game over, man!" all apologies to Bill Paxton
  14. sobo


    And chuck is right! and he knows it. (regarding the 4-way stop)
  15. sobo

    Fav movie quotes

    Here's mine... How tall are you, Private? 5'-9", Sir! 5'-9"? Holy dogshit! I didn't know they could stack shit that high! You trying to squeeze an inch in on me son? Sir, no, Sir! blah blah blah You're the kinda guy that would fuck a guy in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give that man a reach-around! I'll be watchin' you, boy!!
  16. sobo

    Fav movie quotes

    Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction, just before he blows anybody away (except, of course, Marvin...).
  17. sobo


    And bringing the thread back on point... People who drive around with their dog/cat/gerbil/(fill in whatever critter you want here) in their lap, sticking it's head out the driver-side window, obscuring the driver's view of teh road and diverting the driver's attention from the task of DRIVING!!!
  18. sobo


    Ditto all that. OMFG! I think I'm becoming more like trask every day. Oh, and add "obese wimmin ordering diet Cokes, or triple cheese burgers with low-fat mayo..."
  19. engineering consultant. If you get too caught up in spray and your billable ratio drops HUGE, just tell your boss you've been doing a bang-up job of (non-billable) client development lately. ...sobo
  20. Well, he's right. The Sienne is nothing more than a big sewer.
  21. sobo


    People who borrow my shit and don't fuckin' put it back where they got it from
  22. Sounds like the Freedom Toilet has finally arrived. I had an experience with those kinda shitters in Paris abour 4 years ago. Barely escaped! ...sobo
  23. sobo

    Joke for the day

    Here's one for you to take with into the mountains this weekend... Brain strainer ...sobo
  24. How could I have forgotten that??!! And while we're at it, nlunstrum, if you're up that way, don't forget to check out the alpine faces/routes of Harrison Peak, Gunsight, and Roman Nose. ..sobo
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