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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Me thinkgs the Bird would dispute that one. Gaston, I've just spent the first hour of my day at work trying to verify (by internet search) the source of the above quote. I couldn't find it anywhere, but I'm pretty sure I read it in a book many years ago, and it was attributed to Paul Petzoldt in that book. By "the Bird" I'm assuming you mean Jim Bridwell. It could very well have been him, given his reputation as THE hard man of his day. Can you verify him as the source? If so, I will stand humbly corrected.
  2. "I don't know who was the first to summit Everest, but I do know that I was the first to do it and come back and tell about it." Sir Edmund Hillary, also referring to Mallory and Irvine
  3. Now that's a good one. Did you come up with that on your own, iain?
  4. That movie was so suck in terms of realism (or lack thereof). A snow peg holds a tentful of people in an avalanche chute. And then, oh yeah, a Huey makes the save somewhere waaaaaaaay above its 10k-foot ceiling. Yeah yeah yeah. That's it. Almost as bad as totin' along a case or two of nitroglycerine on your next 8k-meter summit bid. WITF does Hollywood come up with this crap?
  5. Lemme guess... "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger." ?
  6. "Experience is the result of employing good judgment, good judgment is the result of surviving bad judgment." Not sure, but I think it was Mark Twight or John Roskelly, but I could be wrong on both counts
  7. "Good wezzah, bad wezzah, any wezzah is good wezzah for climbing." Karl Freitag, from "The Eiger Sanction"
  8. "There are old climbers and there are bold climbers, but there are no old, bold climbers." Paul Petzoldt, founder of NOLS and 2nd ascensionist of the Grand Teton
  9. lurked and sprayed. got a little work in so i didn't feel so guilty as earlier this week.
  10. Dude, that's just harsh! We were just kidding around with our instructor. Sounds like someone was out to kill you guys! TLG, is there a Murder 1 charge in there somewhere?
  11. Lemme guess, phenolthalene (don't count on my spelling, i'm not a chemist)? We dropped a bit of that into our 9th grade Physical Sciences instructor's coffee mug when he wasn't looking. Made for quite a sight a few minutes later as he sprinted for the head. I believe it's the main ingredient in Ex-Lax.
  12. OOOOOooo. Ouch! Sorry to hear that. Hope thingz work out well for you soon. If it's any consolation, I've been forcibly removed from two of the three jobs I've had since matriculation. And I landed on my feet with better pay and benes each time. But if I keep this spray up, I'll go 3 for 3! Best of luck to you. Write when you get work.
  13. How does a LawGoddess become unemployed? Is this by choice so you can climb more? Mebbe not my business, but I'm just curious. Feel free to smack me down if it's a sensitive subject.
  14. Yeah, as if they're saying to themselves, "Whoa! Did that come from me?"
  15. Hellyeah! HB eggs got the stench on the way in! Reprocessed to a fine aroma by the time they come out! Whew!
  16. Agreed, but in a stealthy sort of way. I find that the darker the libation, the more subtle the sound, yet more vile the stench. BTW gapertimmy, howz you PTL study going? Final results in yet?
  17. goddammit, trask. sucked me into it again. STOP IT! Just stop it!
  18. Yes, but it's a CWMR unit practice (extrication from crevasse demonstration/practice). Won't be going above the Nisqually. Of course, we might have a repeat of last weekend's folly and since Gator will know we're there, we could get the call to head on up...
  19. F$#@! Sucked into Spray by my own damned self. Yeesh!
  20. I need my job. I have to lurk today, after yesterday. Come to think of it, I didn't do much on Monday, either...
  21. I phahq'd off so badly yesterday that I really really really have to stay off the boards today. Managed to snag 5 , two of which were in the same thread. It was a PB, but I didn't get shit accomplished at the grindstone. I swear, no more posts today. None, nada, zippo, zilch, no mas.
  22. I've bought and used edelweiss ropes exclusively for ice climbing. I think they are the best "dry" rope around. Although, it doesn't pervent them from becoming a cable when your partner fahqs up the retrieve and you have to leave it stuck on the route overnight...
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