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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    MSR pumps

    Soooooooooo... like, uhhhh, what are the mods? Post a link, SVP.
  2. Wow! Ice climbing in less than marginal conditions could take on a whole new image!
  3. That might be worth an email to Rep. Delvin hisself. Let us know what he sez, eh?
  4. A most excellent feature, Dood. Righteous!
  5. sobo

    Lost: My girlfriend

    Get a hold of this maiden. Be bold!
  6. Either the chum's thick in the water, or it's a desparate cry for help. Hey Layton/lummox - job opportunity!
  7. Follow savaiusini's link that he posted above. ^^
  8. sobo


    Doncha hate that? Always a decision... dress left or dress right? Left or right? Left? Right? hmmmm...
  9. sobo


    Past personal experience would seem to indicate otherwise. Is the chicca in the red dress you, then, since you seem to know these things?
  10. sobo


    Yes, she does. You can tell by the smile/mouth proportions - she's a prude. The couiffure is simply additional confirmation. There was a study done a while back that indicated a propensity for toothy-grinned females with high-cornered mouths and no "M shape" in the upper lip beneath the nose to be lacking in a proclivity for engaging in wanton sexual acts, not the least of which would be not wearing undergarments. True fact!
  11. sobo

    Speaking of Shit

    Three or four Calvin and Hobbs cartoon treasuries. And the TIME/LIFE paperback Greatest Achievements of the 20th Century. I like short reads for the shitter cuz I don't spend much time in there.
  12. sobo

    Joke Time

    Saturday morning arrives and the husband gets up early, dresses quietly, makes his lunch, puts on his long johns, grabs the dog, and goes to the garage to hook up his boat to the truck to head down to his favorite fishin’ hole. Pulling out of the garage, he sees the rain is just pouring down – it’s a freaking torrential downpour! There is snow mixed in with the rain, and the wind is howling at about 60 mph, and it’s bitterly cold. He goes back into the house and turns on the TV to The Weather Channel, where he learns that it is to be like this all day. Sadly, he puts the boat back into the garage, quietly gets undressed, and slips back into bed with his wife. There he spoons up to her back, now with a different anticipation, and whispers, “The weather out there is atrocious.” His wife sleepily replies, “Can you believe my stupid husband is out there fishing in this crap?”
  13. So would that be Saturday (1/10) or Sunday (1/11)?
  14. sobo

    Rushing your shit...

    OMFG! That is just sick! No dinner tonite!
  15. Always viewed it as a 10a. Mebbe I'm just a pussy.
  16. sobo

    Rushing your shit...

    When I was a kid in Italy, they had these unisex shitters all over Western Europe that could be a "face-in" urinal for a guy, or a "face-out" shitter for boths guys and gals. Apparently, if you were gonna take a shit, you would face out, squat, strain, and release. Looks a lot like this: As kids, however, we took this little plaything to its logical conclusion. Nicknaming these types of shitters as "European Bombsights", we would attempt to stand as erect as possbile over the flush hole during the shit mode, and attempt to deposit the ordnance onto the target on the first air strike. Points were awarded for clean hits (we operated on the honor system of course - we weren't that sick!). No collateral damage to worry about whatsoever, as there is no "pond" in which to drop bomblets which might cause splashing. Great fun! PS: My nickname at work is "Rocket Man", as I take no time whatsoever to take a dump, naturally. In and out, complete with hand wash, in less than 2 minutes, every time. Just keeping with the thread topic.
  17. Run out? Ya kiddin' me, right? Looks to me like you could slam in a screw just about anywhere you wanted to slam in one.
  18. It's a little more cumbersome for those of us that don't have our own website to store our images online (i.e., with the URL address already associated with the image), but I have found that this works for me. I think Rob may be saying the same thing as me, but I find that it works for me to have your browser open in two windows, both set to cc.com, and then: 1. With Window 1 open to cc.com, go to My Gallery, and follow the prompts to upload your images from your PC's hard drive to the various forums in the gallery. Upload all of your images first. Leave Widow 1 open. 2. With Window 2 open to cc.com, and open to the forum in which you want to post the pics (Oregon Cascades, say), open a new post, give it a subject, blah blah blah. 3. Return to Window 1 (My Gallery), right click on a pic, and select "copy image location". You'll need to do this one image at a time. 4. Return to Window 2, left click "image" from the Instant UBB Code menu, and follow the prompts to paste that URL to your post in Window 2. 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until all of the desired image URLs have been pasted to your post in Window 2. 6. Add any explanatory text you might want to the post in Window 2, outside of the URL address closure brackets (you know, those thingies that say ), and send the post. 7. Sit back, crack a brew, and revel in the marvel of technology.
  19. Hmmmmmmmm... 200 miles RT over Blewitt in winter, on a school night, to consume mass quantities of high-dollar libations and greasy poultry parts with fellow cc.com-ers that I otherwise would never get to meet. Where do I sign up?
  20. sobo

    Drunk already

    Well, I filled out my timecard this morning that implied that I was going to actually work to 5 pm this afternoon, so I'll leave you to your "trask moderation" duties. Keep me informed of any scandalous/libelous updates.
  21. sobo

    Drunk already

    Hey minx, do you find it odd that, as a sex industry worker, you're the only female following this luridly disgusting thread?
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