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Everything posted by sobo

  1. That's why I use the pint size instead of the quart size for pissing. All drinking bottles = 32 oz, piss bottle = 16 oz. Can't screw that up in the dark. And if I'm so hydrated that I need more than 16 oz capacity for a late nite drip, I just exercise that ol' crimper muscle and shut off the flow until I can toss the pee out the door!
  2. old opaque white plastic Nalgene, 16 oz. size. Use a magic marker and draw your own. I title my bottle "Blessed Relief"
  3. My bad, ivan. A quick review of the crampon line at Salewa seems to indicate that the scissors cramps are no longer available. Sorry.
  4. See if a pair of Salewas will do it. They come in width/length adjustable version AND a "scissors" style expando version. I don't think the scissors style will go as big as you need, tho. Try here
  5. sobo


    Inappropriate shift in tense. How so? We are talking in the past tense here. Spelling has been affected blah blah blah. I'm no ENglish major, but I do know past tense when I see it. Of course, Dru may be inappropriate...
  6. sobo


    "affect" is always a verb form."effect" is a noun. affect: verb transitive. to produce an effect in, to impress. to assume pretentiously, to use or favor as a personal preference. How were you affected by the change in regulations? effect: noun. something produced by an agent or cause. power to produce or cause results. mental impression, main idea, or meaning. to bring about or accomplish, to produce or make. Now that was the effect I was hoping for. Dru is clearly correct in the usage chosen in this context. There endeth the lesson...
  7. Matterhorn, Lion route Aguille du Midi, anything Mont Blanc, tourista route, but midweek. Petit Dru Ditto Dru on the Walker Spur If you've got time to head to Cassis, get to Les Calanques and trip out on some of the stuff that Gaston Rebuffat put up way back when. I soloed a bunch of it about 4 years ago on our engagement trip. I've got a guidebook, but you have to be able to read Freedom (my then-fiance'/now-wife can, so the guidebook worked for me). Ride the cable car from Punta Hillbrunner (Italian side) to Chamonix. Bring a "friend" for the "Halfway to Heaven Tango" We did!
  8. sobo

    Erden on Denali

    Righteous! on me!
  9. ALPS is Alps. Probably a fat-finger b/w "a" and "caps lock".
  10. sobo

    for the

    I shot about the same as on a real course... bogey golf.
  11. sobo

    It's getting close...

    Your boss hired my firm to track your Internet usage while he was away. You're busted dude. I am soooooooooooooo fucked!
  12. He's gonna use the coin to get set-up for slacklining.
  13. sobo

    It's getting close...

    I've been fuckin' off all week. Boss has been on vacation in Hawaii all week. Monday was a holiday. Tuesday I got a rescue call-out. Wednesday, the "second-in-charge" took off early, same thing yesterday and today. It's just been In House Vacation all week. I've spent more time on this board this week than since I've been reg'ed
  14. to the time to send out the Beer Runner. Spray is looking awful slow this afternoon. I don' wanna werk no mo'.
  15. sobo

    This is just wrong!

    R/X-rated Smurff video with rap background about performing a time-honored cc.com activity/heckle/jibe/spray It's a Flash presentation.
  16. Scotch?? apologies to Michael Keaton
  17. sobo

    This is just wrong!

    This is just sick and wrong. But funny as hell! Not safe for work.
  18. I like the way you're thinking...
  19. Buying a gashog SUV for the wife so that she can cart the kid around with AC in this goddamn E. WA heat. That way I can get my old truck back (the only one in the household right now with AC that works). Two-door rigs just don't cut it anymore when you've got a young'n.
  20. I'm aware of that. But it's also a fact, at least with Central Washington Mountain Rescue, that when we call in MAST, it's free to the subject. Your tax $$$ are what keeps it in the air.
  21. Right, szyj. Thanks. I've always tried to approach it from SASMF, but looking/scrambling/slipping down the hill never put me near it. I wasn't about to bushwhack UP to it from teh trail, but figgered that downhilling it for a quick zip up it would be easy from the Dome. Guess I'll just let it go...
  22. I just love Goat Dome. I think the routes are quite thrilling, and have no qualms with the bolt spacing. Feels GREAT to clip AFTER the hard moves. Move up, make hard move, clip bolt, relax sphincter, repeat. I have never been able to find Reach for a Peach from up there. Anyone got foolproof beta for finding theat climb from GD?
  23. OH YEEEEAAAHHH! There was a biggie at the end of last month that hit Royal City as I was driving through that area for my work. You could see it coming from the Columbia for miles. Big, black, roiling clouds. I just pulled off the road and waited for it to come by and spank me. Very plab hanging out in a car in a massive t-boomer.
  24. Yes, and yes. I think it got more coverage than usual because there was a chopper involved. Rotary wing aircraft yanking folks off a hill always looks good on the 6:00 news.
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