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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    WTF happened? I've been off the boards for 2 days straight this week. I'm so busy. I'm so out of it. I'm so
  2. sobo

    Lance ...

    Woah! They don't wear helmets!? Didn't realise that. I thought they'd do it at least for the aerodynamics. They don't for the road race portion. Too hot, probably. See the pic a few posts above. Not a helmet among the bunch of them. But they do for the time trials. Real pointy-back thingies. I think the next time trial is on Saturday.
  3. sobo

    DFA Sightings?

    are you referring to "jp", he whose parents own the winery? WERD PRETTY DECENT GUY AND A MACHINE AS A CLIMBER I would agree with you on both counts, after seeing some of his noteworthy routes in the Tieton. I met him only once, in the Paradise ranger station gearing up for a rescue about 3 years ago. Quiet, confident, and unassuming, in a powerful sort of way. I sincerely doubt he would remember me, tho. I'm just a punter...
  4. sobo

    DFA Sightings?

    are you referring to "jp", he whose parents own the winery?
  5. sobo

    DFA Sightings?

    DFA, Although I'm partial to the deeper reds, you should give the Bonair Chardonnay a try. Also the Barnard Griffith Chard. Both WA wines. Both good values. A wee bit above the quoted price range, but I think you might enjoy them, just the same. Cheers!
  6. FYI: crabs, lobsters, shrimp and the like don't turn red until they get cooked. But the question is well taken. I've often wondered WTF was on some people's minds when they decided to eat something the very first time. "Liver and onions... mmmmmmm... let's cut out and eat the one organ that removes most of the toxins from the body and then concentrates them all in one place. It's gotta taste good, huh?"
  7. sobo

    Lance ...

    One word to describe Lance... "machine" I heard he and his wife have sorta patched things up a bit and are back together. Good for them!
  8. In Freudian thought, doesn't everything signify something sexual? ...and this is now I spend my 1,000th post...
  9. yeah, but ALL CAPS make it look like you're raggin' on folks. But I'm ok, I'll get over it...
  10. gee, erik, that's harsh! what's got your goat - err, I mean, sheep - today? I sense misdirected anger. I know I'm no match for you spraylords, I wuzzunt trying to start something. Just was getting bored, and the beer arrived. SO I'd thought I'd share teh news, just like dru did earlier. Am I so wrong in that?
  11. sobo

    Da White House

    let's just hope it's not George Tenet again...
  12. welll... ummm... ok, whatever. It's just that we're a bunch of engineers, and so getting an hour's headstart on the Friday drinkfest is news to us. I'll stop sharing then. I just realized, 5 more posts and I'll break 1k. I've been spending way too much time on this board lately.
  13. Two, yes count 'em, TWO cases of ice cold hoppy refreshment have just arrived at Ye Olde Grindstone to round out the Friday drudgery. It's going to be a long crawl home tonight...
  14. Did that really happen? Fuckin' hilarious!
  15. sobo

    everybody chat now

    I do, I do I hate that shrew Bwahahahahahahaha!!! Everybody now!!! This is fun i would not like to chat with you for i have laundry yet to do said the mean old Greg W too funny! Sorry Greg, couldn't help laughing.
  16. sobo

    Dissed on Mt B?

    The Kautz a "hardman now route"? Come on now... are we talking Rainier for this one, yes? Those guys on Baker musta been real poseurs.
  17. sobo

    everybody chat now

    I am, I am, Sam I am. Would you like green eggs and ham?
  18. sobo


    I'm going commando right now. No clean shorts. I guess you can't count on Greg at all...
  19. agreed on both counts. And I would move Looking Glass and Whitesides to the "About Right" cat.
  20. Me, too. It was tame by comparison to other things posted here that haven't been pulled. But you shoulda seen the look on the woman's face who walked by my office right as I opened up that thread... (note to self: turn monitor to face away from the door!)
  21. Righteous! What a wanker, him!
  22. sobo


    from the article: "Peters' doctor testified via videotape that there are multiple folds on his thighs and he suffers from sores and infections where the thighs rub together." ewwwwwwwwwwwwww! that's sick!
  23. Yeah, me too. And another is a paraplegic as a result of a fall at Index in '94. And my college climbing partner was murdered in a store hold-up. Left a wife and kid as old as mine is right now. All sux.
  24. not necessarily in any order... my wife's... let's just say, my wife fresh french-pressed coffee fine red wines arugula lettuce mint juleps my climbing gear right before it gets packed for a trip (hypes me up) new car smell money! (whenever it is that I can keep any for any length of time) foreign countries (except the trashy areas of town/countryside) new tires on the rig I'm sure there's more, but I'm late for a meeting.
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