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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Then I must confess, I disagree with you. I wear polo/golf shirts to work most every day, and would much rather do so than be forced to dress up in a monkey suit like some lawyer type every day. To each his own. Besides, if I had to wear a suit every day, people would get tired of seeing me in the same goddamn suit all the time, as I only have one, and don't see the need for acquiring any more any time soon. If it still fits when I'm dead, then they can bury me in it.
  2. Define "polo shirt" please. Are you talking about the brand name Polo by Ralph Loren (if so, I would agree with you), or are you talking about the generic two/three button, short sleeve, collared, cotton or silk casual shirt (which in that case, I would disagree with you)? Discuss
  3. I just noticed that my CD replaces the line above with: "Who was given a pat on the back." Musta been wunuvthoze improvisational recording sessions...
  4. The reason the words are very good is that someone else wrote them! Give credit where credit is due Necro! That is, to Pink Floyd, from "Dogs" off the Animals album, ca 1977. I feel very sorry for the person that needs to be told that these are Pink Floyd lyrics. Mebbe some people jus' don't know. And they deserve to know. Jus' so ya know, the closing lines of "Dogs" is playing right now.
  5. I don't ever wear a suit and tie at my job, but it is an engineering job, so jeans, Dockers, and polo shirts are the order of the day. The "suit and tie" comment was just cuz everybody expects that an engineer wears a monkey suit like that. I've never worked a job wear you have to wear a suit/tie, and never will. Last time I wore a suit and tie was to my 25th HS class reunion just last week. Before that, six months ago when my wife and I got our baby boy from Vietnam. Before that, it's been so long I can't remember.
  6. The reason the words are very good is that someone else wrote them! Give credit where credit is due Necro! That is, to Pink Floyd, from "Dogs" off the Animals album, ca 1977. Just happen to have it in my CD player here at work at my "suit and tie" job...
  7. Oh, OK, I got it now. I remember the scene. "Putana" (in Italian at least) means "whore", so in Spanish, "puta" could easily mean the same. When you capitalized the word, I just assumed it was an acronym. My bad. And no spray-war was intended. Peace.
  8. "P" up the ass? What does the P stand for? Or do I have the whole acronym wrong? Ease up E-rock. I wasn't comin' down on ya.
  9. And how can you challenge us all with your pick without also mentioning "The Magnificent Seven"? Huh? Huh? Huh? It's just a list, for chrissakes!
  10. How could I have forgotten that one? Consider it added ^^
  11. Some have already been mentioned, others haven't. Here's my list (partial, subject to edit): Westerns: Outlaw Josey Wales The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly High Plains Drifter Pale Rider Christ! anything with Clint as the "avenging angel", including his cop roles and Eiger Sanction Young Guns Tombstone War: Saving Private Ryan The Great Escape Where Eagles Dare (has Clint in it ) Black Hawk Down We Were Soldiers Once Big Red One Top Gun Red Dawn Sci Fi: Aliens (the second of the series) Star Trek II - Wrath of Khan Terminator (first one) Comedy: Pulp Fiction Monty Python's Holy Grail The Princess Bride Six Degrees of Separation Stripes World According to Garp Coming to America Fargo Young Frankenstein GAWD, there are so many others!
  12. It's about normal for a good one. I've got an ARVA 9000 that I really like. Got it on discount (store closure) for only about $200. Try this
  13. When I used to live in Houston, it was SOP for my company to toss me "business development" cash to take clients out. It was always to classy, "please feel freely" strip clubs. Nothing feels better than closing a deal over drinks, then hangin' out and sampling the merchandise, all on the company ticket, even if you can't stand the client! As skykilo said, thanks for bringing back the mammaries, timmy.
  14. sobo

    Road Bikes

    I ride a 10+ year old Trek 1500 with aluminum frame and Shimano 600/605 components. I know it's a tank by today's standards, but the shifting still works fine 10 years on. You could probably pick one up used really cheap at a resale bike shop just about anywhere. I paid $400 for mine over 10 years ago. If it's gonna be just for training and "the occasional" century, it'll do ya just fine. My $0.02 CRITICAL EDIT: Make sure that you get the "split seat" if you're gonna spend any significant amount of time on the road. You won't regret it (an neither will your progeny ).
  15. Affirmative action and liberal requirements for foreign students in the Space Academy. Duh. Now that's rich!
  16. How do you think they fight off the cougars? Isn't that what the bolt gun is for? , one for each answer
  17. I thought it signified a "sprayshield" of some sort. "Mr. Sulu, raise the shields!" "Shields inoperative, Captain!" "Scotty, WTF's happening down there?!" "Ah dunno, Cap'n. The circuit's shot!" "Try Auxilliary Power!" "Aye!" Sidebar commentary: I've always wondered, how did this clown get to be Chief Engineer of what must be a multi-bazillion dollar machine if he couldn't take it upon his own initiative to try AP when the shit hits the fan?
  18. I'll watch it only if there's nitroglycerin involved somehow.
  19. you're not serious, right?
  20. Don't know, but it sure is bringing out the heavy-hitterz! Nice joke.
  21. Yeah, but erik's was funnier cuz you were doing laundry. Even if you're doing something else, ALWAYS say "you have to work" cuz nobody's really gonna diss you for keeping your livelihood intact.
  22. sobo


    My math sez that a settlement check of $2,700 less $500 in parts and home labor nets $2,200 profit, not $500...
  23. EXCELLENT avatar pic, BB!
  24. sobo


    Way to go, Muffy! Welcome to the workin'stiffs of the world! For you...
  25. sobo


    I'll dance witcha, but I'd like to know the reason for which I dance... What's UP?
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