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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Worst technical gaffe for the So. Utah footage was the presence of the TR to Clint, who was supposed to be leading the climb.
  2. Thayer David played "Dragon", to whom Clint referred to as "the fat albino" in the film. David died just a coupla years after The Eiger Sanction was released to theaters. He also appeared on several popular television series from the time period (Wild Wild West, Kojak, Rockford Files, Starsky & Hutch, Charlie's Angels, Hawaii Five-O, etc.). Source.
  3. This ^^ was more along the lines of the answer that I was asking for. Not a 1-arm from the get-go, but working towards it.
  4. I'm quite aware that it's assisted. That wasn't the question.
  5. He used a knife, remember?
  6. This "guy" wants to wish timmy a Happy Birthday.
  7. Sorry, Alex, I was thinking of that time suggestion of yours as booting it up there. I suppose you could stash your boards and come down from the Pearly Gates behind Crater Rock to pick them up. I was thinking of the descent in terms of a striaght bug-out from the top down to Timberline. Hence, booting it up to Illumination. My bad. That time on skins is doable, even by this FOWB.
  8. I've always just grabbed my arm just below the wrist with the other hand and done one-armed pull-ups that way. Am I missing something? Is that making it easier, and I'm not being efficient in the work-out?
  9. Jeezuschrist, Alex! 3,500 feet in 2 hours?! I'd say that's more than "decent" shape!
  10. Rob, Is that generic nationwide, or OR law? i.e., would that 2-year period apply in WA as well? I'm in the market for a new policy now, what with the young'n and all, but don't wanna get taken to the cleaners over it, for as little as I get to climb now. What's your source?
  11. I've never been there, but I understand that its big, and they're expecting a large turnout. That's why they chose it.
  12. Hear, hear! Agreed. And now, to lunch!
  13. Still didn't say what you were gonna use them for... I'm curious.
  14. Ya gotta be kidding? Fairly graded as is. And there's a bolt, like, every 5 or 6 feet, and the smears are bomber. My book sez the thrashador bulge move halfway up the first pitch is 5.9, so... fairly graded as is. The second pitch is 5.7 or easy 8.
  15. Good line as well, but you need to put the accent into it, to wit: "Good wezza, bad wezza, any wezza iz good wezza for climbing."
  16. I think that getting killed is quite a stretch for what constitutes "bailing"... My condolences.
  17. I believe that if I looked long enough, I could find the one that I have. It's gonna be waaaaaay in the bottom of the crate. I'll letcha know. Whaddarya gonna do wif 'em? And you're thinking about this project at 3:00 am?
  18. That would be George Kennedy Ohforchrissakes, it was the 70s! That was about all the censors would let you get away with back then. Best quote of the movie: (After the accident on the face, and Montaigne is already dead) Clint: We're not gonna make it, are we? Frietag: No, but we will continue in good style. Classic line!
  19. Accident occurred on Midnight Rambler, very near LWC.
  20. I'm with Bohanon on this one. Clint no matter what he's doing (except that POS Bridges of Madison County). Just hang on, my wife made me watch it with her when she was laid up sick a while back. Never woulda seen it meself. But ya know how that scores points to be redeemed later...
  21. Didn't know if this is the right place to post this, but here is a link to John Miner's and Jim Andrues's memorial services.
  22. For those who would like to know... For John Miner: Friday, Feb 20, 1300 hrs City Church 8800 132nd Avenue NE Kirkland, WA For Jim Andrues: Saturday, Feb 21, 0900 hrs Church for All Nations 111 112th Street Tacoma, WA Tacoma Mountain Rescue Unit's "Celebration of Life" for Jim Andrues and John Miner: Saturday, Feb 21, 1300 hrs Pierce County Environmental Services Bldg. 9850 64th Street West University Place, WA (253) 798-4050
  23. Now that was cool! Righteous!
  24. I've had good luck with these folks in the past, once you touch down in London. Getting to London, on the other hand, can be problematic (and expensive).
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