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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    movies that suck.

    And let's forget Bubby Strident in Yentl... Oy ve!
  2. sobo

    movies that suck.

    Any movie starring Stephan Segal
  3. Straight shaft, bent shaft.. WTF? You will learn to climb with what you learn to climb with (Is Yogi Berra out there somewhere?). Seriously, I started ice climbing over 15 years ago with Lowe Hummingbirds long before this bent shaft shiz became all the rage. Replaced the 'birds with BD x-15s (straight shafts) with drooped picks a few years back. I can climb WI-4 easily with straight tools, and have climbed WI-5 with tehm as well before I got married (and fat). So Dave, it's all about good technique. You will be required to use good technique on vertical ice with straight shafts or you WILL bash your knuckles, but it CAN be done without getting hurt. And vertical ice will require droopped picks for security. Just don't bash the shit outta the ice. Accuracy counts. As others have suggested, get Craig's and/or Duane Raleigh's ice books, and maybe even Jeff Lowe's vid and others, and study up with whatever tools you choose. And climb safely.
  4. sobo

    I think

    No we don't. Embrace it, it's very empowering. We mean people are very happy, actually, and lead fairly productive lives. Join us... Resistance is futile... you will be assimilated. We shall add your collective intelligence and technology to our own.
  5. sobo

    the good book(s)

    "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson. I listed it in one of the recent "whutchyareading?" threads. Fahq'n hilarious! Couldn't wait to get back to it, hard to set it down. Read it over a weekend.
  6. sobo


    Or, "I got mad at my woman so i CONQUERED on the head."
  7. Thought that this might liven up your Friday afternoon. It's safe for work, Muffy. Be sure to check out the images of the alternate links at the page bottom and especially the link to the technical design discussion. Too funny! Enjoy!
  8. Do a search on this site for slackline. There was a considerably lengthy discussion (albeit with some spray) not too long ago.
  9. Driving the short hop to work and heard it on NPR. Couldn't believe it. Both towers had been hit, but only one had fallen down as yet. Got to work a little late, and everyone was already in the conference room huddled around the tube. Saw the second tower come down live. I was dumbfounded. The "office asshole" (not our boss, but his brown-noser) came by and gave us the "Let's all get back to work - nothing more to see here - go back to work" speech. We all looked at him a scant second with the squij-eye, and turned our collective attention back to the TV. Fuck you, Loser! What really got me enraged was the scenes from the Middle East - reaction to news there of the attack. The image of that Palestinian woman "yodelling" her satisfaction at the death of hundreds aggravates and enrages me every time I think about it. I hope that she is dead now, and died horribly on her way out. We all went out for a long lunch at Jack-Sons Sports Bar and watched it all again on the big screen, and drank a lot of beer. Nothing much got done that day, nor much for the rest of the week for that matter.
  10. sobo

    Top 3

    As far as climbing went this summer, I really sucked. Only got out on rock like three times, nothing spectacular. On one volcano, nothing spectacular. My summer went like this... 1. Brought our baby boy home from Vietnam 2. Went family camping with our baby boy for the first time 3. Celebrated our baby boy's 1st birthday on Orcas Island I have become domesticated. Some of you out there who've been through "The Dark Years" with your first-ones, please tell me it's not all over for me...
  11. sobo


    I must be one of the few, too... sobo ski polak spiggles spig
  12. I haven't tried it, but I would imagine that the MW radiation would excite the filament in the light bulb and cause it to illuminate (briefly). I would also assume that prolonged exposure of the bulb to MW radiation would cause it to... well, you know, the poodle-in-the-microwave trick, only with flying glass instead of poodle parts. Am I right, mattp?
  13. Where does Attitude stand on this...?
  14. sobo

    ass wipe

    Well, in answer to your question... Anyone who shares living space with a female (human) would immediately notice the increased consumption of TP upon shackin' up, if indeed she was inclined to consume inordinate amounts of the cellulose substance. And secondly, I have participated in several conversations over the years with guys bitchin' about their wife/gf/SO using "so goddamn much toilet paper" that I think it is more of a fundamental characteristic than an individual one. That's just my take. I recall vividly the ramblings of a construction worker on a large project several years ago, who lamented the fact that his wife used so much TP that they went through a roll a day. He described, in great detail, how his wife would weave a "shit mitt", as he termed it, of toilet paper around her hand, consuming several feet of TP at a time, wipe only once with the construction, then discard. She would then repeat the procedure until no brown remained. He claimed that she was responsible for the decimation of the South American rain forests with her TP habit.
  15. sobo

    how to induce vomiting

    Ah! Of course. Poor Baby Jesus... time to cowboy up!
  16. sobo

    ass wipe

    Whatiwannaknow is, why do wimmin use so goddamn much TP in the course of a shit? Before I got married, I could make a roll last for a week to 10 days. With a woman in the house, it's a roll every other day or some shizz. What up wit dat?
  17. sobo

    ass wipe

    And you would know this... how?
  18. sobo

    how to induce vomiting

    Second what Off White said. Ipecac syrup should be a part of any home first aid kit. You should, of course, know when to induce vomiting and when not to induce vomiting. Some things are better off left in the stomach and vastly diluted with milk, water or other liquids. They may do more harm than good coming back up the esophageal passages. BTW, what didja eat?
  19. Classic, lummox, classic! Seriously, erik is correct about the release. Flip-flop just started, so there won't be any river wadin' to Royal Columns until next summer. And those damn river rafter groups are scarfin' up campsites and parking spaces for the next several weeks.
  20. Hey, Billygoat, is that little punker free-soloing? You go, Boy!
  21. Hey RobBob, I just came back from my 25th, and I had a fuckin' blast! Yeah, sure, there were some goofballs there, but on the whole, I danced with my wife for about the first time since we got married, got a little buzzed, and generally had a great time. And all those goofballs saw how I had hit the jackpot with the hottest woman there! It's been the only reunion I've been to, and I was apprehensive about going, but in the end, I'm glad I did. Don't knock it until you've tried it.
  22. This is the same guy that summitted Shasta this past Memorial Day with Pete Rieke, who was the first paraplegic climber to ascend Mt. Rainier under his own power (in June 2000) using a similar device. Reilly's is a tired vehicle, while Rieke's is a tracked vehicle. Both use arm-powered bicycle gearing components, and both frames are made of titanium. Good on ya, Reilly!
  23. Didn't Richard Feynman like crack climbing at the strip bar? Like I said, It's all about having fun!
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